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  1. LayceSatoshi
    I've written a story but i cant think of anything else to continue the story. Plz help with the story! Im rly stuck! thnx sooooo much!
    Heres the story. it has no title either:

    ‘Layce? Are you okay? What are you staring at? Oh, not him again!’ Gemma sighed
    ‘Huh? What happened?’ I sat up with a jerk.
    Lily giggled and Gemma sighed again. They were always doing that. Just then, the bell rang for class.
    ‘Come on!’ Lily jumped up, still full of energy from P.E, ‘We’re going to be late for Music!’
    I’ve always hated Music but today we were singing. That’s what I love to do. Gemma can’t sing at all but she is really good at guitar and Lily’s better at the drums then any of us will ever be. We all walked along the hallway to Music. Kids rushing to class and others just standing there doing nothing apart from talking to their friends.
    I saw him again. The same one as before. I can’t remember his name yet but he is so perfect in every way
    Thread by: LayceSatoshi, Apr 12, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Archives