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  1. sora117
    Running On The Edge is hard... when the world has fallen completely to the government. everything is monitored and watched..well..almost everything. their is an underground society called the Edge. they are runners. they trained all their life to be ready for their jobs, delevirng messages fast and safe as possible. when the government found out about it they trained their own speacil runners.

    Appearance ( descriptive)
    Edge or government or loner.
    reason for joining

    Appearance. 5 feet tall and 6 inches. neck length red hair. deep green eyes, and wears knuckle length gloves.
    Edge form
    Thread by: sora117, Apr 14, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. sora117
    i ahve not done this for a while but here it goes
    in the ancient land called vzrael. (viz-rail) the land was full of wildlife and forests the land had many different rulers through out the time slowly the human race was aware of another presence out in the forests and would keep the children in at night and not let them go into the forest. and finally one mid morning day a group of pale looking people walked out of the woods they had green eyes that always seemed to be different at a glance. there hair was bleach white and down to their shoulders. they walked out of the forest and towards the castle. the local guard surrounded them and took them into the castle to be questioned. late into the night screams echoed out of the castle and the next morning the guards had been slain all but five who had captured the people and shackled them up. they explained that five groups just like them were coming that they were the last of tier clan and that the other five clans were shape shifters like them that changed into a specific creature. the northen clan was dressed inn black war armour and had blood red eyes. the changed at night to become shades . the clan coming from the south were dressed in animal clothing and they could shapeshift into any animal they ever encountered. the clan coming from the west was a nomad clan that dressed in light leather and could change into any wild animal in the forest and the clan coming from the east were almost the same as them but their elders broke off decades ago leaving them to change at the full moon into creatures that resembled wolves but also man. and during the hunters moon and the blood moon they were at thier strongest. the clan they were from was the clan that turned into wolves not werewolves but just wolves the lived in packs they could change others into what ever species bit them into thier own kind. but since thier clan was down to the remaing five wolf shifters.

    so who will you join will you be a northen clan? a souther clan? a western clan? or an eastern clan? or will you be a human who willing voluntered to become on of the people? a plain wolf shifter? depending on wich clan you choose you get to powers ill explain with each description..

    the northern clan
    user name:
    power: ( the northern clan has the ability to manipulate mind by getting them to look into thier eyes. they can also use dark amgic to attack. or they can use the shadows to travel faster u pick two)

    eastern clan
    user name:
    power: they can during the hunter moon either get hightened sense or more speed and strength choose oine and during the blood moon they lose control and go beser gaining hightened sense and speed and strength. or the gain slightly hightenend abilities but keep control)

    southern clan
    user name:
    power:( they can at night either have better nigth animal senses or better day time animal sense hightened)

    western clan
    user name:
    power:( sadly they have none)

    the people(normal wolves)
    user name:
    powers:( they are stronger during the full moon and have complete control. during the blood moon they go into a bloolust but gain permant slight power boost. during hunter moon all thier abilities are hightened and controlled)
    plz join and help make it wonderful
    (there are four positions open for the poeple until i need half shapeshifter/human ppl
    the people
    user name:sora117
    name: Lucifer
    age: 115(looks twenty)
    gender: male
    bio: he is the leader of the people and the strongest of the people.
    powers: he has the bloodlust ability and the full moon.
    appearance: he is 6 ft tall and he has silvery hair that slowly folds down to his back. he is the only one of the people that has yellow eyes and he always carries dual blades on his back and a bow and arrow next to it.

    northern clan:

    eastern clan:

    southern clan:

    western clan:
    Thread by: sora117, Jul 16, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. sora117


    got new prof pic
    Thread by: sora117, Jul 27, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone