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  1. Pezz
    Nytheya OOC Thread

    This thread is where we all can discuss the Story for the Nytheya RP. All Characters will be posted at the bottom of this post after they are approved by me. My assistant mod will be mrsbaggins. If you have any questions as to whether something is ok, feel free to ask either her or me. Final say, however, rests with me.

    Before you read any further, be sure to check out the actual RP Thread. You can access it via the link below:

    NOTE: This RP is for people in their late teens and above. Below I have a lot of information to look over. It may be tedious, but I believe that it will be worth it. I went all out with this RP, so I have little doubt that it will be Epic. This is a semi-serious RP. So at least skim through this please.



    1. Age 16 and up only please!

    2. Characters may switch sides if the reason makes sense.

    3. Writings should add to the RP in some way.

    4. Grammar and spelling should always be checked. If what you right is always impossible to read. You will be banned!

    5. God Modding is not allowed however major villains will be godly. There is a reason behind their multiple powers. It will be explained later. Team work is advised when facing them.

    6. No Metagaming. However some characters may end up obtaining certain knowledge of the world around them upon forming a contract with certain spirits.

    7. No Powerplaying.

    8. No Autohitting, However nobody is invincible. Expect to have your character get knocked around from time to time when facing someone new and when against major villains.

    9. No cursing, however one may come up with sayings that are considered curse words in Nytheya. They must be alright with me though. Feel free to try coming up with something to add to the sayings list.

    10. Romance is allowed however adult content is not allowed due to the site’s restrictions. Although the quick summary, explaining the cause of the Cerlin Rebellion, breaks this rule by briefly mentioning an indecent behavior, there should be nothing mentioning it nor any other content like it. It’s only there to give the world some history. Nothing else.

    11. If you are held up by a character for more than 5 days, permission is given to control that player’s character only long enough to get them out of the way. Killing is not allowed unless told otherwise. Same goes for wounding. If not in a fight, but action is crucial, permission is granted for prolong control after consulting me (just stay in character). Remember, no killing, but you are allowed to put them away in a little safe box until their true owner returns XD. If you have a reason for not posting then you may also move your character to a little safe box so as to not disturb other RPers.

    12. A Max of Four Characters (not including spirits, temporary characters, and important characters who will be more involved later). If I feel you can handle it, I will make an exception to this rule.

    13. Don’t be surprised if from time to time I throw in a new plot element into the fray. It would either be for leveling the playing field, adding a little more chaos, story progression and/or to make things a little more interesting.

    14. If you consistently violate the rules or annoy other RPers, then I will kill your characters off in whatever way I find the most amusing.

    15. PM new characters to me first so I can look through them. Only after I give you the okay, may you post them.

    16. If you are designing your first character, then make sure you’ve skimmed through the essentials (prologue, races, powers).

    17. To be allowed to play, you PM me the reason why Thayen could not harm the false king at first.

    18. I reserve the right to edit the rules allow people to break the rules if I deem it to be necessary.

    19. Have fun... or else!​


    Character Sheet

    Race and Class (Ex. Human, Normal. Add wraith to the end if Spirit Wraith):
    Age In Droughts (1 Drought is approximately 1 year):
    Contractor Powers (Put none if you have none):
    Description and Image (include how they fight and what they fight with):​



    NOTE: Any race can play as a Spirit Wraith. The Spirit Wraith Class is acts as a secondary class when creating a Character. That means you can make an Efferian human that is also a Wraith. For more details on the Wraith Class, see corresponding topic below.


    Efferians (Barbarians/Savages)-

    Many believe that the Efferians have no culture and are unintelligent. This, of course, is not true. Their culture just happens to be…. Well…. More crude than most. Known for their tall and muscular physique, the Efferians have a darkish tan skin and sport hair ranging from brown to jet black.

    Efferians believe that neither man nor woman can enter adulthood until after they survived 15 Droughts and have received their first scar in combat. Should they succeed, then they are sent to the Hellborn Caverns to vanquish a Hellfiend. After bringing back its corpse, the corpse is used to make a weapon of their choosing. That weapon will be what defines them for the rest of their life.

    If an Efferian has not achieved the above after 18 Droughts, then they are to be exiled from the Effery Mountains with an “X” branded on the back of their most used hand.

    Many Efferians fear the power of the spirits. For that reason, they don’t take kindly to Contractors that wander into Efferian territory. And by don’t take kindly I mean chop off their heads. Efferian Contractors are not unheard of, just very rare.

    Efferians have a knack for surviving in the wild and are vicious fighters. It is said that, “Efferian fistfights never start with punching. First they grab your head, slam it against a wall, and then they start pummeling your face with their fists.” ​

    Asani Riders-

    An Asani is an intelligent horse like creature that is covered in a soft feathery-furlike coat. An Asani Rider is a being who has managed to “tame” an Asani, or rather they have been chosen by one. Although any human can become an Asani Rider, the Asani feel more comfortable around females. This typically make females better riders than men.

    The best Asani Riders live in the grasslands of Desari. There, the people make a point of “taming” wild Asani. More than a third, of the Desari human population, is an Asani Rider. Asani Riders have an advantage over horse riders in that Asani are quieter, faster, smarter and fearless creatures. However, if there is one thing that Asani can’t do, it would be jumping. Horses are much better at that. In addition, horses are also stronger.​



    There’s nothing wrong with being a normal human. In fact, in some ways, it can be better. People are more likely to consider you to be less of a threat if you appear to be normal. Also, just because you are normal doesn’t mean you can’t have abilities.

    See being “normal” has its advantages. People who have never met you won’t expect for you to suddenly apply fire magic to your whip or summon a spirit beast to finish your opponent off. Best of all I’ll be more likely to approve your character since he/she will most likely not be as overpowered as non-normal characters (unless your character is a Major Villian of course). Yes being normal definitely has its perks. ​

    Fairrels (Enter the Furries – Humanlike beings with animal ears and tails):

    NOTE: Fairrels are not into using swords. They may use daggers but never swords.

    Cat Clan-

    The Cat Clan (CC) Enjoy living in the trees as well as lounging around grand cities. Besides having cat ears and tails the CC looks exactly like humans. They tend to be elegant in the way they move and are outstanding in judging distances. Like normal cats, Cat Fairrels are known for accurately leaping great distances, and they excel at climbing.

    Cat Fairrels never sit. Sitting makes them feel on edge and defenseless. Instead they like to crouch, thus making it easy for them to quickly get back on their feet when danger is near. The CC specializes in a form of martial arts that mainly utilizes kicking. Even as they fight, their movements are graceful.​

    Wolf Clan-

    The Wolf Clan (WC) is the Fairrels’ heavy hitters. They enjoy living in packs while in the wild however they have been known to live peacefully alone in towns as well. A good bunch of them co-exist with the Efferians in the Effery Mountians. For this reason, most Wolf Fairrels make a habit of not becoming a contractor. Wolfs don’t mind getting their hands dirty in a fight. They will do whatever it takes to win. Wolves are fast runners and have a good sense of hearing and smell. Similar to the CC, the WC all have Wolf ears and tails . Their teeth tend to be a tad sharper than a human’s teeth.

    The WC don’t mind mingling with humans however they don’t typically make a habit of befriending them. The biggest reason for this is that some humans make a sport of hunting the WC down. The WC's Martial arts involves more punching than kicking. When in a fight things tend to get messy. ​

    Ferret Clan-

    The Ferret Clan (FC) is a very energetic group of Fairrels. They enjoy living with all beings although they tend to be wary of the Wolf Clan. Out of all the beings of the land, Ferrets love living with humans the most. Ferrets are shorter than most beings. Just like the other clans, Ferrets look like humans except for their Ferret like ears and tails . Their life spans are shorter than humans, and very few get taller than 5’3”. However they make up for their size by being quick on their feet, flexible and clever.

    The Ferret Clan make superb thieves. They have a knack for finding hidden places and for keeping quiet when necessary. Besides being good at it, they actually enjoy it. Sometimes they steal things just for the fun of it. Due to their small size, Ferrets specialize in martial arts that utilizes quick elbow jabs and knee jabs. Because they don’t have to put extra energy into bending their elbows and knees, this makes their blows all the more powerful.​

    Cerlins (Loyal, Honorable and Suppressed):

    Due to their deep instinctual sense of loyalty and honor, for thousands of Droughts the Cerlins have been taken advantage of by Humans. Treated as slaves and given very little money for their work, Cerlins became a cheap source of manually labor all over Nytheya. This was before the Cerlin Revolution broke out over one-hundred Droughts ago.

    Back then, the King of Cidara had secretly raped and killed several of his female Cerlin servants. When the Queen found out about this, she ordered the execution of all female Cerlins above the age of 15 Droughts. Of course this dishonorable act didn’t bode well with the Cerlin population. For the first time, the Cerlins rebelled against the nations.

    Many of the nations decided to just give the Cerlins what they wanted and be done with it. Cidara, however fought until the Cerlins held the castle under siege. The Cerlins demanded the heads of both the King and Queen along with equal rights. So after 3 Cycles, the Royal Advisor wrote up a document with the Cerlins “rights”, cut off the both the King’s and Queen’s head and placed them on a pike for all the world to see. With that, the Cerlin Revolution came to a quick, happy ending and the Royal Advisor now proclaimed himself as the new king of Cidara only to be assassinated five Droughts later (Cidara has never been able to keep a king or queen for more than ten Droughts, with the exception of the previous one. He lasted twenty-eight Droughts and was loved by all the land).

    Cerlins have an undying sense of loyalty and honor. Though sometimes their honor may be twisted to a degree, they will never do what they believe to be unethical. In recent days, the racism against Cerlins has lightened a little, however it’s still there. Cerlins typically get the worst of all the jobs. Cerlins look near identical to humans save their furry pointed ears as can be seen in the depiction below.​


    The Suppressed Folk (Things are fine just the way they are)-

    Although Cerlins have move up from where they used to be, the majority of the population is still treated as lesser beings. The Suppressed folk make up the greater portion of the population. They make just enough money to feed themselves and they get only the crummy jobs, with perhaps a few minor exceptions.

    Despite this lousy life style, the suppressed folk do not complain about their treatment, at least not aloud. There is currently a Black Market which raises and beats young Cerlins until the Cerlins become completely obedient. Once the brainwashing process is complete, they sell the Cerlins to the wealthier and more corrupt beings of the land.

    Occasionally successful raids have been led to free the Cerlins in the Black Market. Unfortunately the damage caused to those that are freed never completely goes away. Some have even been brainwashed to the point that they believe they have no right to freedom. Those that believe such a thing will proceed to viciously attack their rescuers out of fear that not doing so would mean that they are forsaking their honor.​

    The Rebels (There is no honor in servitude)-

    Ever since the Cerlin Revolution, there have been those whom believe that nothing has changed since the war. Sure wages have slightly increased and racism has lessened somewhat but the suppression is still there. These Rebels are against the injustice that is shown to the Cerlin population and have found ways to remove their selves from the norms of the suppressed Cerlin society.

    Rebels show their rebellious ways through mainly underworld professions. Some pretend to be obedient workers by day, while robbing the wealthy and corrupt at night. Others have abandoned society and work as mercenaries for hire or sometimes even assassins. And then there are those that are active members Cerlin Rebel Fighters guild (CRF) whom have secret headquarters throughout all the major cities of the land.

    Although not all rebels are active members of the CRF, the majority of rebels have at least some at least some access to the guild. The Guild provides many perks to its members, including information, weapons training, and a group of acquaintances that a rebel can trust. The CRF is responsible for the majority of attacks against the Black Markets. Their main base of operations is said to lie hidden on one of the feral islands to the northeast.​

    The Upper Class (We are better than those Rebels)-

    The Upper Class’s beliefs are similar to the Rebels, however they do not agree with how the Rebels do things. They believe there are better ways for Cerlins to fight against suppression and that is by being a productive and active member of society. Many have worked their way up to more prestigious ranks such as becoming well know scholars, honorable merchants and sometimes even part of the King’s guard.

    One such Cerlin has even managed to work her way up to being Royal Advisor and lifelong friend of the King of Desari. She is known by most for her beauty, intellect, goodwill, and her love of travel. Others know her for her deadly skills in combat. All that aside, she, along with most other Upper Class Cerlins, believes that the rebels are hindering the rest of the Cerlin population from progressing further.

    The Upper Class makes a point of not mingling with rebels. If anything, they try to hinder any of the CRF’s efforts to terrorize the populace. Some Upper Class dedicate their lives to weeding out the CRF’s members and headquarters. They will not rest until they put a stop to the CRF.​

    Spirit Wraith (Any race can be a Wraith):

    Soul devouring contractors whose own soul has been lost. Despite previously being a contractor, when a new Spirit Wraith is born, they no longer have a spirit power. Instead they are able to steal other contractor's abilities via soul devouring. Wraiths may only have one power at a time. Each time they devour a contractor's soul, the wraith's current power is replaced by the contractor's own power. Because their power is stolen, wraiths do not have a spirit they are contracted to.

    When a Wraith devours a contractor's soul a second wraith is born. This breeding ability was how the first coming of the Wraiths began. Believed to have been wiped out by the general population, that is not the case. A small group survived, patiently awaiting the right opportunity to bring about a second coming.

    In recent times, a new Wraith population has been bred via the strategic methods of the False King of Cidara. Spirit Wraiths follow the lead of the King and his minions (The Kelkar a.k.a. Major Villains). In order to effectively bring about a second coming of the Wraiths, all Wraiths have been commanded to avoid creating new wraiths so as to not attract attention. Instead their current goal is to seek out the Spirit Gods, wielded by the heroes of old, and obtain them for their selves. However, they have been commanded to keep away from Thayen (as far as soul devouring goes).

    Spirit Wraiths are the Villains of this RP. When making a wraith character, they should never be marked as good. This is because upon birth, a Spirit Wraith's mind becomes twisted and corrupt. Your spirit wraith should never start with a Spirit God power unless I say otherwise.​


    "Evil" Organizations

    Black Market

    An organization made of mostly humans. This organization is against giving Cerlins equal rights. This is because a good portion of their profits is made off of illegally selling young, brainwashed Cerlins into slavery.
    Before the Cerlin Rebellion, the Black Market use to be a legit business that was even partially owned by some nobles. As more and more new laws have fallen into place, this has become less and less the case. There are still many nobles that are a part of the Market, but they do their business in the shadows.
    Whenever there is an attempt to give Cerlins more freedom, the proceedings are usually slowed and/or halted via nobles that play a hand in the Market. More often than once has the Market sent in there own set of assassins to do away with Cerlin supporters. This has especially been true for Desari's Royal Adviser. Although all attempts to kill her have ended miserably by her own hands.​

    Cerlin Freedom Fighters

    Though the Cerlin Freedom Fighters are not exactly evil, their ideologies are in the wrong place. The Cerlin Freedom Fighters are an extremist band of Cerlin Rebels who seek the downfall of all human empires. In the past, they have been scattered and unorganized, but lately it seems that someone has been gathering them into one large organized group. War is coming.....​


    Spirit Powers

    A spirit power is granted to anyone how makes a contract with a spirit. Whether it be is going blind, losing your memory or whatever, every contract has a price to be paid and there is no way of know what it will be beforehand.

    All spirits reside in normal looking objects. When the contract is formed, that object becomes a part of you, thus making a tattoo upon your body. Contracts may be formed during any time in the game with my permission. Your character may also start out without a contract. You must negotiate the price you’ll pay with me. Try to make it something that will add to your character. Prices with a death penalty (like Thayen's) are reserved for spirit god powers only

    Those whom seek power make a gamble. Those that gain power form a bond. Once the contract is formed, the contractor and spirit end up having their own kind of private chat line. When talking to one’s spirit, square brackets [] should be placed around what you say. Same goes for when the spirit responds. Additionally, the spirits voice and thoughts should be made bold to help distinguish the difference. You may only have one spirit power.​

    Types of Spirit Powers:

    Perception Manipulation-

    Manipulation of the mind’s perception allows for many interesting powers. I’ll say this right now. NO mind control. NO control over people’s bodies. NO lingering powers when you aren’t around. Illusions are ok, however be warned that proximity enchantments have been designed to ward off such powers in order to prevent theft and cheating during gambling games such as Doubles (a dice game commonly played at inns, bars, etc). If your character is not a major villain, and I feel that his/her Perception power is too powerful, then I may have to ask you to come up with restrictions.​

    Energy Alteration-

    A spirit power that allows one to take energy from a source around them (Heat, electricity, friction, whatever is available), and release it, from the palm of your hand, as something else. For example, The False King of Cidara can use energy to create pressure on whatever he touches. The reason why Thayen shot across the room was because the king used a stored up quantity of energy, to create widespread pressure on Thayen’s chest.

    The effects of releasing energy do not have to be immediate. You are allowed to store it in an object momentarily, sort of like a ticking time bomb. This can allow you to create explosive rocks or whatever. You may not do that to a living object. I don’t want to see any human time bombs walking around. Depending on what your power is, I may allow you to create mines instead of time bombs.

    I may not allow certain abilities to allow the user to store energy for later. Remember to try to make what you do believable. I don’t want to see people catching a dagger in midair and using the kinetic energy to create an atomic bomb. Also keep in mind that absorbing heat energy, happens faster when there is more heat to absorb. Place a limit on how fast you absorb energy. If you take energy from a fire by shoving your hand in it, then you should be harmed to at least some degree.​

    Self Enhancement-

    The ability to enhance part of your bodies properties or its abilities. This ability can be directed toward things like strength, speed, sight, Skin toughness, whatever. You may have this ability in one of two forms. You can either make it something that works 24/7, or you can make it so you have to mentally apply the ability to a part of your body. Depending on what the ability is, I may ask you to do one or the other. Best part about this kind of spirit power is that I may be more likely to allow you to have a non-spirit ability as well.​

    Spirit Summoning-

    Last on the list, we have spirit summoning. As the name implies, this allows you to summon a physical form of your spirit from the Spiritual Plane. Your spirit can be in the form of whatever you like so long as it is not something ridiculous, like a dragon. Some people use their spirit to ride from place to place while others solely use it for combat purposes.

    By summoning your spirit and giving it a physical form you are also exposing it to the possibility of fatigue, physical wounds, and death. Should your spirit die in battle, then you will die as well. Your spirit can not go away unless you dismiss it. Spirits don’t go down easy, but you should be sure to keep an eye on it, during battle, nonetheless. Should your spirit take damage, then it will need time in the Spirit Plane to recover. Also keep in mind that the long you have your spirit out, the more fatigued it will get.

    When a Spirit Wraith steals a Spirit Summoning ability, the summoned spirit becomes monstrous and undead looking.​

    Spirit God Powers-

    Wielded by the Heroes of old, if it weren't for the spirit gods, then Nytheya would have fallen to the Spirit Wraiths. Spirit Gods are named as such do to their power to defy/bend the logic that rules the universe. Thayen has an example of a spirit god. With Lyn's power he can slightly alter how and where a moving non living object (non living not including himself) lands. Another example could be the reversal of movement, seemingly impossible flexibility, and gravity modification. Although not omnipotent, it is said if all these powers were to be used by contractors working together, then you would have an unbeatable team of Contractors.

    Despite it's seemingly godly power Spirit Gods grant, the price that comes with it is more like a rule that can be broken. Should a contractor break this rule, then his/her life will become forfeit. A prime example of this is how Thayen is never allowed to love.​


    Non-Spirit Powers

    Anybody is allowed to have access to ONE non-spirit power. Even Contractors may have a one. However, if you are a Contractor and should I feel that the two powers that you requested are too much, then I will ask you to rethink one or the other. If you become a Contractor midgame, then you may even ask to make your price be your powers.​


    Warping is the ability to warp the shape of certain objects that you touch with your bare skin. The idea behind warping is as follows. Physical contact allows Warpers to stretch, bend and/or mold objects forth dimensionally. To put things simply, just because you can alter the shape of an object, that doesn’t alter any of its physical properties. For example, if one were to take a thick tree branch and stretch it to the point that becomes as thin as a pencil, snapping the branch in two will be no easier than it would have been in its normal state. The same rule applies to making a thin piece of glass thicker. That piece of glass with shatter just as easily as it would have were it still thin.

    There is a limit to what materials a Warper can Warp. Only wood, stone and glass is capable of being Warped. Each material has its own uses. An example could be: glass for cutting, stone for protecting, and wood for light weight weaponry. It’s up to you to figure out how to make the best use of each material. There are proximity enchantments specifically designed to ward off Warping. There is one proximity enchantments for each material. These are used to prevent stealing.

    There are a few rules to Warping. First, if more than one Warper tries to warp the same thing, then it will go back to normal. If a Warper releases his touch on a said Warped object, it goes back to normal. Appling a directional force to an object, while Warping it, can allow you to stretch it in that direction indefinitely. The longer you let an object stretch, using such a method, the slower it will stretch. Other than the stretch method, an objects surface may only be Warped while in contact with the Warper’s skin. Warping is performed via mental thought. Gemstones may be used to Warp stone. You may mold an object, as though it were clay, while Warping it. And finally, Warping does not give “life” to the object you are Warping. If you have any questions, then feel free to ask me.​


    A Sorcerer/Sorceress is a magician who can apply any kind of elemental magic to anything that they are using as a weapon (with the exception of their own body). Once an elemental spell is applied to a weapon, the weapon stores it away for later use. At any point in time a caster may release the stored elemental power onto any object that their weapon comes into contact with (with the exception of projectiles. Projectile elemental power is released on impact). Doing so returns their weapon to normal. Also, if the caster so desires, the elemental spell may be canceled, thus removing it from the weapon. This can be useful since only one spell can be stored at a time.

    The use of any spell requires stamina. Since spells are used simultaneously with actual combat maneuvers, Sorcery is best used sparingly and when least expected. All magicians have the ability to sense when another nearby magician has cast a spell, the problem is that they have no way of know what that spell is. They can, however, sense the general direction that the spell was cast.

    There are four magical elements: Ice, Wind, Electricity, Fire. Each of them have their own uses such as: Ice can cool things; Wind can knock enemies off their feet; Electricity can well.... electrocute enemies; Fire can burn things. It is up to you to find the best way to use these.​


    Shaping is a technique that grants a user the ability to “shape” a physical form out of a unique form of energy which flows throughout the world. The Inhabitants of Nytheya refer to this energy as Lineve and it is comprises all that is life. Due to the world being abundant with this energy there is always an excess of Lineve that floating around within the air.

    Very few have the power to shape this energy. Those that do are known as Shapers. Shapers spend their entire youth learning how to weaponize Lineve. The most skilled humans will use it to create platforms, shields, weapons, etc. When Lineve is Shaped, it distorts light thus making everything behind it appear to ripple. This is the only time that Lineve can be seen by the naked eye.

    To many, shaping is considered an art. Mastering shaping takes around a good 15 to 18 years for most. Even when mastered it is very tiring to continuously maintain a simple wall of Lineve. Not only is it tiring, but it is also quite dangerous. Using an excess amount of this energy, has been known to kill the user. For this reason, the first thing that is ever thought to a shaper is to never shape something until the last possible moment. The next thing they learn is to quit shaping the moment whatever you shaped has served its purpose. The third big rule is that unless you are shaping a weapon, you should never attempt to move something that you have shaped. You waste more energy moving it rather than shaping something completely new. And the last rule that is taught is that the farther away you Shape something, the more energy it requires.

    Note in advance, one Shaper cannot Shape something that a second Shaper is currently Shaping. Also, Shapers don’t technically need to have actual weapons for protection since they are capable of Shaping their own. Shapers usually tend to lean towards a Shaping their favored form of weapon. For those of you who have played in my RPs before, there will be no tearing lineve from its flows in this game. If you have any questions then feel free to ask.​


    Characters That Need Taking!!

    Desari's Royal Adviser - Cerlin Female Upper Class
    Lifelong friend of the King of Desari. She is known by most for her beauty, intellect, goodwill, and her love of travel. Others know her for her deadly skills in combat. All that aside, she believes that the rebels are hindering the rest of the Cerlin population from progressing further.

    The King of Desari was badly wounded by two assassins, on her watch. One managed to escape the other not so lucky. After prolong questioning she learned that the assassin worked for a powerful man who was scheming to cause more trouble in the town of Attal. Her birth place. In secret, she set out to stop this man and whatever it was that he was scheming.​


    Map of Nytheya and Oribit of Aluna






    Characters Accepted

    Played By Pezz

    Name: Thayen
    Gender: Male
    Race and Class: Human, Normal
    Age In Droughts: 22 Droughts
    Good/Evil/Neutral: Good
    Contractor Powers: (Type = Spirit God) He can slightly adjust how and where moving non-living objects (other than himself) land.
    Ability: Warping
    Background: At the age of 7 Thayen hid away as he witnessed his entire family get slain by a by a group of lurkers hiding out in the capitol of Desari. Since then he has been on his own, wandering from town to town, stealing food whenever he could. He discovered his warping abilities at the age of nine and quickly picked up ways to fight and steal using his abilities.

    As the Droughts came and went, Thayen quickly became well known in the underworld, and he picked up contacts within many cities and towns. One day, while robbing a human merchant's house, he ran across a female thief called Felien. The surprise encounter led Felien to believe she had been caught, and without a word she went on the offensive in an attempt to kill him. In the end the ruckus alerted the guards, and the two were forced to work together in order to escape.

    That was the couple's first encounter. Three more were to follow, all three occurred during an attempted robbery. All three foiled again from their surprise meeting. After the forth encounter, they decided probably just be better were they to work together.

    Personaility: Thayen considers himself to be an honorable thief. Mischievous, sly and adventurous, Thayen enjoys when plans do not execute exactly as planned. Although he enjoys having company, ever since Felien died he has mainly decided to keep to himself. For never again did he want to lose a friend, or worst yet, someone he loved.

    like that without the hood. He wraps his right forearms in bandages so he can cover the tattoo on his right forearm and carries around a pouch of small stones. tied to his waist are two a thick wooden rods the length of two arrows. He uses tends to warp them into Quarterstaffs. Instead of the leather armor, he wears a coat concealing knifes. In addition to the knives in his coat, he hides some in the confines of his sleeves. Hidden within his boots are two carefully placed glass shards.​

    Played By Twilight_Nobody13

    Name: Kaliek
    Gender: male
    Race and Class (Ex. Human, Normal): Fairrel, FC
    Age In Droughts (1 Drought is approximately 1 year): 13
    Good/Evil/Neutral: Good
    Contractor Powers (Put none if you have none): none
    Ability: Shaping
    Background: Kaliek’s parents died when he was a young boy. Being still just a child, he’s only 4 feet tall. He takes his role as the last of his family very seriously and yet seems to have ADHD. Being young and naïve has aided him through his journey to do…honestly, he has no idea. His only knowledge of outside his own little fantasy world include, don’t eat something that smells bad and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Kaliek inherited his name from his father. Despite growing up in town as a “street rat”, he rather enjoys being around everyone, including going so far as saying they’re his friends.
    Personaility: Kaliek is frighteningly optimistic and friendly. Being of the Ferret Clan and still a child, his amount of energy seems limitless and thus makes him either fun to be around or a severe pain. He loves to talk, even when on a job and attempting to steal something.
    Description and Image (include how they fight and what they fight with): Mostly hand-to-hand combat but he does have a small three set of knives with a red ribbon attached to the ends.

    Name: Saria
    Gender: female
    Race and Class (Ex. Human, Normal): Fairrel, CC
    Age In Droughts (1 Drought is approximately 1 year): 19
    Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral
    Contractor Powers (Put none if you have none): none
    Ability: Warping
    Background: Saria has lived a little of everywhere and nowhere for too long. She prefers to keep on the move and yet will stay for a while in a town or a forest she finds amusing or comfortable. Saria can’t remember her parents or her childhood due to getting into a fight with an Efferrian a year ago.
    Personaility: Saria tends to keep to herself and likes it that way. Probing into her thoughts or anything else personal tends to lead to a fight or worse…her leaving entirely without a word. Her bite is much worse than her bark.
    Description and Image (include how they fight and what they fight with): Her martial arts and a short dagger she keeps at her hip.

    Played By Marushi

    Name: Keiko
    Gender: Female
    Race and Class (Ex. Human, Normal): Human, normal.
    Age In Droughts (1 Drought is approximately 1 year): 17
    Good/Evil/Neutral: Good
    Contractor Powers (Put none if you have none): None yet; if she gets some, then Spirit Summoning.
    Ability: Sorcery
    Background: Keiko never knew her parents, they died when she was just a baby, and she was raised by her aunt. When she was four, her aunt died and Keiko was sent to live with pretty much anybody who was willing to take her, usually people who just took her in so she could work for them. She kept changing hands in this way until she was fourteen and finally had had enough of the people who took care of her. She ran away from that life and decided to find something to do with her life, something worth fighting for.
    Personaility: Keiko might have had a pretty rough life, but she never lets anything get her down. Very optimistic, She almost always has a smile on her face. However, that doesn't mean that she can't feel sad or angry. She also has a tendancy to sense how other people are feeling.
    Description and Image (include how they fight and what they fight with):
    Keiko doesn't like to fight, but if she needs to, she is very skilled with a bow and arrow. At close range, she can defend herself with a very limited knowledge of martial arts.
    This is what she looks like (Without the camera).
    Thread by: Pezz, Aug 6, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Pezz
    Nytheya: Every Contract Has Its Price

    The OOC Thread can be found at this link:

    Prepare yourself. You have just entered a land full of myths and legends. A land where contracts are made with spirits. A land where creatures of evil consume identities. A land of magic. A land of wonder. Welcome to Nytheya, the land of spirits.

    Nytheya is a secluded continent on the planet of Aluna, a world with two suns and eight seasons. Before I go into more detail, it will be useful to read through the prologue that I wrote below.

    NOTE: This RP is for people in their late teens and above. Below I have a lot of information to look over. It may be tedious, but I believe that it will be worth it. I went all out with this RP, so I have little doubt that it will be Epic. This is a semi-serious RP. So if you don’t want to at least skim through this then I don’t expect you to participate.


    Map of Nytheya and Oribit of Aluna

    Map (incomplete)






    Spirits have coexisted with the world of mortals for thousands and thousands of Droughts (about a year in our time). Some worshiped them in hopes that the praise would bring forth a bountiful harvest and provide enough water to survive the upcoming Drought. Others shunned them; fearing the mystical power the spirits grant, and the curse that comes with it. And then there were a few who would bound their souls to spirits in exchange for power. These souls, good and evil, were known as Contractors.

    As with all things that promise power, there were those who used contracts as a means to rule over others. Armies were bred. Villages pillaged. Across the land a war between Contractors soon broke out. The land was in chaos. In a desperate effort to bring the war to an end, A small faction of people attempted to develop a weapon that would sever the bond that held a mortal’s and spirit’s souls together.

    After raiding an army’s camp, the faction of beings, whom sought peace, managed to take a Contractor prisoner. They used this Contractor to test the weapon on. It was then that things took a turn for the worst.

    The mortals were messing with a power that they did not fully understand. The bond between a man and spirit was much deeper than a simple knot that tied their souls together. For when a man makes a pact with a spirit, their two souls become one. The weapon annihilated the Contractor’s and Spirit’s soul causing a sort of “impulsion” that bonded the two beings in a more physical manner. The resulting creature became an enemy to all that existed.

    With the loss of its soul, this monster, this Spirit Wraith, desperately sought to devour those who still had a soul. It feed on one mortal after another, all the while craving the soul that it had lost. The soul of a Contractor. Whenever the Spirit Wraith did find one, it would quickly consume it. And in doing so, a second Wraith would be born. With the current abundance of contractors, it didn’t take long before the Wraiths had an army of their own.

    A forced truce was made with the nations of Nytheya, for now they had a common enemy. However, this truce had come too late. Famine and plague had made the nations weak, while the Wraiths did not succumb to sickness and had no need for food. Legions of dark creatures followed the Wraiths loyally. Together, entire nations fell before the allied foes.

    When all seemed lost, the remaining survivors whom created the Wraiths entered the fray. Each of them wielded new found spirit powers unlike any other. Together they gave the people hope and a renewed sense of energy. And so the people fought back against the monsters plaguing their beloved Nytheya.

    With their new found resolve, the Wraiths began to fall before the people of the land. Slowly, but surely, the war turned to the people's favor. Through several Droughts the war continued to wage, until finally there was no war. Nearly all the Wraiths had been slaughtered. The remaining few were hunted down viciously. And then, it was over. Once again peace came to Nytheya. For the Wraiths had been vanquished. Or so it was thought…..​

    * * * * *​

    Thousands of Years Later

    “So is this what you meant when you said we would sneak our way into the castle and rob the King blind?” Yelled Felien as she blindly threw a knife in the opposite direction that she was running. The throw was followed by a sudden cry of pain, telling Felien that she hit her mark.

    “More or less,” Responded Thayen with a grin, “Honestly though, I had meant for us to do more stealing rather than running. But I suppose that these trinkets will have to suffice.” Thayen fingered the sterling armband that he managed smuggle within the little time they were given before a few cleaning girls happen to stumble upon Felien and Thayen in the King’s artifact gallery.

    Felien shook her head in response to her lover’s words. Trinkets indeed. She thought. An armband and a jewel encrusted goblet. What a pathetic excuse for a robbery this was. Foiled by the screams of a few simple cleaning girls? What is the world coming to when a thief couldn’t even rob a king inside his own castle? Felien smirked at the thought despite everything else.

    “The cleaning girls only care for the gallery on the first, third and fifth days of the Lunar Cycle.” Mocked Felien. “Isn’t that what you claimed your all-knowing eyes and ears said?” More shouts and orders began to resonate in the halls behind them. Felien’s keen catlike ears twitched at the sound.

    She was a Fairrel of the Cat Clan. And she was in love with a human. Interspecies relationships were looked down on, in this land of Nytheya. In some places it was even forbidden under penalty of death. She cared not, though. Thayen was her one and only, as she was his. Nothing in this world would keep them apart. In a flash Felien pulled more knives out from the confines of her sleeves.

    “Hey now, my eyes and ears are the best of the best of the best.” Said Thayen, his grin never leaving his face. He was enjoying this way too much. Thayen whipped out his own pair of knives. The shouts had reached his ears as well. “Their information just doesn’t happen to be spot on all the time.”

    “This time more so than usual, huh?” Felien asked suppressing a giggle.

    “Yes, quite. Do you think they will give me my money back?”

    This time Felien did let out a giggle. “You go ahead and ask. I’ll watch from a distance.” Felien glanced behind her and prepared to throw a knife, however the knife never left her hand. Thayen stopped her.

    “Save them. Our exits have been cut off.” They had reached the end of the hallway and were now in the middle of a wide open room. Thayen had already sheathed his knives. Instead he had out a thick wooden pole the length of two arrows. With a quick forwards and backwards thrust, the short pole suddenly stretched out length-wise into a full sized Quarterstaff. The look on his face had suddenly gotten serious.

    Felien quickly saw why. A good dozen palace guards were blocking their way out. There was something off about them, though Felien couldn’t quite place her finger on it. Suddenly, their skin began to bubble and pop. Smoke began to omit from the clothing they wore. As their skin melted off their face, their clothing turned to ash. Their transformation didn’t end there. One by one their lower jaws caved in on themselves; cracking and snapping all the while. Saliva dripped from their gaping mouths with their elongated tongues dangling loosely from their throats. Felien cringed at the sight of the bony, jawless creatures that now stood before them.

    “Lurkers.” Growled Thayen. “I wonder if all the palace guards have had their Identities consumed by the fiends.”

    “Lurkers?!” Gasped Felien. Up until now she had never seen a Lurker before. They were even more gruesome than the stories claimed! The torn skin that hung loosely from their upper jaws.... Disgusting! “But what are Lurkers doing inside the castle gr-“ Felien found herself unable to speak due to a sharp pain coming from her torso.

    Slowly Felien looked down. A long blade protruded from her belly. I’ve been impaled! She realized with a shock. Felien collapsed to the ground as her blood began flowing from her body. But how? I didn’t hear anyone sneak up on me. Thayen… No… The world went dark.​

    * * * * *​

    Thayen held Felien close. The Lurkers hadn’t made any move towards him. Why?

    “Well…. That takes care of the Fairrel.” Came a careless voice behind Thayen. A fire burned inside Thayen. Gently placing Felien’s head on the floor, Thayen slowly rose to his feet to face the man who would dare… Thayen’s eyes opened wide with shock. The man who stood tall before Thayen wore regal clothing. His entire body appeared to be covered by a single intricate tattoo. Thayen knew this man. Not personally, but he had seen him before. This man, he was the False King of Cidara.

    Thayen’s expression brought a smile to the king’s face. “Very good. You know who I am, then? Not surprising, not surprising. I am the King after all.”

    “A false king. A dead king.” As soon as the words left Thayen’s mouth, a knife flew from his hand. The King didn’t even react. He was a fool. Thayen’s knives never mi-

    The knife missed by inches. It should have hit! A twisted smile crossed the man’s face. “You cannot win boy!” The king snapped in a harsh hiss of a voice. “You see, I’m untouchable.”

    Thayen grit his teeth. “DAMN CONTRACTOR!” He yelled as two more knives flew from his hands. This time Thayen compensated for his throw by aiming more to the left. Again He’s missed! The daggers flew by the King far to the right. That wasn’t even where he was aiming!

    The King grinned evilly as he began to walk towards Thayen. There was a crazed look in his eye. It was the look of a mad man.

    “I told you. I’m untouchable. So long as you want to hit me-“ Thayen swung the Quarterstaff at the king’s mid-section only for it to end up over the king’s head. “-you can’t. And you, my dear thief, really want to hit me.” The king now stood right in front of Thayen.

    “Perception,” Thayen growled. ”Your spirit’s power deals with the mind’s perception.”

    There was a smug smile on the king’s pale face. Slowly he placed a hand upon Thayen’s chest and chuckled to himself. “Oh, if only you knew.” Thayen gasped as a sudden pressure shot the air from his lungs. The next thing he knew was pain. He felt dazed. Where am I? What was I doing just now?

    Thayen stumbled to his knees. The world around him was spinning. Gasping for air, it slowly came back to him. Felien! I have to…. Thayen realized suddenly that he had been knocked to the other side of the room. What did he do just now? Could it be? How though? That’s not possible!

    “Two?” Thayen gasped, “Two contracts?!”

    Once again the King let out a chuckle. “I suppose you could say that.” He remarked causally. He was kneeling over Felien’s body, examining it. “Such a beauty she was. You were fond of her weren’t you? You know, interspecies relationships are forbidden in my Kingdom. Thievery is also forbidden. Especially, when one is stealing from the King. The punishment. Death.”

    The king placed his ear on Felien’s chest and listened. “Aaaaaaaaaaah, she’s still breathing.” A wicked smile crossed the King’s face as he lifted his head from her chest. “Shall I remove the pike from her back? She’ll be dead for sure then. Her blood will flow like the rivers during the season of Redund. Her body will turn pale and grow cold like the Winter’s snow. Her death will be swift. Yours? Not so much.” There was a lust for blood in those last words.

    Painfully, Thayen stood on his feet. Felien! He needed to save Felien! She can’t die here! He needed a weapon! Power! Anything!

    Power! I need strength! He thought to himself.

    [Power? Strength? Is that what you want?]

    Thayen’s eyes widened. A warmth crept from the armband on his forearm.

    [So be it. Our Contract is formed.]

    “Contract?” Thayen whispered.

    The king froze. His head snapped up. “What did you say boy?”

    A burning sensation came from the armband. Instinctively, Thayen grasped his forearm due to the pain. Then he gasped. The armband was no longer there! In its place a silver tattoo decorated his arm.

    Thayen had no time to ponder this new development for suddenly his body reacted on its own. A knife flew from his hand and….. and it hit! The knife landed snugly in the King’s right shoulder.

    [That’s a bad sign.] Echoed the voice calmly, within Thayen’s mind. [That knife should have passed through his heart.]

    The king didn’t flinch. In fact he didn’t even bother to pull the knife out of his shoulder. His attention was solely focused on Thayen. “You!” growled the king, “You stole THAT! KILL HIM! I WANT HIM DEAD! I WANT THAT ARMBAND BACK!”

    The lurkers, with their tongues dangling from their jawless mouths, suddenly seemed to come to life as they leapt towards their prey. Again Thayen’s body acted on its own accord. His hands moved like the wind. His knives cut flesh with every blow he made. Every attack they made, save a few scratches, he managed to block.

    Thayen had quickly cut open a path for himself. [Spirit, what have you done to me?] He asked. It had to be a spirit. What else could it be?

    [So long as you see it move, and it’s not a living thing other than you, you can slightly adjust how and where it lands.] Said the voice. [And I do have a proper name. You may call me Lyn.]

    [Lyn?] Suddenly he realized he was running away from Felien. [Wait, we’re going the wrong way!]

    [All spirit powers come with a price.]
    Said Lyn.

    [NO! I won’t have that!] Thayen tried to turn around, but he couldn’t. The spirit had full control of his body. Thayen dashed down the hallway, resisting every step of the way. Suddenly he came to a stop. He had reached a dead end. Thayen watch as his own head examined the open window in front of him.

    [It has been too long since I’ve been bound to another’s soul. I won’t have you dying on me the moment I get you! She’s already dead. There’s no way she could survive that wound.]

    Thayen felt his heart stop. He couldn’t go back! He was unable to save her!

    [Time to go.] Chimed Lyn.

    Thayen leaped out of the nearby castle window and found himself nimbly landing on the treetops.

    [There’s no way I could have made that!]

    [Your powers.] Responded Lyn as she made him leap from tree to tree. And so, Thayen escaped.​

    * * * * *​

    The distant sun shined brightly in the night’s sky. Its heat reached Aluna just enough to fend off the autumn night’s chill. Thayen stared up at the sun as though he had seen it for the first time. There were no stars tonight. There never were during a Solar Eve. Never before had Thayen noticed how lonely that made the night sky appear. The sun seemed no bigger than a small pebble. So small. So insignificant. So much like Thayen.

    He managed to escape the city walls and fled into the wild with little to no trouble. He now had control over his body again, however he felt like a part of him had been ripped away. Felien was dead. Gone forever.

    [Why did you make me leave her to die?] He asked Lyn. He was still trying to sort through everything that happened. The Lurkers residing in the castle walls. Felien’s death. His new ability. Lyn taking over his body…. Especially Lyn taking over his own body!

    [Every contract has its price.] Said Lyn. It seemed that was all she ever said on the subject.

    [I NEVER ASKED FOR A CONTRACT!] Thayen shouted into the depths of his mind.

    [Unfortunate indeed, but you got one anyway.] Replied Lyn in a calm and uncaring voice.

    Thayen felt a rush of anger fill up inside him, but he pushed it away trying to keep his cool. [So the death of Felien was my price then?]

    For a moment there was silence. [No.] Lyn said at last. [That was not it.]

    [Then why? Why did I have to leave her? Spirits be damned! I was able to wound him!]

    [Wound him perhaps, but not kill. He’s too powerful for us to defeat like this. And his aura…. His aura is not natural.]

    [Stop dancing around my question, Spirit! You are the one who forced this onto me. I have every right to know why.]

    Again silence.

    [Well?] Thayen’s patience was running low. Were all spirits like this?

    [The price you paid is to never love, for if you do, your life shall be forfeit. Had I allowed you to go to her, the contract would have been void, and you dead.]

    Silence. Pure silence. Not even the wind made a sound. Thayen collapsed to his knees. Still staring up at the night’s sky, Thayen began to chuckle. Soon what began as a chuckle became a laugh. He laughed and laughed for what felt like hours. Finally Thayen’s laughter died down. “Love? I’m not allowed to love?” Again the laughter started.

    Lyn had experienced many responses to her price before, but nothing like this. Was her contractor a mad man?

    “Lyn. This is no price to me.” Thayen said in-between chuckles. “Felien was my one and only. The only women I ever loved. And now…. Now she is dead.” Thayen continued his chuckling. It was due to the irony of the whole situation that he just couldn’t seem to stop.

    He is mad then. Lyn decided. But then… She felt it. A pain in his chest. A wetness in his eyes. Tears running down his cheeks. She felt sorrow…. His sorrow….. And then she understood…. but how? Why now? Many spirits failed to understand human emotions and she was typically one of them. So why did it hurt this time? Why did she understand?

    He wasn’t laughing. He was weeping. Weeping for the one he loved…. For the only one he would ever love. For his lover. His lover who was now-

    “Dead.” Whispered Thayen. “And now she is dead.” His laughter finally came to a halt. He felt hollow inside. Broken. Dead. What was he to do now? Where was he supposed to go from here?

    The white sun glowed dully on his face. Slowly Thayen looked away from the starless sky, and down towards the light grey grass beneath his knees. It was barely even visible in the darkness. “Do you understand now Lyn? Do you see the irony of this whole situation? This is no price to me, for I will never love again.”

    Silence. Absolute silence. That night had no sound at all to Thayen’s ears. It was a night that he would always remember. A night that would shape his life and turn him into the hero that would save this land from the evil that was to come. For Lyn was right. The King was not natural. He had not been for many Droughts. In fact, he was nothing more than a husk.

    So, which side will you choose? Will you see the continent of Nytheya rot and die? Or will you be one of the ones who helps Thayen save the world? He cannot do it alone, for a hero is never born as such. A hero, a true hero, is shaped by those around him. Good and Evil. It’s up to you to see the job through.​



    The season is now Spring. Three Droughts have passed since the day Felien died. Since then, trouble has been brewing throughout all the nations of the land. Lurker incidences and monster sightings have increased. People have gone missing in the night. Rumors of murderous contractors have spread from mouth to mouth. The king of Kailfir was assassinated, thus throwing the country into chaos.

    Other political assassination attempts have become a common occurrence within every nation. The nation of Desari fears for their King after he was wounded from the last attempt. Gayl and Cidara appear to be on the verge of war, and the Efferian Chiefs have all been slain by a certain Cat Contractor.

    At the center of all this turmoil sits the False King of Cidara. His old Advisers, now dead, have been replaced by eight beings who are said to be as mad and powerful as the king. Rumors say that they are more like minions than Advisers. The people referred to them as the Kelkar (Beings of Darkness). As the King sends them out to do his bidding, he laughs as everything falls into place.

    Three Droughts it has been since the sterling armband was stolen. Three Droughts it took to track the one who stole it. Thayen, the thief. Thayen, the contractor. Thayen, the one whose soul is bound to a Spirit God. The king needs this Spirit God to obtain perfection. Rezziev was the one who tracked Thayen down. Rezziev will be the one to bring Thayen back. The King waits patiently as Rezziev prepares an attack on the village of Attal, a town located in southern Desari.

    Unaware of the trouble that is to come, Thayen sits comfortably in the lobby of the Dew Pot Inn. Cheating in a game of Doubles, his current gambling partners are dumbstruck from all the amazing die rolls Thayen has made. The game is supposed to be impossible to cheat in. However, Thayen found a way nonetheless. A way that involves a using a power. A power he gained three Droughts ago. A power with a price that cost him his lover’s life……​


    Creature Descriptions and Depictions

    Death Spawn

    Born from the death of souls that have been completely broken, Death Spawn are utterly cruel creatures. With the ability to see into the depth of one's soul, Death Spawn delight in breaking people down by using their flaws against them. Unable to speak, Death Spawn communicate through one's mind.

    When Death Spawn engage in battle, they continuously attempt to pick apart their victim's soul. They enjoy taunting their combatant while swiftly dodging their blows. Their touch has the ability to burn skin, rot wood, and set cloth aflame. It is never wise to engage death spawn alone unless you are have an abundance of water at your disposal. Water acts as acid to Death Spawn therefore it is the most effective way of killing them. Without water it takes several blows to kill a Spawn. In addition, they do not feel pain.

    Death Spawn are commonly born from continuously tortured victims. For that reason it is common practice to drown torture victims instead of killing them through other methods.​



    Intelligent and deadly monsters mainly found in the Wailing Forest (named such due to the haunting and creepy crying echoing from the woods every night). Screes hunt in twos and threes. They like to lure their victims into an ambush by either pretending to be a lady in distress, or through the cries of half dead children. They tend to prefer the latter because it works. No sane parent would bare stand by when they know their child is being tortured by Screes.

    If there are no kids to be found, then one will disguise itself as a crying young women with long misty-like hair, which surrounds their body and runs down just above their knees. Should anyone come too close, then the last thing they ever hear is the ear piercing screeches of the two other Screes behind him/her.

    All Scree look like women from a distance. Don’t be fooled, though; they are monsters plain and simple. Covered in black scales from the neck down, Screes are mostly active at night. When they attack, it’s as though they are one with the wind. They swoop down from the trees at incredibly fast speeds, with their misty hair flowing behind them. Should they miss their target, then they swoop back up to the trees and wait till you are distracted by another one before going for another pass. Those who have survived an encounter, describe Scree movement as ghostly. They claim that attacking Scree looking like they are riding against the wind’s current. This is due to Scree hair and legs appearing to flow into the wind when they attack their victims.

    Screes let out an ear piercing cry when attacking and before they die. The latter of the two signals other nearby Scree and informs them that help may be needed. Should that death cry be follow by another, then other Screes will start hunting for their sisters’ killer(s) relentlessly. The best way to survive is to find your way out of their territory while killing as few as possible. The more you kill the more vicious Scree get.​



    Lurkers consume your identity and pretend to be you until they find a chance to consume another victim. Worst part about them is there really is no telling when someone is a Lurker. By consuming a person's identity, they are able to impersonate people because they gained all the knowledge that defines someone. That includes memories and looks! When people slowly disappear from a village, one by one, then that usually means that there is a Lurker about.​



    A giant wasp-like creature native to the desert of Vexcier. Along with its massive stinger, Zesp have two “scorpion tail”-like appendages. They use these stinger-like appendages as their main line of offense. So long as you leave them alone, the only time you need to worry about a Zesp is when it’s hungry.​


    A huge nightmarish creature found in the Hellborn Caverns and several forests. Hellfiends are thought to be tortured spirits who lost their way. Covered in a thick hide, the most effective way to kill them is by stabbing them through the eyes and into their brains.​


    Common everywhere except the Vexcier, Scawls are bony creatures which act in a similar manner to wolfs. The difference is Scawls can’t see due to having no eyes. Powerful beasts are deadly when in pacts, Scawls have a highly acute sense of smell, hearing, and touch.​


    Water Leech

    A creature which resides underground. Native to the desert of Vexceir, Water leeches hog any source of water it comes across. These monsters are commonly found residing beneath cacti, slowly draining away all its water. They have also been known to make a home to larger water sources as well. They are considered pests not only because they hog water sources, but also because they will kill anything take approaches the water source it is currently living off of.​


    Mini Guide to Nytheya and the planet of Aluna
    (Not necessary but useful for hardcore roleplaying)​

    There is the white sun, Solara Major, and the red sun, Solara Minor. Aluna has a unique orbit which, from above, makes a shape of an eight. Plant life here (excluding trees) takes on a greyish color. Trees host black leaves.

    Aluna has one moon, called Amimus. Weeks revolve around the moon’s cycle and are referred to as Lunar Cycles. There are 6 days per every normal Lunar Cycle. And 7 during a leap Cycle (leap cycles happen every 5 cycles).

    The seasons are as follows:

    Stis Major (Season of major drought)
    Spring (Planting Season)
    Tempest (Season of Storms)
    Stis Minor (Season of minor drought)
    Autumn (Harvest Season)
    Redund (Flooding Season) ​

    An object’s or person’s age is measured in the number of major droughts survived (This means both. Stis Major and Minor). A single Drought is approximately a year in our time. A year in Aluna’s time is comprised of two droughts. The new year begins halfway through Stis Major.​


    “May water find you whenever there is none.” –A farewell parting. Response - “You as well my friend.” Or whatever else you can think of.

    “May the Drought never take you.” – conveys the same meaning as the last.

    “Spirits be with you”- Another parting.

    “Spirits condemn <blank>” pretty much the equivalent of “Damn <blank>”

    “Spirits be damned!” – equivalent of “Damn it!” A simple “Damn it!” is fine to.

    “The Drought claims us all….” It means, “Everybody dies someday.”​

    *** (Feel free to make your own. Just try to keep them relevant to Nytheya.) ***
    ***A saying can be altered in any way you wish so long as it conveys the same meaning. ***
    Thread by: Pezz, Aug 2, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Pezz
    Okay, so I hear that 3DS is supposed to be more of a Mothership title, but you and I both know that, at least as of right now, we consider KHIII to be the next main game. So taking that into mind, several of us must be dieing to know what is going to happen in it. Well fortunately, We already have so many side games that came out and a wealth of additional information to look at in order to make likely assumptions. After deeply considering this, here is a list of what I came up with.

    What We Can Expect

    So the first category in this list is what we can expect to happen in the third game. In this category we can list all the obvious things that we know are going to happen.

    • The return of Sora and his gang (Kairi and Riku)
    • The return of Micky and his gang (Donald and Goofy)
    • The return of Master Xehanort as the main villain.
    • New Disney worlds
    • Aqua and Ansem working together in a similar, if not more friendlier, fashion as to how Ansem worked with Riku In KHII
    • Ven's awakening
    • Another Method of opening Kingdom Hearts, perhaps once again through the X-blade
    • New abilities for Sora
    • Terra regains control of his body
    • New Secret Reports
    • The conclusion to the Xehanort saga
    • The in game explaination of how a person can return to normal if their heartless is destroyed before their nobody.

    From what we already know KHIII will be the conclusion to the Xehanort Saga. What comes next is anyone's guess, but in any case Xehanort's saga will end as will any loose ends that were deeply tied to it. That means a happy ending for everyone. But what will it mean when Ven awakens? Will it happen at the end of the game or in the middle? If it happens in the middle, then we can likely expect for the return of the X-Blade and the beginning of the New Keyblade Wars. In any case all of this is merely speculation, which means we can fit it into a new category.

    What We Can Probably Expect

    • the awakening of Ven will play an important role
    • The start of a New Keyblade Wars
    • Return of Org members (Some will be good, others will be bad)
    • A new kind of enemy
    • Lea's (Axel) assitance and perhaps even Isa (Siax)
    • Ansem's aprentices as a "new" org of baddies.
    • Kairi not being as useless anymore, though still useless to an extent
    • More manipulation from Xehanort.
    • Xehanort's goal in this game will not be to gain the power KH, but to instead return to being what he wanted in BBS, a new Keyblade Wars
    • Maleficent rebuilding an army of heartless.

    In BBS, we saw the X-Blade play a sort of minor role. I would expect for it to be somewhat more important in the next game, which is why I believe that Ven's awakening is so important. I wouldn't be surprised if Xehanort manipulates Sora into reawakening Ven prematurely halfway through the game, thus somehow recreating the X-Blade. Then again I recall Xehanort mentioning yet another way for him to Open KH so he may use that way instead.

    Whatever his goals are, I highly doubt that it is to obtain the power of KH. That was never his goal in BBS So why would it change now? It is understandable that he may have been interested in it during KH I and II because he was not himself/complete in those games. As a heartless he was consumed by darkness, and so he was obsessed with KH's power, and as a nobody he had no heart and so sought the power of one. What you have to remember is that Heartless and Nobodies don't think like a whole person. though a Nobody may be more intelligent than a heartless, and may remember it's desires for when it was whole, A nobody simply does not care. They have no emotions and their only desire, for the most part, is to be complete. Besides, not only would it be a little too redundant for him to seek KH's power once again, but it would would not match up with his goals when he was still whole. But once again, this is all speculation. Let us move on to the next category.

    What We Could Expect

    In this category we are making assumptions that could very well be wrong. However, these assumptions are based on previously provided knowledge. Let us begin.

    • A divide once again between the goals of the "revived" Org members
    • Sora learns to use his Keyblade like a vehicle
    • Sora gains armor like Ven and company
    • The end of the massive Heartless population
    • Return of The World That Never Was
    • Radiant Garden Completely restored to it's former state.
    • an exclusion of Nobodies from the game.
    • a final confrontation with Maleficent

    If all of the Org member get revived, then I wouldn't be surprised to see divide between their goals once again, like what happened in CoM. I also wouldn't be surprised if they exclude Nobodies from the game, however if TWTNW returns, then we very well may see some nobodies.

    Well there really isn't much more for me to say right now, expect what do you all think about this and what do you expect?
    Thread by: Pezz, Jan 7, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Pezz
    RP Setting

    Imagine a world of magic. A world of wonder. A world of good. A world of evil. A world where the elements can be Molded, where mystical creatures walk the land, where the energy from life itself can become one's weapon. This is the world of Laifel.

    About this Rp

    This rp picks up where after the original thread, The world of Laifel, left off. We had a brief break, but now we are back for more.

    About This World

    Laifel is a world that is vast in size. Featuring 8 different continents, This RP will take place on the Continent of Demoir. Demoir, The land where The War of Angelens and Demons took place. A long, forgotten war that took place a millennium ago. It lasted for 10 years before the Angelens, with the help of the people of the land, managed to beat back the Demons and seal away the rift that leads to the depths of the Demonic Realm.

    Demoir Is still under the creation stage. Feel free to help out.


    Read the rules before playing.

    1. No god powers
    2. Use proper grammar and spelling
    3. color code your character
    4. Killing other people's characters is allowed with their permission.
    5. Please only ages 13 and up
    6. Try to not use curse words. Words like Damn is fine.
    7. Romance is ok, but don't go into the "Ha cha cha" stuff
    8. You cannot control other people's characters.
    9. Be sure to at least skim through all the information about this rp
    10. be courteous to others
    11. Crossbreeds cannot be half Lizard, Demon, Leecher, Angelen, or Summon.
    12. Powers should make sense.
    13. PM me your characters before posting them. Only post them if I give you permission.
    14. Try to advance the story in a way that will allow others to join in. And no "I knew it all along" BS please.
    15. I will give you two warnings if you constantly break the rules. The third warning will result in the death of your character and you will not be allow to play in this RP again. If you continue to post after that, I will report you to an admin.
    16. Type "Pezz is the Greatest!" on your first post so I know you read the rules.
    17. Try to have fun!

    Creatures of the land

    Humans- No need to describe them. we all know what humans are. Humans are allowed to have one of three powers. They can either use telekinesis, magic, or they can be a Shaper. For more info on these powers, view the section "Human Powers".

    Fairrels- Animals with human characteristics. Some appear more human than others. there are several different tribes. Fairrels are faster than humans, have quick reactions, and each tribe specializes in its own style of Martial Arts. Occasionally Fairrels use weapons. Their weapons almost always are without blades. Fairrels prefer to squat instead of sit.

    Types of Fairrels

    * Cat Clan - The Cat Clan (CC) Prefer living in the trees. All of them have cat ears and some have tails. A few even have retractable claws and fur.
    Just like normal cats, the CC can leap great distances. The CC specializes in martial arts that is 80% Kicking and 20% Punching. They are graceful in their movements.
    * Wolf Clan - The Wolf Clan (WC) live in the woods and like to stick to the ground. Similar to the CC, WC members all have Wolf ears and some have tails. A few have non-retractable claws, fur, and sharp teeth. Their canine teeth are larger than human canine teeth.
    The WC dislike humans due to the fact that many of them have been hunted down by humans. WC members can jump great distances but not as great as the CC. The WC's Martail arts is 20% Kicking and 80% Punching.
    * Lizard Clan - The Lizard Clan (LC) Are cold blooded and savage in nature. Unlike the other clans, the LC have no visable ears. Instead, they have small holes on the side of there heads. All of them have sharp teeth and claws. Some have tails. A few have scales. none have hair.
    The LC are predators and are feared by humankind. The LC hate Humanity and wish to see all humans dead. they sided with the demons during the ancient war. Many were wiped out during the war.
    Because they are cold blooded, The LC prefer warm climates and cannot survive long in the cold. The LC are not good jumpers, but they are adept in Climbing. They can climb the smoothest of surfaces. Their style of fighting is 50% kicking and 50% punching. They have no need of weapons since they have claws and teeth. The LC does not wear shoes.

    Cylians- A Wise race of creatures who can have a lifespan that lasts for thousands of years. Cylians are like the Elves of this world. They have eternal youth, which gives them the appearance of a child. Cylians look exactly like humans except their ears have a small point to them. Adult Cylians have the appearance of someone in their very early teens (they look no older than 16). A Cylian is considered an adult at age 500.
    Cylians are one with nature. If nature were to vanish from the world, they would all die. They have the ability to speak with any object that is a part of nature (rock, plant, whatever) by just touching the object with their hand. In addition to that, each Cylian is born with the ability to manipulate a single element. Such elements includes Plant, stone, Metal, water, fire, Wind, etc. The Cylians refer to this power as "Molding".
    Cylians that can mold Mold metal, make the greatest of weapons. likewise, those who Mold Stone, make architectural wonders. Some Cylians enjoy living with Humans instead of their kind.

    Leechers- Leechers are like the Orcs of this world. They are minor demons that were left behind during the war. Since then, they've been breeding in the mountains, swamps, Caverns that lead underground, etc.
    They are humanoid creatures without eyelids. Their skin is gray and hangs loosely from their bony body. They have patches of hair and rotten yellow teeth.
    Leechers are surprisingly strong. They are cruel creatures that enjoy nothing but killing. They show no mercy to their prey. Leechers do make their own weapons, but even without a weapon, they are dangerous. Upon cornering their prey, a Leecher will bear hug the victim and bite a chunk off the victim's neck. Leechers are feared by all creatures alike, besides Demons, Summons, and Angelens.

    Demons- Ancient terrors that were banished to the Demonic Relm. Demons are horrifically powerful. most demons take two forms. A Human form, And their true form.
    A Demon's true form looks like something from a nightmare. Most Demons have a true form that looks like a mixture of animals fused together. However, there are a few whose true form is not a mixture of animals. They can also be composed of plants, or other things like a skeleton of a monster with a body composed of an acidic slime.
    The most powerful and ferocious of Demons mainly take on a human form. These ones have the power to heal and to do unimaginable feats. they are greatly feared even by other demons. Only a few of these exist. This type of demon has it's own name. They are called Devils (due to lack of a better name :-/ ).
    Every demon has it's own unique abilities. no two demons are the same. They cannot die from old age, but they are mortal. Demons can be slain by normal means, but it takes plenty of effort. Even in their human forms, they are dangerous. It is wise not to take a demon on by one's self.
    As of right now the Demons are thought to be sealed away in the Demonic Realm.

    Angelens- Creatures born for a single purpose to protect the world of Laifel. They can be thought of as good Demons, except these are not creatures that look like living nightmares. Only a few exist.
    The most powerful ones also mainly take on their human form. They refer to themselves as Angels.
    There are more demons then there are Angelens.

    Summons- Powerful creatures whose power rivals that of a demon. Only Five exist; their spirit is locked away in ordinary looking gems. The gems are scattered across the land. A summon can only be awakened once the one, that is destined to become its master, appears.
    Summons are intelligent creatures that obey their masters orders. Even evil people can have summons. A summon's personality reflects it's master's actions.
    Upon obtaining a Summon, The Master will have a teleconnectic link with their Summon. They won't be able to hear one's thoughts, but they can feel the others feelings. Because of this link, Master and Summon will always know when the other is in danger.

    Note: Summons are RPed by the same person who RPs their master. 3 of the Summons are taken. There are 2 more Summons available.

    Vampires- Suggested by The Joker. We all should know what vampires are. If you don't then tough. I'm not spending another hour typing it up .
    The vampires of Laifel are ancient people from a Cursed Kingdom. They live on the island that is now called Sin Isle. (I'll make an updated map)
    Vampires have super human speed and excellent night vision. They are not killed by the sun, but they are blinded by it. Vampires have the ability to fly short distances.
    Vampires also have the ability to control an aspect of an element. like smoke or Heat from fire, vapor from water, etc. This was suggested by Garxena.

    Crossbreeds- Beings whose parents are of different races. Crossbreeds cannot be half Lizard, Demon, Leecher, Angelen, or Summon. Crossbreeds can make for some of the most interesting characters.

    Human Powers

    Magic Uses the mana of the world. Using magic can be very tiring. Only a few humans have the power to use it. For most people, it takes years of practice to master. People who can use magic are called Mages

    Shaping A technique that uses an energy, similar to mana. The energy is called Lineve, and it is what all life forms are composed of. It is the energy that give life to creatures. the world is abundant with this energy. There is always excess Lineve that floats in the air.
    There are a few Humans that have the power to shape this energy and use it to fight. The most skilled humans will use it to create platforms, shields, weapons, etc. When Lineve is Shaped, it distorts the light, making it visible to the naked eye. Again it takes years to master and is very tiring. Using an excess amount, of this energy, at once can ultimately kill the user. People with the ability to shape are called Shapers.

    Telekinesis Not much to explain here, we should know what it is. Moving objects with the mind. Not as tiring as Magic or Shaping, but a prolonged overuse can cause bleeding form the ears and unconsciousness. Death can occur, but usually the user would fall unconscious before that happens. This is a very rare gift. suggested by Mrs. Baggins.

    Character Layout

    PM me with your character layout. I'll look over it to make sure it works.

    Name (full)-
    Powers (if any)-
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)
    Weapon (if any)-
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)-

    The Story

    In order to banish the Demons from the world, Six powerful Angelens sacrificed themselves to create the seal that would banish the Demons to the Demonic Realm. These six Angelens stored their life force into six different crystals. The crystals were then used to create the seal.
    Afterwards, each crystal was entrusted to the races of the world. One went to the Cylians, one to the Cat Clan, One to the Wolf Clan, and Three to the humans.
    Time moved on and the war was forgotten. However the time for a second war was close at hand. The crystals were weakening as was the seal. It wasn't long before the first crystal cracked. The loss of that single crystal released a weaker Demon; A parasite, of sorts, that would latch onto and take control of its host. The Demon worked it's way from host to host, till it finally came across one with the power to govern an entire kingdom. It had taken a King.
    The King had rule of the Kingdom called Ilianam. The kingdom quickly went on a decline. Crime, famine, and disease plagued the land of Ilianam. The King began to make rash decisions and punished those who had done nothing. He eventually even had his eldest Son beheaded.
    Tristan, the King's younger son, could no longer sit still and watch his father destroy his own kingdom. He confronted his father, and, in doing so, was banished from Ilianam under penalty of death.
    Our Story begins With young Tristan. The boy with nowhere to now call a home.


    Note: each new character will have a link to the page with the post on who the character is except for the old characters. I'll get the old ones up as I go.

    Tristan Alzeire (post 1)
    Venuzsa (post 1)
    Naserrea (post 1)
    Karchit Jahirie (Karchit the Sharp Tooth) (post 1)
    Zack Taelin (The Shining Dragon) (post 1)

    Lanan Curas (post 2)
    King Bryne Alzeire III (post 2)
    Ras'tepa (post 2)
    Azazel (post 2)
    Rubira (post 2)
    Whisk (post 4)

    Aduial Brún (post 11)
    Aidou Hanabusa (post 11)
    Sameire Alzeire (post 11)
    Benjamin (Ben) (post 11)

    Eleanor McKynley (post 12)

    Gemini Alvia (post 13)

    --riku1186 --
    Alira Lived (post 9)
    Ekaf (post 9)
    Lauren Clark (post 9)
    Robbie Versia (post 25)
    Sophia Menia (post 25)

    --Danny Phantom--
    Alexander Krass (post 7)
    Somnion (post 7)
    Valinos Quint (Nox) (post 7)
    Bolverk Terra (post 7)
    Drayne Garul (post 7)

    Enix Eclair (post 26)
    Alexandus Lavastine (post 51)

    Characters that need taking

    These characters will play a crucial role in the game! None available now. More to come soon.


    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Tristan Alzeire
    Race- Human
    Powers- Is a master at Shaping, will eventually have a summon.
    Age- 19
    Gender- male
    Side- good
    Weapon- Twin Blades made from Lineve. They have no real physical form.
    Background- Son of King Bryne. Tristan was recently banished from his homeland, for stepping up to his father's harsh rule, leaving his younger sister Sameire, behind.
    With nowhere to go, Tristan wonders from place to place. Our story begins with him in the Fishing Village of Triwn, located on the shores of the country called Baflee. Baflee is Southeast of Ilianam.
    The Power to Shape has been in Tristan's family for ages. At a young age he was taught how to master Lineve. Tristan rarely uses his sword, instead he likes to Shape twin blades out of Lineve. This can give Tristan the element of surprise in battle, for he'll make his twin appear out of nowhere. Likewise, he can make them dissipate at anytime as well. Tristan Lineve Blades can easily slice through many materials, Including weak metals. Tristan prefers keeping his identity a secret. He rides a female Stallion, grayish in color, named Mist. Tristan is a tad of a show off, but is good at heart.
    Appearance- Hazelnut brown hair, cut short, and pale blue eyes. Being a member of the royal family of Ilianam, Tristan has a tattoo, of his family's crest, located on his back right shoulder. Because he was banished, Tristan no longer wheres fancy clothes.
    As of Right now, Tristan has been hearing a sinister voice in his head. It seems to know things that Tristan does not. According to the voice, it is not a demon.

    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Venuzsa
    Race- Demon (Class Devil)
    Powers - {Power that is given to all Devils/Angels} Quick Regenerative abilities.
    {Human Form/True Form} The power to enslave Humans and Fairrels; Senses nearby living creatures.
    Gender- Female
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)- Evil
    Weapon (if any)- Venuzsa needs no weapons. She is a weapon.
    {Human Form} can stretch and lash arms and legs out like whips. Each strand of hair is really a seed that can enslave people. poison tipped nails
    {True Form} Poison tipped thorns. Vines that can strike from underground. One giant mouth shaped like a Venus Flytrap along with several smaller ones. The mouths have an acidic coating (the acid is stomach acid).
    Appearance -
    {Human Form} Waist, long hair that looks like the midnight sky, and it flows towards the nearest living creature (except demons, Leechers, and Summons). On each side, above her ears, is a blue lily. Her eyes and they have an Asian look to them. There are no whites in her eyes, they are dead black, making it impossible to tell if she is looking at you. Her skin is a pale tan. Her lips and nails are painted black. She wears black, skintight clothing; A tank top and long pants.
    {True Form} A giant tangle of thin, thorny vines, with several orange/red Flowers that resemble Venus flytraps. Everything, except the flowers, is a green that is unnaturally dark color.
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- Self proclaimed "Queen of Demons" Not much is known about This Demon. She was among the most fearful of demons, during the ancient war. She has kill many Angelens, two which were Angel class.
    Her Her poison tipped thorns/nails made her difficult to battle. Prolonged exposure causes dizziness and double vision. Every other race was immune.
    In her human form, she can pluck strands of her hair off and blow them into the wind. They will then find the closest living creature to latch onto. upon contact, they grow instantly. A flower forms where they landed, and its roots grow underneath the skin. more flowers will begin to bud as the roots slowly drain the victims of fluids, causing a painfully slow death. If the flowers are not killed within a few hours, victim will become forever enslaved to Venuzsa, even after death takes them. Venuzsa can only enslave Fairrels and humans, but everything takes twice as long for Fairrels, than it does for humans.
    Venuzsa hates the cold and fire. she cannot move positions while in her true form. She is still locked away in the Demonic Realm.

    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Naserrea
    Race- Summon
    Powers (if any)- Power over elements of nature. Plants, wind, earth, and water. She is more in tune with nature than the Cylians. She can hover/glide through the air.
    Age- ???
    Gender- Female
    Side- Good
    Weapon (if any)- none
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- Naserrea is the spirit of nature and because of that she is a legend in Cylian mythology. She has had only three masters. A Cylian who fought and died in the war, a Cat, and a human. Being a summon, she listens and obeys her master. Right now her master isTristan Alzeire.
    Appearance- Naserrea normally takes on the appearance of a young girl that looks 18 in age. Her hair is a reddish brown that flows below her shoulders. Here eyes are Jade green. Her appearance can change depending on her moods. If angry, her hair may burst into flame and her arms and hands will burst into water. She prefers not wearing clothes, but wears clothes anyways since her masters tend to feel uncomfortable with a naked girl around.
    When wearing clothes she calls upon the silk worms to spin their silk. She then uses the wind to send the silk to her. Since the silk was made by nature. Naserrea can then magically weave the silk into clothes that she can wear. For foot wear, she wears the smoothest of softwood sandals.

    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Karchit Jahirie (Karchit the Sharp Tooth)
    Race- Lizard
    Powers (if any)- natural lizard powers
    Age- 27
    Gender- Male
    Side- Evil
    Weapon (if any)- his tail, teeth, and claws.
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- Karchit is a highly recognized Lizard general who has fought in many battles. He has been given the name Karchit the Sharp Tooth.
    Appearance- for the most part, he is covered in scales, except for a patch of human skin surrounding his right eye and stretching to the back of his head. His eyes are yellow.

    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Zack Taelin (The Shining Dragon)
    Race- Angelen, Class Angel.
    Powers (if any)-
    [Human form] Fast reflexes, can fire beams of light from his hands.
    [True form] heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing. Breathes fire. Can fire bolts of light. Can rain down several bolts of light (his ultimate move, but it takes Several days to fully charge)
    Age- ???
    Gender- Male
    Side- Good
    Weapon (if any)-
    [Human form] manriki chain (A three foot long chain that is weighted on both ends.) which he keeps concealed under his right sleeve.
    [True form] Teeth, claws, and a spiked tail
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- Zack played a major role in the ancient war. He fought and helped to win many battles. His signature attack, 'A Thousand Rays of Light', was what gave him the nickname 'The Shining Dragon'.
    Zack is often mistaken as a kid because of his appearance. many of his opponents have met their demise because they underestimated him. His personality is unlike that of a kid's. He takes things very seriously and barely spends any time relaxing. However, despite his serious attitude, Zack honestly has a good nature to him. He cares for the world and it's people.
    Due to Recent events, Zack has set out, with two other Angelens, to save Baflee from a tragic demise.
    [Human form] no cat ears or tail.

    [True form] His scales are more white.

    Map of Demoir

    Work in progress
    Thread by: Pezz, May 7, 2010, 103 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Pezz
    That's right! believe it or not, They've actually decided to finish Inuyasha. I guess it was going to happen eventually. I mean, how could you leave an anime, like that, hanging out in the rain? Of course the greatness of Inuyasha doesn't compete with the likes of Fullmetal Alchemist (obvious FMA fan here), but you still can't end a prolonged series the way they did.

    Well anyway, here's the question that you are all probably wondering. When is it coming out? Well I have your answer. This fall. That's right. We'll be seeing it this Fall. The fall season seems to be coming out with a lot of great anime, and this will be one of them. For all you Inuyasha fans, be sure to check out 'Inuyasha Final Act' A.K.A 'Inuyasha: Kenketsu Hen' This fall.
    Thread by: Pezz, Aug 3, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Pezz
    'Ao No Exorcist' An new and interesting manga

    So I was skimming through recent manga titles, on, because I decided that it was time for me to pick up a new manga series to read. I came across a new title, 'Ao No Exorcist', and thought, "Hey, why not?" So I began reading it and before the end of the first issue, I became interested. By the end of the second, I was hooked. Has anyone else checked it out?

    It has an interesting story with some common themes found in Manga.

    It's about a boy who is was born as a half demon because he was the son of Satan. A Priest, who knew what he was, decided to raise him as his own in order to protect him from Satan, who desires to rule the human world but can't because anything he possesses, in the human world, dies shortly after. Well anyway, Satan appears one day in order to retrieve his son so he can use him to rule the world. And that's when things get interesting. You should check it out.
    Spoilers Over

    here's a link.
    Thread by: Pezz, Jul 24, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Pezz
    RP Setting

    Imagine a world of magic. A world of wonder. A world of good. A world of evil. A world where the laws of the physics can be Bended to one’s will, where mystical creatures walk the land, where the energy from life itself can become one's weapon. This is the world of Laifel.

    Note: This Rp is a spin off from my other RP, The World of Laifel. This one takes places on another continent. New creatures, new characters, new villains, and a new story.

    About This World​

    Laifel is a world that is vast in size. Featuring 8 different continents, This RP will take place on the Continent of Zelidar. Zelidar, the Land of the Sky. An isolated continent that literally floats in the sky. The land is broken into five different islands that are surrounded by an ocean of clouds.

    Life energy, called Lineve, is thick in this part of the world, especially beneath the ocean of clouds. This thick atmosphere of Lineve helps to keep the continent afloat. The humans, of this land, have long sought to harness Lineve and use it to power machines. It is because of this desire that the Lineve Project began.
    Zelidar is still under the creation stage. Feel free to help out.

    The Story

    Ten years ago, on the island of what is now known as Vizet Oi’zein, An organization of humans conducted an experiment on the world’s flows of Lineve. The goal of the experiment was to obtain additional knowledge about Lineve and its makeup. To do that, scientists created a device that would decompose a sample, from a flow of Lineve.

    The device was a success. It was able to successfully decompose Lineve. However, the humans didn’t anticipate that this would cause the flow, which the decomposed Lineve was connected to, to completely vanish.

    The loss, of that entire flow, resulted in major ramifications. The flows of Lineve became tangled all across Zelidar. The land of Zelidar began to experience all sorts of discord. Never ending storms brewed in the oceans of cloud. Certain animals lost their will to live and starved themselves to death. The island of Yeiwn turned into a wasteland that was no better than a desert. Much of the land to the north became cold and froze over. And all the people that lived, on the island of Vizet Oi’zein, died or vanished from the world. Those were some of the many effects caused from the loss of that single flow of Lineve. But the worst had yet to come.

    No longer than a month after the experiment took place, the land of Vizet Oi’zein began to slowly rot. The air became unnaturally thick and hot. Water became poison and burned the skin. Plants began to rot without even withering. Trees lost their leaves and became chaotically twisted. The ground turned to sludge and sinking pits began to form. The air was especially foul; it reeked of decay.

    Vizet Oi’zein had become a land of dangers and terrors. Very few traveled to the island after its transformation. Those that did, did so in groups. Many never returned from the god forsaken isle. Those that did, usually returned injured and alone. Their tales were that of horror. The animals of the land had become vicious and horribly mutated. Bizarre, dangerous plants had begun to grow in the rot. But the greatest terror that they spoke of was what they referred to as ‘The Shadows’.

    As the years went by it became apparent that Vizet Oi’zein was becoming increasingly more dangerous, and worse yet, The Rot was spreading into the surrounding oceans of cloud. But that wasn’t all, there was even more cause for concern. Every now and then, creatures, humans included, would begin to randomly freak out and start attacking anything in sight. The ever peaceful kingdom, of Belkin, had randomly declared war on their friendly neighboring country, Evieri. Strange monsters had begun to attack villages. People would go missing. Whispers began to spread of murderous ‘shadows’ that would appear, kill, and vanish. Everyone agreed that the land of Zelidar was in the middle of a crisis.

    Many beings of the land cursed the humans for their stupidity. They should have never meddled in what they did not fully understand. Fingers were pointed. Relationships were shattered. The world was dying and it was the humans’ fault.

    Amidst all the chaos a new danger was brewing. For not all the humans, on Vizet Oi’zein, had died. There were a few whose life energy was absorbed into the flows of Lineve, and after years of floating around in the Lineve flows, they were finally breaking free from their prison. Their bodies had been built anew, but inside they had changed. Some for the better, others for the worse…


    Read the rules before playing.
    1. No god powers
    2. Use proper grammar and spelling
    3. color code your character
    4. Killing other people's characters is allowed with their permission.
    5. Please only ages 15 and up
    6. Try to not use curse words. Words, like Damn, are fine.
    7. Romance is ok, but don't go into the "Ooo la la" stuff
    8. You cannot control other people's characters.
    9. Be sure to at least skim through all the information about this rp
    10. be courteous to others
    11. Crossbreeds cannot be half Insect, Shadow, Mutation, or Entity.
    12. Powers should make sense.
    13. PM me your characters before posting them. Only post them if I give you permission.
    14. Try to advance the story in a way that will allow others to join in. And please no "I knew it all along" BS please.
    15. I will give you two warnings if you constantly break the rules. The third warning will result in the death of your character and you will not be allowed to play in this RP again. If you continue to post after that, I will report you to an admin.
    16. Type "Pezz is the Greatest!" on your first post so I know you read the rules.
    17. Have fun!

    Creatures of the Land

    Humans- No need to describe them. We all know what humans are. Humans are allowed to have one of three powers. They can either use telekinesis, magic, or they can be a Shaper. For more info on these powers, view the section "Powers".

    Fairrels- Animals with human characteristics. Some appear more human than others. there are several different tribes. Fairrels are faster than humans, have quick reactions, and each tribe specializes in its own style of Martial Arts. Occasionally Fairrels use weapons. Their weapons almost always are without blades. Fairrels prefer to squat instead of sit. Some fairrels in Zelidar are also capable of using a little bit of magic. For more info on magic, view the section "Powers".

    Types of Fairrels

    • Cat Clan - The Cat Clan (CC) Prefer living in the trees. All of them have cat ears and some have tails. A few even have retractable claws and fur.

    Just like normal cats, the CC can leap great distances. They also have good night vision. The CC specializes in a martial arts that is similar to Taekwondo, which is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques. They are graceful in their movements and are very flexible. They are very agile and they excel in stalking.

    • Bat Clan - The Bat Clan (BC) is typically more active around night and twilight. All Bats have bat ears and bat wings. Their wings are always attached to their back. Depending on the Bat’s preference, a Bat will fold up their wings or wrap them around its chest, when its wings are not in use. Their feet look like normal human feet, so most BC members don’t sleep upside down. However, Bats have been known to sleep upside down by wrapping their legs around tree branches.

    Bats can obviously fly. They are not blind like normal bats, though their eyes are sensitive to light. Their sense of smell is decent. What they excel in is their hearing. By using their hearing they can sense where objects lie in the world around them. The BC Prefers eating small mammals, fruits, and fish. Their kind of martial arts is similar to Jujutsu, which places more emphasis on throwing, immobilizing and pinning, joint-locking, choking, and strangling techniques.

    • Insect Clan - The Insect Clan (IC) are vast in number. They are currently thriving in the island of Yeiwn. All Insects have antennae. The have no ears and they have a hard outer skin, which acts as an exoskeleton. Their eyes look like human eyes, however, unlike human eyes, they are built to mainly detect movement. Many insect have wings. All Insects dislike the cold.

    There are two types of Insects: Colonists and Individuals. Colonists infest and destroy. They are loyal to their queen and live mainly through instinct. The Queen, alone, is capable of intelligent thought. She is capable of sending her thoughts any of her workers. The IC have only a two colonies in Zelidar. One is in Teiwn, the other is in Rennal Woods. They are ruled by Queen Veniza and Queen Zenya, Respectively.

    Insects that fall within the category of Individuals are not part of giant colonies, but instead they live together in small groups. Individuals are capable of thinking for themselves. They tend to think of themselves as being above Colonists. There are less Individuals then there are Colonists.

    Insects can cling to nearly any surface. They are known to be tough to kill by conventional means. Most Insects are capable of flight. Insects are different from other fairrels in that they will occasionally use weapons with blades. They tend to coat their blades with a nonlethal poison. The poison causes the victim to be temporarily paralyzed. Insects use a mixed style of martial arts.

    Sylvans- An Intelligent race of creatures whose lifespan is typically twice as long as a human’s. Sylvans do not have eternal youth, however they never grow frail with old age. All Sylvans have long pointed ears.

    Sylvans are quite knowledgeable in science and they have the ability to manipulate aspects of physics. They call this ability, to manipulate physics, “Bendingâ€. The name of this ability comes from the fact that Sylvans can not defy the aspect they manipulate, they can only bend it. Each Sylvan is born with this ability, however, they can only manipulate single aspect. The aspect that a Sylvan can manipulate varies from Sylvan to Sylvan.
    Sylvans are responsible for inventing Air Ships, ships that fly by riding the flows of Lineve. They are also responsible for several other inventions. Most Sylvans hold a grudge against humans because of the accident ten years ago.

    For a more detailed explanation on bending, See the "Powers" section.

    Shadows- A creature that was never meant to exist. Their exact origin is unknown. It is believed that they were born because of the loss of the Lineve flow, but how they came to be and what they exactly are is unknown. What is known is that they are the shadow made living. Shadows have no defined shape, but they most commonly appear in the form of a biped. They have no facial features except for their eyes. Their eyes are slits and they glow red. Only a few claim to have heard a shadow speak. The say they speak with a raspy voice.

    Shadows are only dangerous when there is light out, after all, their bodies are made from the shadows, and shadows can not exist without a light source. Because of this, Shadows can not enter pitch black places without vanishing. If they do vanish, then it’s only until light returns to the place that they vanished. Shadows carry swords of shadow.

    At the moment, the Shadows exist only on Vizet Oi’zein. However, they seem to be trying to advance their territory, for they have occasionally been seen on the other islands for brief periods of time.

    Mutants- Horribly disfigured creatures. They were created because of the incident that happened ten years ago. They are vicious and strong. Most of them are on the island of Vizet Oi’zein, but a few have recently started to appear on the other islands.

    Entities- Normal humans that were absorbed into the Lineve flows ten years ago (All of them were on Vizet Oi’zein at the time). Many have recently managed to break free of the flows and are now walking the land of Zelidar once again.

    Entities are the main Heroes and Villains of this RP. They have each been given a power that has something to do with life. For each hero, there is an opposing villain. Opposing Entities have a sort of polar attraction to each other. As of right now, There are 12.

    Entity of Life
    – A being purely made of Life energy/Lineve. As his powers develop, he will become the ultimate Shaper. (Taken)

    Entity of Death – A being who has lost all his Life energy/Lineve. He has the power to sap the life right out of another being, making his touch death itself. He can use this power at will. His powers will develop as the Story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Growth – A being whose Life energy/Lineve has strengthened. Because of this, he has gained a close connection to living things, especially nature. He has the power to control plant life as he sees fit. As his powers develop, He will be able to give life to plants just by touching something. (Taken)

    Entity of Decay
    – A being whose Life energy/Lineve has weakened. Because of this, her outer appearance has slowly begun to decay. She has the power to cause things to rot just by touching them. Her powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Adaption
    – A being whose Life energy/Lineve Flows have become more flexible. Because of this, She can cause her body to adapt, or temporarily change, in situations where it would benefit her. For example, she can sprout wings if she needs to fly. Her powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Mutation – A being whose Life energy/Lineve Flows have become tangled. Because of this, He has become horribly mutated in appearance. He can cause his body to mutate, as he sees fit, in situations that where it would benefit him. For example, he can sprout a third arm, anywhere on his body, if necessary. His powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Regeneration – A being whose Life energy/Lineve Flows have become more fluent. Because of that she has enhanced regeneration. Her powers will develop as the story progresses.

    Entity of Pain – A being whose Life energy/Lineve Flows are in erratic. Because of that, she is in constant pain. Her body has learned to adapt to the pain so that she isn’t hindered by it. Normal, death dealing blows cannot kill her, due to her erratic Lineve Flows. As long as the vital parts of her brain remain unharmed, she cannot die. Her powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Sense – A being whose Life energy/Lineve has become one with his body. Because of this, all of his senses have become greatly enhanced. He is similar to the superhero Daredevil in this aspect, except he doesn’t have a radar like sense and he isn’t blind. His powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Awareness – A being whose Life energy/Lineve was left behind when she escaped the Lineve Flows. Because of this, she has lost all of her five senses, but in return she has been given a sort of enhanced awareness of the world around her. Her powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Youth - A being whose Life energy/Lineve connected to the world's flows of Lineve. because of this, He is constantly absorbing life energy. He has eternal youth. Because Youth represents the pinnacle of person's strength, This entity has the power of strength. (Taken)

    Entity of Age - A being whose Life energy/Lineve is leaking back into the world's flows of Lineve. because of this, this entity is aging faster. This process will eventually lead to death, however, This entity can suck out another persons life force, in order to delay death.

    Each Villian Entity will have control over a different monster. For example, Mutation has control over mutants. If you are interested in being an entity, then PM me for more details on the Entity that you are interested in. Feel free to come up with a new type of Entity, but be sure to give it a counterpart. PM me any Entities that you make up. Some of the Entities were involved in the Lineve Project, some were not.

    Crossbreeds- Beings whose parents are of different races. Crossbreeds cannot be half Insect, Shadow, Mutation, or Entity. Crossbreeds can make for some of the most interesting characters.


    Magic - Uses the mana of the world. Using magic can be very tiring. Only a few humans and Fairrels have the power to use it. For most people, it takes years of practice to master. People who can use magic are called Mages.

    Shaping - A technique that uses an energy, similar to mana. The energy is that of life itself, and it is known as Lineve. All life forms need are born with Lineve flows inside them since it is the energy that gives life to creatures. The world is abundant with this energy. So, there is always excess Lineve that floats in the air.
    There are a few Humans that have the power to shape this energy and use it to fight. The most skilled humans will use it to create platforms, shields, weapons, etc. When Lineve is Shaped, it distorts the light, making it visible to the naked eye. Again it takes years to master and is very tiring. Using an excess amount, of this energy, at once can ultimately kill the user. People with the ability to shape are called Shapers.

    The first thing a Shaper is taught when learning how to shape is that it is important to conserve your energy. They are also taught the following:

    Lineve is the life force that flows throughout the world. When you Shape something, you are reaching out to the flows of Lineve and telling it to bend to your will. By doing so, you can create virtually any shape out of Lineve. This is the most common form of shaping and it is commonly used when shaping melee weapons.
    The longer you make the Lineve keep its shape, the more energy you waste.

    The more complex the shape is, the more energy it wastes. Also, you can not shape from too far a distance.
    There is another way to shape as well, it is known as Tearing. The purpose of this method is to have the Lineve maintain its form without you having to use any energy to do so. To do this you start with bending the Lineve to your will until you create a shape. Then you Tear the Lineve from it's flows so that it will keep it's shape. Once you do this, you can not longer shape that Lineve.

    This method is VERY dangerous. Tearing Lineve from its flows makes it unstable. Therefore, if an impact, with enough force, hits it, it will blow anything around it to pieces. It is never used for melee weapons. It also takes excessive energy to tear Lineve from its flows.

    Telekinesis - Not much to explain here, we should know what it is. Moving objects with the mind. Not as tiring as Magic or Shaping, but a prolonged overuse can cause bleeding form the ears and unconsciousness. Death can occur, but usually the user would fall unconscious before that happens. This is a very rare gift.

    Bending - Every Sylvan is capable of bending aspect of physics. For example, One Sylvan could have the ability to bend Gravity. The rules of Gravity, as everybody knows, is, 'What goes up must come down'. Well, If a Sylvan were to bend Gravity, what goes up will still go down, but at a slower or faster pace.

    By bending gravity, you get higher jumps, you can slow down your opponent and even yourself. Sylvans can grow tired from too much bending so it's important for them to not waste energy needlessly. A Gravity bending Sylvan, for instance, may make themselves jump great distances, but that requires them to constantly alter the gravity around them. A very tiring task indeed. He could also increase the gravity to crush an opponent just like that, but that means that the Sylvan would have to use excessive energy just to do so.

    Sylvans can only bend the rules of physics, they can't deify them. Other examples of what Sylvans can bend includes heat, time, space, and speed or acceleration.


    Galben- Sylvans’ homeland.
    Belkin- Inhabited by humans. Much of this Island became frozen over after the accident, this includes and entire lake. The people of Belkin are know for their skill at riding Drakes.
    Evieri- A friendly nation that is inhabited by humans. Evieri has suffered the least form the accident from 10 years ago.
    Teiwn- A once prosperous land, Teiwn has now become a nation of ruin.
    Vizet Oi’zein- Once a beautiful land, Now a land of danger and rot.
    Rennal Woods- A forest that has been colonized by Insects.
    Cella Forest- A forest that is inhabited by Bats.
    Gendou Woodlands- A forest that is inhabited by the Individual type of Insects.
    Jetail Forest- A forest that is inhabited by the Cats.

    The Happenings of the Land

    For the past ten years, the land of Evieri has been plagued by war with Belkin. Most of the battle happen on the north end of Evieri, so many soldiers have built quarters there. Early in the war, the king of Evieri was struck down. Following his death, the prince has taken his place as head general.

    With the King dead, the Queen of Evieri is now ruling the land. The war has recently been at a stalemate, which is while an assassin, by the name of Dike has been hired to kill the Evieri’s entire royal family.

    While the war with Belkin has been happening in the north, recently, Insect Queen Zenya has decided to attack nearby villages. Similar attacks have been happening all through Teiwn, but these are being carried out by Insect Queen Veniza. Teiwn has suffered greatly the last ten years and it is barely holding on.

    Meanwhile, the country of Galban has taken a dislike to humans because of the accident. Humans have been kidnapped and sold as slaves here. Not all Sylvans from Galban agree with this slavery, but most don’t really care.

    Finally, the Cats, living in Jetail Forest, are in an uproar. Their Princess went missing the day before their wedding. The Cats have blamed the Sylvans. They claim that the Sylvans have kidnapped her and sold her as a slave. Little do they know that really she ran away on her own accord. No longer does she want to be tied to the fate of royalty. This was a little less than a week ago. She is currently riding air ship heading to Bendier, which is located on Evieri.

    Character Layout

    PM me with your character layout. I'll look over it to make sure it works.

    Name (full)-
    Powers (if any)-
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)
    Weapon (if any)-
    Background (Go into detail! The more, the better!)-

    Note: Remember to color code your characters!


    Note: each character will have a link to the page with the post that explains who the character is except for those that were posted on this page.

    Callen Teir "Entity of Life" - Pezz (Post 1)
    Dezzier "Entity of Death" - Pezz (Post 1)

    Jack Smith - DeathKingApocalypse080808 (Post 2)
    Harvey Jones - DeathKingApocalypse080808 (Post 2)
    Captain jack Hartness - DeathKingApocalypse080808 (Post 189)
    Jason Young "Entity of Youth" - DeathKingApocalypse080808 (Post 337)

    Rhone Lunar - Lilbueno (Post 4)
    Peter "Ace" Murdock "Entity of Sense" - LilBueno (Post 4)
    Vyse Gigyas - LilBueno

    Yuki Toho "Entity of Pain" - Random Angel (Post 5)
    Amber Black - Random Angel (Post 5)
    Surren "Princess of Evieri" - Random Angel (Post 180)

    Haffen'dur (Haff) - Legion (Post 6)
    Envon The Sly, Prince of Evieri - Legion (Post 50)

    Kitsu Rose "Entity of Growth" - Dexnail (Post 7)
    Dike "The assassin" - Dexnail (Post 247)

    Angin Hissui - cstar7777 (Post 11)
    Nysta Teir "Entity of Decay" - cstar7777 (Post 13)
    Ea "Queen of Evieri" - cstar7777 (Post 234)

    Neoph Rampart "Entity of Mutation" - keybladewarrioroflegend (Post 17)

    Vanessa Vandettan "Entity of Awareness" - timexhasxgone (Post 27)

    Aerin Salria "Runaway Cat Clan Princess" - Princess_of_hearts (Post 51)

    Kumiko Joi Aikan
    - Shadow_Rocks (Post 56)

    Serena Maer
    - Clawtooth35 (Post 121)

    Characters that need taking

    These characters will play a crucial role in the game!

    Entity of Regeneration (Female)

    Entity of Age (Gender is the User's choice)

    Queen Veniza (Insect Queen of Teiwn)

    Queen Zenya (Insect Queen of Rennal Woods)

    The War General of Belkin

    Dike of the Assassin Society


    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Callen Teir
    Race- Human (Entity of Life)
    Powers- Shaper
    Age- 21
    Gender- Male
    Side- Good
    Weapon- Whatever he sees fit.
    Background- Born in Meodan, Callen never used to be a Shaper. He used to be a normal human being who was working on the Lineve Project with several others. When the accident happened, his life energy was absorbed into the Lineve flows and he vanished from the world for ten years. Only recently has he broken free from the Lineve Flows.
    Though he is free, something strange happened when he broke free. He lost certain memories of his past. He no longer remembers his time in the Lineve flows along with many of his friends and family members. He also has vague memories of the incident from 10 years ago.
    Because he was trapped in the Lineve flows for so long, Callen has become the Entity of Life. His body is actually made purely of Lineve. As his powers develop, he will become the ultimate Shaper.

    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Dezzier
    Race- Human (Entity of Death)
    Powers- Saps the life from living creatures just by touching them. Dezzier can give 'life' to the dead.
    Age- ???
    Gender- Male
    Side- Evil
    Weapon- Whatever he sees fit.
    Appearance- He wears a cloak similar to the Grim Reaper. His nose looks as though it’s been torn off, and his eyes are always bloodshot. He is bald, save a few strands of hair. His skin looks dry and withered. His voice has a raspy sound to it.
    Background- Little is known about Dezzier except that he was one of the leading scientists on the Lineve Project. He originally looked like a normal human, but then the accident happened and he was absorbed into the Lineve flows. He escaped the Lineve flows a few months ago looking the way he does now. His looks were caused because he escaped the flows with a body that no longer contained Lineve.
    Dezzier feels dead inside at all times. He has a burning hatred in his heart. He despises the living, especially Callen. He has a grudge against him and seeks to destroy him along with everything he holds dear.
    Dezzier was not his original name. He renamed himself when he broke free from the flows.

    Our Story Starts…

    With Callen wakening in the palace of Cornil. Cornil is the capital of the country of Evieri.

    Map of Zelidar


    Thread by: Pezz, Jul 17, 2009, 344 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Pezz
    Watch my Inuyasha abridged parody episode. I just finished it!
    Thread by: Pezz, Jul 1, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Pezz
    Ok, I have a few, but I'll start with this one. I used to have this really stupid friend with no common sense. Well once, He decided to see if a bee could sting him after it was already dead. So he caught a bee, he killed it, and then he took out it's stinger. he then proceeded to sting himself five times (because apparently the first four times he stung himself wasn't enough to convince him that bees can sting you even though they are dead.).

    What's even more stupid was that that was the first time, I'm sorry, the first five times that he had ever been stung. That means he could have been allergic and he could have ended up killing himself. Like I said, this guy has no common sense.
    Thread by: Pezz, Jun 11, 2009, 51 replies, in forum: Discussion
  10. Pezz
    Me, I'm not too sure. I guess I would have to say Sunset Horizons since I know so little about it.
    Thread by: Pezz, Jun 8, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Pezz
    Seriously, this show has been going on since 1996! It's still going! It nearly has 600 episodes and right now the manga has 694 chapters! I have never heard of such a thing. this is worse than book series "Animorphs".

    Has anyone actually managed to keep up with this series? I lost interest in it during the first season, and I don't see how anyone could possibly still be reading it.
    Thread by: Pezz, Jun 7, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. Pezz
    So who interested in this game? It's the new "tales of" game, and it's going to be for the wii. It's supposed to be the longest one yet.
    Thread by: Pezz, Jun 6, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Pezz
    I've been in two. Both were very minor. The first one was a bumper accident. I was driving, and their was an ambulance. I checked to see where it was, I looked back, the car in front of me stopped suddenly. I slammed on the breaks. but we still bumped. The other was also minor. My friend was driving and was about to move into another lane. A car hit him in the wheel.
    Thread by: Pezz, Jun 2, 2009, 34 replies, in forum: Discussion
  14. Pezz
    RUN! Run for your lives! The next twilight movie is on its way! head for the hills and take cover! this time Werewolves are on the loose too. Oh have mercy, Have mercy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have all been forsaken!!!! :eek:
    Thread by: Pezz, Jun 2, 2009, 38 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Pezz
    RP Setting​

    Imagine a world of magic. A world of wonder. A world of good. A world of evil. A world where the elements can be Molded, where mystical creatures walk the land, where the energy from life itself can become one's weapon. This is the world of Laifel.

    About This World​

    Laifel is a world that is vast in size. Featuring 8 different continents, This RP will take place on the Continent of Demoir. Demoir, The land where The War of Angelens and Demons took place. A long, forgotten war that took place a millennium ago. It lasted for 10 years before the Angelens, with the help of the people of the land, managed to beat back the Demons and seal away the rift that leads to the depths of the Demonic Realm.

    Demoir Is still under the creation stage. Feel free to help out. :)


    Read the rules before playing.
    1. No god powers
    2. Use proper grammar and spelling
    3. color code your character
    4. Killing other people's characters is allowed with their permission.
    5. Please only ages 13 and up
    6. Try to not use curse words. Words like Damn is fine.
    7. Romance is ok, but don't go into the "Ha cha cha" stuff :p
    8. You cannot control other people's characters.
    9. Be sure to at least skim through all the information about this rp
    10. be courteous to others
    11. Crossbreeds cannot be half Lizard, Demon, Leecher, Angelen, or Summon.
    12. Powers should make sense.
    13. PM me your characters before posting them. Only post them if I give you permission.
    14. Try to advance the story in a way that will allow others to join in. And no "I knew it all along" BS please.
    15. I will give you two warnings if you constantly break the rules. The third warning will result in the death of your character and you will not be allow to play in this RP again. If you continue to post after that, I will report you to an admin.
    16. Type "Pezz is the Greatest!" on your first post so I know you read the rules.
    17. Try to have fun! :)

    Creatures of the land​

    Humans- No need to describe them. we all know what humans are. Humans are allowed to have one of three powers. They can either use telekinesis, magic, or they can be a Shaper. For more info on these powers, view the section "Human Powers".

    Fairrels- Animals with human characteristics. Some appear more human than others. there are several different tribes. Fairrels are faster than humans, have quick reactions, and each tribe specializes in its own style of Martial Arts. Occasionally Fairrels use weapons. Their weapons almost always are without blades. Fairrels prefer to squat instead of sit.

    Types of Fairrels

    • Cat Clan - The Cat Clan (CC) Prefer living in the trees. All of them have cat ears and some have tails. A few even have retractable claws and fur.
      Just like normal cats, the CC can leap great distances. The CC specializes in martial arts that is 80% Kicking and 20% Punching. They are graceful in their movements.
    • Wolf Clan - The Wolf Clan (WC) live in the woods and like to stick to the ground. Similar to the CC, WC members all have Wolf ears and some have tails. A few have non-retractable claws, fur, and sharp teeth. Their canine teeth are larger than human canine teeth.
      The WC dislike humans due to the fact that many of them have been hunted down by humans. WC members can jump great distances but not as great as the CC. The WC's Martail arts is 20% Kicking and 80% Punching.
    • Lizard Clan - The Lizard Clan (LC) Are cold blooded and savage in nature. Unlike the other clans, the LC have no visable ears. Instead, they have small holes on the side of there heads. All of them have sharp teeth and claws. Some have tails. A few have scales. none have hair.
      The LC are predators and are feared by humankind. The LC hate Humanity and wish to see all humans dead. they sided with the demons during the ancient war. Many were wiped out during the war.
      Because they are cold blooded, The LC prefer warm climates and cannot survive long in the cold. The LC are not good jumpers, but they are adept in Climbing. They can climb the smoothest of surfaces. Their style of fighting is 50% kicking and 50% punching. They have no need of weapons since they have claws and teeth. The LC does not wear shoes.

    If you have any other ideas for a clan let me know.

    Cylians- A Wise race of creatures who can have a lifespan that lasts for thousands of years. Cylians are like the Elves of this world. They have eternal youth, which gives them the appearance of a child. Cylians look exactly like humans except their ears have a small point to them. Adult Cylians have the appearance of someone in their very early teens (they look no older than 16). A Cylian is considered an adult at age 500.
    Cylians are one with nature. If nature were to vanish from the world, they would all die. They have the ability to speak with any object that is a part of nature (rock, plant, whatever) by just touching the object with their hand. In addition to that, each Cylian is born with the ability to manipulate a single element. Such elements includes Plant, stone, Metal, water, fire, Wind, etc. The Cylians refer to this power as "Molding".
    Cylians that can mold Mold metal, make the greatest of weapons. likewise, those who Mold Stone, make architectural wonders. Some Cylians enjoy living with Humans instead of their kind.

    Leechers- Leechers are like the Orcs of this world. They are minor demons that were left behind during the war. Since then, they've been breeding in the mountains, swamps, Caverns that lead underground, etc.
    They are humanoid creatures without eyelids. Their skin is gray and hangs loosely from their bony body. They have patches of hair and rotten yellow teeth.
    Leechers are surprisingly strong. They are cruel creatures that enjoy nothing but killing. They show no mercy to their prey. Leechers do make their own weapons, but even without a weapon, they are dangerous. Upon cornering their prey, a Leecher will bear hug the victim and bite a chunk off the victim's neck. Leechers are feared by all creatures alike, besides Demons, Summons, and Angelens.

    Demons- Ancient terrors that were banished to the Demonic Relm. Demons are horrifically powerful. most demons take two forms. A Human form, And their true form.
    A Demon's true form looks like something from a nightmare. Most Demons have a true form that looks like a mixture of animals fused together. However, there are a few whose true form is not a mixture of animals. They can also be composed of plants, or other things like a skeleton of a monster with a body composed of an acidic slime.
    The most powerful and ferocious of Demons mainly take on a human form. These ones have the power to heal and to do unimaginable feats. they are greatly feared even by other demons. Only a few of these exist. This type of demon has it's own name. They are called Devils (due to lack of a better name :-/ ).
    Every demon has it's own unique abilities. no two demons are the same. They cannot die from old age, but they are mortal. Demons can be slain by normal means, but it takes plenty of effort. Even in their human forms, they are dangerous. It is wise not to take a demon on by one's self.
    As of right now the Demons are thought to be sealed away in the Demonic Realm.

    Angelens- Creatures born for a single purpose to protect the world of Laifel. They can be thought of as good Demons, except these are not creatures that look like living nightmares. Only a few exist.
    The most powerful ones also mainly take on their human form. They refer to themselves as Angels.
    There are more demons then there are Angelens.

    Summons- Powerful creatures whose power rivals that of a demon. Only Five exist; their spirit is locked away in ordinary looking gems. The gems are scattered across the land. A summon can only be awakened once the one, that is destined to become its master, appears.
    Summons are intelligent creatures that obey their masters orders. Even evil people can have summons. A summon's personality reflects it's master's actions.
    Upon obtaining a Summon, The Master will have a teleconnectic link with their Summon. They won't be able to hear one's thoughts, but they can feel the others feelings. Because of this link, Master and Summon will always know when the other is in danger.

    Note: Summons are RPed by the same person who RPs their master. 4 of the Summons are taken. There are 1 more Summons available.

    Vampires- Suggested by The Joker. We all should know what vampires are. If you don't then tough. I'm not spending another hour typing it up :p.
    The vampires of Laifel are ancient people from a Cursed Kingdom. They live on the island that is now called Sin Isle. (I'll make an updated map)
    Vampires have super human speed and excellent night vision. They are not killed by the sun, but they are blinded by it. Vampires have the ability to fly short distances.
    Vampires also have the ability to control an aspect of an element. like smoke or Heat from fire, vapor from water, etc. This was suggested by Garxena.

    Crossbreeds- Beings whose parents are of different races. Crossbreeds cannot be half Lizard, Demon, Leecher, Angelen, or Summon. Crossbreeds can make for some of the most interesting characters.

    Human Powers​

    Magic Uses the mana of the world. Using magic can be very tiring. Only a few humans have the power to use it. For most people, it takes years of practice to master. People who can use magic are called Mages

    Shaping A technique that uses an energy, similar to mana. The energy is called Lineve, and it is what all life forms are composed of. It is the energy that give life to creatures. the world is abundant with this energy. There is always excess Lineve that floats in the air.
    There are a few Humans that have the power to shape this energy and use it to fight. The most skilled humans will use it to create platforms, shields, weapons, etc. When Lineve is Shaped, it distorts the light, making it visible to the naked eye. Again it takes years to master and is very tiring. Using an excess amount, of this energy, at once can ultimately kill the user. People with the ability to shape are called Shapers.

    Telekinesis Not much to explain here, we should know what it is. Moving objects with the mind. Not as tiring as Magic or Shaping, but a prolonged overuse can cause bleeding form the ears and unconsciousness. Death can occur, but usually the user would fall unconscious before that happens. This is a very rare gift. suggested by Mrs. Baggins.

    Character Layout​

    PM me with your character layout. I'll look over it to make sure it works.

    Name (full)-
    Powers (if any)-
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)
    Weapon (if any)-
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)-

    The Story​

    In order to banish the Demons from the world, Six powerful Angelens sacrificed themselves to create the seal that would banish the Demons to the Demonic Realm. These six Angelens stored their life force into six different crystals. The crystals were then used to create the seal.
    Afterwards, each crystal was entrusted to the races of the world. One went to the Cylians, one to the Cat Clan, One to the Wolf Clan, and Three to the humans.
    Time moved on and the war was forgotten. However the time for a second war was close at hand. The crystals were weakening as was the seal. It wasn't long before the first crystal cracked. The loss of that single crystal released a weaker Demon; A parasite, of sorts, that would latch onto and take control of its host. The Demon worked it's way from host to host, till it finally came across one with the power to govern an entire kingdom. It had taken a King.
    The King had rule of the Kingdom called Ilianam. The kingdom quickly went on a decline. Crime, famine, and disease plagued the land of Ilianam. The King began to make rash decisions and punished those who had done nothing. He eventually even had his eldest Son beheaded.
    Tristan, the King's younger son, could no longer sit still and watch his father destroy his own kingdom. He confronted his father, and, in doing so, was banished from Ilianam under penalty of death.
    Our Story begins With young Tristan. The boy with nowhere to now call a home.


    Note: each character will have a link to the page with the post on who the character is except for Tristan. He's on the first post

    Tristan Alzeire - Pezz
    Venuzsa - Pezz (post 165)
    Naserrea - Pezz (post 256)
    Karchit Jahirie (Karchit the Sharp Tooth) - Pezz (post 262)
    Zack Taelin (The Shining Dragon) - Pezz (post 1387)

    Becka - scarred_heart634 (post 4)

    Lanan Curas - lilbueno (post 14)
    King Bryne Alzeire III - lilbueno (post 38)
    Ras'tepa - lilbueno (post 38)
    Azazel - lilbueno (post 175)
    Rubira - lilbueno (post 268)
    Zuiden Virh - Lilbueno (post 836)

    Trenyan Blizzard - StarSeeker99 (post 16)
    Trenyan's three wolves - StarSeeker99 (post 261)
    Lythorne - StarSeeker99 (post 469)
    Kurt Klaiv - StarSeeker99 (post 739)

    Aduial Brún - Garxena (post 44)
    Aidou Hanabusa - Garxena (post 44)
    Sameire Alzeire - Garxena (post 208)
    Benjamin (Ben) - Garxena (post 732)

    Eleanor McKynley - Mrs. Baggins (post 81)

    Charles the XIII - SXR13_92 (post 173)
    Torrent - SXR13_92 (post 296)
    Raphael Sanguore - SXR13_92 (post 413)
    Sonia Marquee - SXR13_92 (post 804)
    Rosine - SXR13_92 (post 1005)

    Haffen'dur (Haff) - Legion (post 660)

    Gemini Alvia - Princess_of_hearts
    (post 753)

    Eärendur Eve Vardamir
    - JedininjaZC (post 833)

    Alira Lived - riku1186 (post 936)
    Ekaf - riku1186 (post 936)
    Lauren Clark - riku1186 (post 1207)

    Kael Louis (pronounced Louey) - AxEL0220 (post 1408)

    Characters that need taking​

    These characters will play a crucial role in the game! None available now. More to come soon.

    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Tristan Alzeire
    Race- Human
    Powers- Is a master at Shaping, will eventually have a summon.
    Age- 19
    Gender- male
    Side- good
    Weapon- Twin Blades made from Lineve. They have no real physical form.
    Background- Son of King Bryne. Tristan was recently banished from his homeland, for stepping up to his father's harsh rule, leaving his younger sister Sameire, behind.
    With nowhere to go, Tristan wonders from place to place. Our story begins with him in the Fishing Village of Triwn, located on the shores of the country called Baflee. Baflee is Southeast of Ilianam.
    The Power to Shape has been in Tristan's family for ages. At a young age he was taught how to master Lineve. Tristan rarely uses his sword, instead he likes to Shape twin blades out of Lineve. This can give Tristan the element of surprise in battle, for he'll make his twin appear out of nowhere. Likewise, he can make them dissipate at anytime as well. Tristan Lineve Blades can easily slice through many materials, Including weak metals. Tristan prefers keeping his identity a secret. He rides a female Stallion, grayish in color, named Mist. Tristan is a tad of a show off, but is good at heart.
    Appearance- Hazelnut brown hair, cut short, and pale blue eyes. Being a member of the royal family of Ilianam, Tristan has a tattoo, of his family's crest, located on his back right shoulder. Because he was banished, Tristan no longer wheres fancy clothes.

    Map of Demoir​

    Work in progress
    Thread by: Pezz, May 27, 2009, 2,766 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Pezz
    I look at/for the following:

    -The person who made the thread
    -for a title that catches my interest
    -the number of views.
    -the number of replies

    Come to think of it, this is probably what everybody looks for. Lolz :-/
    Thread by: Pezz, May 25, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. Pezz
    So who here has played I Wanna Be The Guy?

    For those who've never heard of of it, it is a platforming game, on the computer, that is so ridiculously hard that it's funny and very addicting. Surviving for three seconds, in that game, is quite a feat. you never know what's going to happen next, and the most random things will jump out and kill you.

    The game has several video game parodies, making it interesting and fun. Once you get into it, you'll have a love, hate relationship with the game. The game can be downloaded, for free, online.

    I personally haven't played the game, though I have watched people play it. Instead, I've played the fan game of I Wanna Be The Guy called, I Wanna Be The Fangame. It's just as good.
    Thread by: Pezz, May 25, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Pezz
    I know I have. but only once.
    Thread by: Pezz, May 22, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Pezz
    Before I start, these are instructions for the PS2 Slim ONLY. So if you don't have a Ps2 slim, then you will need to look somewhere else for instructions.

    Also, by following the below instructions, you WILL forfeit your PS2's warranty. If you are fine with that, then proceed in reading this thread further.
    You have been warned, so if something happens to your PS2, it is not my fault that Sony won't fix it for free.

    Alrighty then, Getting your PS2 Slim to play Japanese games, such as KH2 Final Mix, really isn't that hard. It involves modding the PS2 with construction paper and tissue paper. Very simple.

    I have made two videos that will give you detailed instructions on how to do this. I have uploaded them to Megauploads.

    Here are the links to download the videos:

    Part 1:
    Part 2:

    View the videos before reading further.

    ok, now that you plugged up the buttons, you need to buy swap magic (that disk I showed you in part 2). Then either download the game to burn to disk (like I did) or just buy the japanese game. either way, you will need swap magic to play the game.

    Swap magic comes with no directions, so just do as I showed you in the video.

    If you have any additional questions, just let me know. :)
    Thread by: Pezz, May 21, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Pezz
    I've been watching this anime for quite some time. I'll have to say that it's ok. It could be better I think.
    Thread by: Pezz, May 20, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga