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  1. Paopu_Princess

    Thanks! I'd lurve some cookies! *takes a cookie* I read the rules, hopefully I don't forget something and do something Yummy cookies. lmao
    Post by: Paopu_Princess, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Paopu_Princess
    My name is Paopu_princess, but you can call me Katie. Right now I'm a moogle assistant which makes pretty good sense considering the fact that I own a moogle hat in real life (I bought it at Anime North 2007)
    Anyways, I decided "hey, maybe I should actually join the site instead of just taking the vids and then leaving *insert chuckle here*"
    If you wanna talk, I'd be more than happy to reply back, cause I'm very alone right now.

    THANKYOU! :)
    Thread by: Paopu_Princess, Jan 8, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures