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  1. 123
    ummmm this is weird but someone hacked my account and wrote somethen in my usernotes i am shocked who would hack me....

    someone posted like glitch>igot3peoplesaccounts> it is weird

    and my mood was changed!!!!

    Thread by: 123, Mar 4, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. 123
    i think this would be a good idea cuz to be honest how many people have asked to be coders but the site does not really need it..... anyway i think this will be a good thing cuz it will take pressure off the coders soo if the site does this maybe people will stop bugging coders about being a coder. there is also another thing i thought of.... well if there is a sub coder than people can stop pm-ing and/or bugging coders about can i have this code or that ect. anyway that will take pressure of the coders which THEY DESERVE!!!!!!!!!........... so thensome people may ask what would be the standard well people like SLIP ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
    and roxasrikusora ice_keyblade ect... they all know what they are doing in the code world so to speak so ithink this is a good idea

    i am sorry if this offends anyone so sorry in advance

    they all know what to do with codes so please think about this

    Thread by: 123, Feb 15, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance