March 17th- The Final Warning comes out. It's the next book in the series! *bounces*
Hehe. Your name is Fang.. Sorry, I guess that wasn't all that funny. DEFINITELY read the books before watching he movie (If there will be one, that is..) It's a trilogy (so far) and I swear when you read the first, you HAVE to read the other two. xD I SO hope there will be a movie for it. I wonder who Max would be..
Well all of you who read the book: They say they're making a movie and I was wondering: Do any of you know when it will come out or if it's even going to happen? I really, REALLY hope they make it.. I love that series! If anyone has any information please tell me.. Muchas gracias, -Khlover
Never Too Late This world will never be What I expected And if I don't belong Who would have guessed it I will not leave alone Everything that I own To make you feel like it's not too late It's never too late Even if I say It'll be alright Still I hear you say You want to end your life Now and again we try To just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it around 'Cause it's not too late It's never too late No one will ever see This side reflected And if there's something wrong Who would have guessed it And I have left alone Everything that I own To make you feel like It's not too late It's never too late Even if I say It'll be alright Still I hear you say You want to end your life Now and again we try To just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it around 'Cause it's not too late It's never too late The world we knew Won't come back The time we've lost Can't get back The life we had Won't be ours again This world will never be What I expected And if I don't belong Even if I say It'll be alright Still I hear you say You want to end your life Now and again we try To just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it around 'Cause it's not too late It's never too late Maybe we'll turn it around 'Cause it's not too late It's never too late (It's never too late) It's not too late It's never too late
Sora: Can I steal your hair gel? Riku: *glomps* Kairi: . . .*no comment* Axel: Why is there bacon in the soup? Roxas: WHY do you have to have Jessie's voice? WHYYYYY?!
That's funny. . . because there is no level 100 in KH2. Kinda makes you wonder how true this is, hmm? *rolls eyes*
I'd have to say, I never really heard about this until now, but I realize that it has vastly spread amongst the media. I think that if they were passionate about keeping it classified then how is it spread now? If the government is so powerful then why can't it keep a secret I wonder? I think the idea of chip implanting will not work out, because they're ignoring the fact that human beings themselves are not computers, but they are alive. Sticking a chip in a person is just going to store things and watch your every move. It's not going to monitor what you say or hear. That's just a few of the flaws that it includes. For heaven's sake, sci fi doesn't quite fit with reality. And this sounds like a load of sci fi to me. Even if they -are- thinking about it. Chances are it won't happen. Sure we're buddies with Mexico and Canada. But we have so many systems now that changing everything would cause one messed-up ball of yarn. The whole 'Amero' thing doesn't scare me as much. It's just I don't really believe that this could ever work out.
Well if you've come to this thread because you are a fan of this movie, then kudos to you. This happens to be my favorite because of the whole plot. It's a turn of the tables since the protagonist is the terrorist in these situations. I won't spoil the ending or anything and I hope that none of you will either, but I just want to know what some other people think of it. It's a very deep, dark, and violent, but it has a romantic, poetic side to it as well that makes it all blend together to form a good tie of events. And frankly, I understood only 70% of what V was saying the first time I watched the movie, which was probably what made it so good. I like how they make things that are so simple, sound complicated. All in all, I guess people who have a love of poetry and drama would like this movie more, but who knows. So who else out these loves this movie?
Being at least lvl 60 is a must. And, depending on how you prefer to cure, stock all of your inventory with ethers/potions. There is a system that gets going once you realize it. There is an extremely low chance of you beating him the first time, so don't expect it. It took me quite a few tries until I killed him. He has 15 HP bars. Yep, that's right. But don't fear! Once you get going, the bars just go down and down. What you have to know is that he has some really strong attacks that can kill you in a heartbeat. So you might want "second-chance" or something like that that allows you 1 HP left just in case. IT HELPS A LOT. That way you can quickly cure yourself and move on. The triangle will be mashed a lot. Also, work on leveling up your Drive Forms before trying to defeat him. I'd suggest having high jump (from leveling up Valor) and Glide (from leveling up Final) at least. And if you're really patient, level up your Final form to the max and see how fast/long you can glide. :D Use your keyblade with the highest strength (Ex: Oblivion, Ultima Weapon) in this battle because strength is a highly important key to winning. However, the most important part is strategy. By this I mean you own strategy that you develop when attempting to defeat him. Keep re-fighting him over and over until you find a sort of repetitive strategy that you can easily follow. It may get frustrating, but that's what makes it all worthwhile when you finally beat that sucker and get your BEASTY Fenrir keyblade! -Best of Luck and have fun!
Ratatouille Well, we must all love our furry little friend, Remy. I first saw this adorable movie with my friend in theaters and we both came out arguing over whether he was "blue-grey or blue", however, we both agreed on the fact that the movie was fantastic. I actually went a second time with another one of my friends and enjoyed it even more. What I like about it is the plot that involves scrumptious meals, detailed character personalities, and humorous moments throughout the movie. I may be a sucker for cute rodents and stuff, but I really do love this movie and I have it on DVD. I must also say that the new animated short by Pixar was also hilarious. I think it was called Lifted. But anyway, any of you who also like this movie, what were your favorite parts/characters?
I love the ultima weapon. Period. It makes the magic bar fill up so fast! I remember looking at it when I was fighting Sephy and it was like "Woosh!" Made me HAPPEH! I still use it even though I have the Fenrir. The Fenrir has a higher strength, but I dunno. I just don't like it as much. Did any of you beat Sephy with the Oblivion? Or the Pumpkin one? (forgot its name)
Yeah. Elixirs are good lifeboats just in case. Berserk is also REALLY nice to have. REALLY is an understatement, actually.
Okay, I'm trying to make a list of the Organization's real names, but I don't know all of them. Can anyone help with filling in the blanks? 1) Xemnas = Mansex, er, I mean Ansem 2) Xigbar = Bleig 3) Xaldin = Dilin 4) Vexen = Even 5) Lexaeus = Eleus 6) Zexion = Ienzo 7) Saix = Isa? 8) Axel = Lea? 9) Demyx = Demy 10) Luxord = ??? 11) Marluxia = ??? 12)Larxene = ??? 13) Roxas = Sora Also, I've been thinking. I found Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion's real names from the Ansem Reports. But if you've noticed, Xaldin's name, Dilin, doesn't match up perfectly. Instead of an A, you would need another I. It doesn't make much sense because I know that the name was meant to be his, it doesn't make sense with any of the other members. But why are the leters off? Does anyone know why?
Omg V for Vendetta, no doubt. Everything they talk about. . . having to do with the government and all. . . A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I love they way V always talks and when he says, "People should not be afraid of their governments. . . governments should be afraid of their people." :) Yeah Transformers = my second fav. FFVII is cool, too! How does Cloud's hair defy gravity so? LOL
Heh. So I watched that movie and it was better than I thought. The first time it came out I was all like, "A movie based off a kid's toy?" But it's actually not like that. Which is pretty cool, needless to say. The special effects rocked this world and the story line was pretty dang good. I also like that they added humor in all the right places. When I watched it, I laughed my butt off at the parts where the little robot guy was trying to break into the system. When they cut him off and he hit his head against the wall and yelled, "Doh!" I fell outta my seat. Maybe it's just me that finds it funny, but it almost made me forget it was a bad robot! Hehe. But, anyway. I'd say that movie = my new second fav. Any one out there agree?
Haha! I love it when Sora starts laughing at Donald and Goofy and they ask "What?" and Sora's like, "Your face!" Cracks me up every time. . .
Yes! Thanks everyone. . . I leveled up my drive forms and glide is totally awesome on the highest lvl... XD and so I used reflect and it worked amazingly! I defeated him! *does happy dance* THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!
Okay. So I'm lvl 63 on Proud mode. I need to kill Sephiroth so I can get that wonderful Fenrir keyblade. However, I CAN'T SEEM TO BEAT THAT ANNOYING SILVER-HAIRED PUNK! Neh. It seems that every time he floats into the air and says, "Heartless angel" I die because I can't reach him by then. Please! Help! Advice = love and cookies! <3 So pweeeeease help me.
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My strategy for KH2 Oogie Boogie boss What I did was I went up to the front of the machine with the three holes in it and pressed the triangle button so I went through it to another side. You will find more presents when you keep switching from side to side and eventually Oogie will be knocked off that annoying little stand he is on. When he is knocked off, hack away at him until he goes back up. Then, repeat until he is finally finished off.:D