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  1. AxelRedHot
    This game is very funny in my class. It is called 'Wanna buy a Duck?'
    You get as many people to participate in the game to see who screws up their lines. Here is how the game goes:

    'Wanna buy a Duck?'
    'A what??'
    'A Duck!'
    'Does it quack?'
    'Of course it quacks!'

    So one person says the first line. Then the other person says the next line. Then the next person. Yall can go as fast as you can, but it is funny when someone messes up their line in the Duck game! XD

    ENJOY! :<3:
    Thread by: AxelRedHot, Jun 15, 2010, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. AxelRedHot
    Hello Rhaxama, you made a group I see. :=D:
    Thread by: AxelRedHot, Sep 19, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. AxelRedHot
    Hello, this is a random roleplay thread! Now let us begin...
    Thread by: AxelRedHot, Sep 12, 2009, 36 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. AxelRedHot
    Heh! I gotta rise the ranks! :lol:
    Thread by: AxelRedHot, Sep 8, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. AxelRedHot
    A Kingdom Hearts anime. Is it possible? Well, according to this experienced and apparently accurate fan site, it is. Next to those daring words was the phrase "In Production." Furthermore, the Kingdom Hearts anime was listed under the "New Production" category, meaning that these shows have just been introduced. A shocking discovery indeed, thanks to KHN's observant eyes.

    So what does this mean? Is a Kingdom Hearts anime on the way with a whole bucketful of fresh new Japanese animations? The answer remains to be revealed. Although this newly founded information does seem convincing, it is unknown as to how long this Kingdom Hearts anime has been listed in the "New Production" section for, and as to whether or not Moon Phase simply made a mistake.

    If you think about it, we have a heap of Kingdom Hearts related material already heading our way. With the arrival of three new Kingdom Hearts titles, could an anime possibly be squeezed into the release of these anticipated sequels? After all, Square-Enix must be considerably occupied with the production and release of these games, so one can only guess. And quite frankly, that's all one can do when presented with a rumor.

    Square Enix's Tetsuya Nomura (director of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children) says that a theatrical Kingdom Hearts anime could be in the works. After they base an animated film on a video game that has Disney characters in it, I sure hope they make a new video game based on that anime.
    Thread by: AxelRedHot, Aug 15, 2009, 29 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. AxelRedHot
    Hello to all of you my friends and soon to be friends! Does anyone know anymore to who the evil old guy is when we see him in the secret ending of KH 2?

    What I do know is that he was the person who originally created the Kindom Hearts shaped moon, I think... The evil old dude also has a Heartless or a Nobody thing which fights by his side.

    Could anyone please give me more info of who that old guy is?

    P.S. You all can ignore my signature photo which you see on this post if you want....
    Thread by: AxelRedHot, Aug 9, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX