What is this!? D;
aww!! ^^ I loved the top 5! & I'm glad that it's back! :D
wahhh! that picture is LOVE~ 8D
LOL. I can't even see him dancing like that.
=D Great top 5! and congrats to everyone! ^ ^
have these videos got deleted or is the link broken? because I know random videos are starting to dissapear on the UP.
*looks at riku in that position* LOL :O Poor Riku.
That's what I always thought XD
:O she's left handed like meh! and LOL at the moogle. thanks for the info! =D
ah i've seen these! XD they're great. :3 Thanks for the find! and on veoh too =DD
the suspence is killing me too! D: I really miss the top 5.... I hope though whoever becomes the top 5 judger..person-thing does a good job xD.
I went to the website every day, and found nothing too. >.> I find it sad that they haven't really promoted it. It would have been a good thing too with the holiday season and all. I thought though the trailer would have been similar to the one that was relased with the kh2 final mix, just with american voices. I REALLY wanted to hear what sora sounded like!! Dx .. and now I have to wait until Christmas to hear it. :[ Hopefully they'll have one up eventually.. let's just hope its not too late for one. D:
I really loved all the vids. xD good job everyone!
The lion king. It's always sad when Simba is trying to get his dad to "wake up." Then Scar comes and tells him to run away... It always made me want to cry when i was little But the one that made me really sad recently was Air Bud. Someone said Disney made it, but im not sure... (I guess they did since it played on Disney Channel) Anyway, I was watching it the other day and the main guy (forgot his name. XD) thinks that he has to leave Buddy in the wild so he goes across the lake to the forest-like area. Buddy won't stay there and so he throws his father's basket ball in the tall grass and runs off, leaving two things he cherished the most, and one of his few things that was left of his fathers after he died. Thinking he'll never see Buddy, or the Basket ball again (mostly Buddy). THEN just when it couldn't get sadder Buddy comes back and tries to swim to the boad the kid is on but cant so he swims back to shore. T-T I haven't watched Air Bud in years until a few weeks ago... and it was soo sad at that one part. Then it ended kind of.... bad. But the first Air Bud is better than any of the others to me. X3 But that part i just talked about never got to me until that last time.
=O awesome top 5! Congrats to WGreyB & Kellygemkat for getting #1! ^^ I loved all the videos though. :D
hmm.... I would have to say.... Avatar, because that would just be awesome seeing Aang and Zuko fighting with Sora or someone else. :D And I have to wonder how Sokka would react to a person weilding a key as a weapon. XD *imagines Sokka ranting until he gets whacked with a keyblade.. rofl* (did i spell some of their names right? o.o ) Then Naruto would be cool to fight alongside with him and a few others. :3 Annd i know this sounds... strange but maybe Shrek ( i wanna see a ranting/overly angry ogre with sora XD) Or or... the road to el dorado o. o;; I know those were kiddie movies, but hey... it sounded cool when i first thought of it.
Yup! ^^ it's a bit cool too see a lot of FF for a few weeks! i'm kairisora 06 but on the user portal i'm kairisora06 (just removed space, o. o;)
this weeks was so good! =O