Men! well...I would have to say Sora is pretty hot and so is Riku! because they are heros. If I had to pick a bad guy it would have to be....Axel! lol :p
OMG that sounds soooooo awesome! I can't wait to get to play (if we in the US can) but dude! that rocks!
Okay I'm a girl and I kinda look like Kairi with the red hair and blue eyes. BUT I don't act like her. I am more like Riku cuz I have some problems with the past and I've always been loyal to friends and family. I guess that's about it...I haven't really thought about it that much.
cool and thanks
I said yes. It was new and very different from other games that I have played eventhough it really a challange at first but anything just to play as Riku in reverse rebirth.
I can't wait! Do you think that KH2 Final Mix will be buyable in the US?
oh man! I really hope they send Final mix over to us in english! PLEASE BE IN ENGLISH!!!