thats perfectly all right ^^ i have dificulty describing stuff lol
the Official First Chapter! Kingdom Hearts: Hands of Darkness Three years after the downfalls of Xemnas and Organization XIII, the worlds have returned to their normal states and the Heartless haven’t shown up for months. Sora, Riku, and Kairi have begun their lives on Destiny Islands anew and the sense of normalcy is refreshing. But peace and normalcy can never last forever; the Darkness isn’t so easily beaten. The time for the Heartless to strike back is swiftly approaching… End of the World, a dark and dissolute plain of sorrows that could ever hold the creatures born from the very darkness that shrouds it. Off in the distant mountains lies the World Terminus, the dark portals used by the Heartless to attack unsuspecting victims and worlds. This world is the very image of a dying plain, nothing grows with life and everything living soon becomes dust. At a fast pace a figure on a Heartless steed rushes a crossed the barren wasteland headed towards a giant, misshapen castle. The person wears a long black cloak that conceals his face and violently flutters in the wind. When he arrived at the castle gates he dismounted and strode towards them. He took the last step and stopped in front of them; the stonework was faded and dull but still had some resemblance to some kind of creature. Suddenly the gates started moving and their coloring returned, a Thresholder. The man raised his hand to it; he was holding a piece of cloth with the Heartless insignia etched into it. The Heartless blankly stared at it and then looked at its other half, and then as if deciding on something it submissively opened up to let the man inside. As he strode through the courtyard he passed by several statues of the larger Heartless; Darksides, Behemoths, and Guard Armors, he didn’t even bother glancing at the ‘Exiles’. When he got to the castle door he merely swiped his hand in front of it and it opened for him. Once inside he continued down a long dark hallway and stopped at a large door laced with black gold. He turned the knob and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. The room was nearly pitch-black, save for a few blue flames at the end. But as he walked towards the lights several more candles began to burn in his wake, revealing more and more of the chamber. It was a vast stone room, surrounded by suits of twisted black armor and pillars. Now almost at the end of the chamber the man stopped; there were six others in the main room of the chamber, all wearing the same black cloaks. “Glad you could make it, Awai.†a taller one greeted, “I thought you wouldn’t make it here in time and we would have to start with out you.†“Good to see you too, Kaji,†Awai retorted, “and what is so urgent that you sent for me to rush here?†“We found something interesting,†one of the others spoke up, “It involves our King.†“What about him, Mizu? Last I checked he went and got himself killed by the Keybearer, not exactly the smartest King we ever had.†“Mind your tongue Awai!†another of the group shouted. “Calm yourself, Kaze,†Kaji ordered, “and you mind your place Awai.†“Humph,†another scoffed, “I say we just forget this little union, it’s clear we don’t get along, why bother?†“You should know as well as the rest of us that we have to stay together, Kurai†the second to last bluntly stated. “Koudo is right, we have to rekindle our group for the sake of the Darkness†the last one responded. “As Koudo and Chijin said, we must be a group again so we can select our new King.†Kaji said, “And, as Mizu said, we have found something of rather importance and interest.†Kaji held his metal gloved hand out to display an old black book. The book didn’t have a title, but instead had a symbol resembling the insignia Awai had used to enter the castle. “Where did you find that?†Awai asked, “More over, what is it for?†“This book contains ancient intelligent Heartless rituals, one of which is what is used to choose the new King.†Kurai explained. He reached up and took the book from Kaji, opened it to a marked page and read aloud, “‘The Shadow Bladers are an invaluable asset to the Heartless Kingdom, for with out their expertise in the Darkness Arts a King would never exist. Although it is a burden summoning them, the ritual requires seven intelligent, Pure-breed Heartless, which are a rarity. “‘The Heartless conducting the ritual must recite an incantation to summon the Bladers, after they are summoned they will go to what ever world they are commanded and seek out the strongest fighter. After locating the fighter, all four of the Bladers must fight him until they are defeated. Once this is done the first being to pick up the Shadow Darts blade will be the new King.’†Kurai closed the book after he finished the verse, “So we just chant the spell and these four ‘Shadow Bladers’ will appear to us and do as we say.†“That is absurd!†Awai winced as Chijin exclaimed, “How can we trust what some old dusty book says!? For all we know the chant will kill us and not summon anything!†“Chijin,†Mizu began, “we must try what ever it takes to get a new King. Even if we might die, at least we tried to bring the Darkness back to its former glory!†“Let me see the book, Kurai.†Awai requested, holding out his white armored hand. Kurai gave it to him grudgingly, Awai then proceeded to open the book at the same page and read aloud a new passage. “‘Oh dark wielders, we call upon thee. We call you from the dark abyss, to inquire our new leader and master. Come forth, to us seven now! We call you to select our new King!’†Awai closed it and set it down on a table, “Well, it sounds like it would be worth a try.†“Thank you for agreeing Awai, now, let’s circle up and recite the spell.†Kaji ordered All seven of them circle around the table Awai had set the book on; each of them looked down and extended their right hands one over the other in the center above the book. All seven chanted the spell, “Oh dark wielders, we call upon thee. We call you from the dark abyss, to inquire our new leader and master. Come forth, to us seven now! We call you to select our new King!†A wave of dark power emitted from their hands and swept through the room, turning all of the flames green. The room was even brighter now, a distance from the cloaked people was a throne surrounded by four pillars. The throne was decorated black silver with the same emblem as the book above the seat; the throne was mainly covered in metallic thorns. The four pillars began to radiate with dark energy, then all four began to lift into the ceiling. Behind each pillar was a black coffin of some kind, once they were completely uncovered the lids of each coffin burst open with a hiss. Once the lids fell off there seemed to be nothing but darkness inside, suddenly all of the flames died; leaving the room pitch-black. But this blackness didn’t last very long, after a few seconds the candles burst back to life as red flames; and with the light came the sight of four new Heartless. Each Heartless was clad in a suit of black twisted, royal style armor, and at their sides were two identical blades. All four looked at the seven cloaked Heartless for several, awkward moments of silence, and then finally the four knights knelt down on one knee in unison. “What are your orders Generals?†one of them, clearly the leader, rasped in request. The one that spoke had a third blade on the other side from the other two, Koudo was clearly staring at the third blade with unaccustomed interest. “Uh-†Kaji stammered, what should they request? But seeing Kaji seeming dumbfounded, Mizu took over, “You four are to go to Twilight Town, we have received several reports of a Keyblade wielder hiding there. And your orders are: Exterminate him if possible.†“Understood, my Lady†the knight leader responded, and with their orders in activation the four knights disappeared in portals of Darkness. “Those creatures,†Kaji muttered, “are Shadow Bladers…?†“It would seem so, so now we wait,†Mizu answered, “we can keep an eye on them with the looking glass.†Mizu walked over to the far wall and pulled of a red silk curtain, revealing a large mirror. “Mirror, mirrr on the wall, show us the Shadow Bladers fall.†she chanted. The glass of the mirror began to swirl and revealed a picture perfect image of the Shadow Bladers approach to Twilight Town. To be continued… ok, thats the first chapter, sry about repeating that beginning bit xD
it isnt Roxas persay, his name is Ven and he looks very similar to Roxas, a theory about why they look similar is that Ven did what Kairi did in KH1 and put his heart inside Sora's and remember KH: BBS is 10 whole years before KH1 so Sora will be a child as well as Riku
your sig made me LOL xD but anyway, about the fic, its the fic that i abandoned that starts before my other fic, Keeper of Sin i wanted to pic it back up to relieve any confusion
Kingdom Hearts: Hands of Darkness Kingdom Hearts: Hands of Darkness Three years after the downfalls of Xemnas and Organization XIII, the worlds have returned to their normal states and the Heartless haven’t shown up for months. Sora, Riku, and Kairi have begun their lives on Destiny Islands anew and the sense of normalcy is refreshing. But peace and normalcy can never last forever; the Darkness isn’t so easily beaten. The time for the Heartless to strike back is swiftly approaching… End of the World, a dark and dissolute plain of sorrows that could ever hold the creatures born from the very darkness that shrouds it. Off in the distant mountains lies the World Terminus, the dark portals used by the Heartless to attack unsuspecting victims and worlds. This world is the very image of a dying plain, nothing grows with life and everything living soon becomes dust. At a fast pace a figure on a Heartless steed rushes a crossed the barren wasteland headed towards a giant, misshapen castle. The person wears a long black cloak that conceals his face and violently flutters in the wind. When he arrived at the castle gates he dismounted and strode towards them. a little taste of whats to come >:D
thats not a jump, its a charge blue: jump red: charge postcard locations: 1. Climb to the roof of the Accessory Shop. 2. Hit the fan in the Item Shop. 3. Blue Trinity near the Item Shop in District 1. 4. Crack open the blue safe in District 1 after finishing the area the first time. 5. Jump up to the awning of the shoe store in District 2. 6. After locking the Traverse Town Keyhole, look at the paper on the wall in the Item Workshop. 7/8. Cast Thunder on the wires in District 3, then step on the three buttons in the Gizmo Shop to set it in motion. Examine the clock on the wall to get two cards. 9. Also after locking the Keyhole, climb to the top of the Gizmo Shop, follow the path from roof to roof, and take the secret entrance to District 3. There's a postcard in the corner there. 10. After clearing Monstro, Geppetto sets up shop in District 1. Go look in a pot on his shelf for the last card. all blue trinity locations: 1) Traverse Town, in front of the wold exit. 2) Traverse Town, in front of the resturant. 3) Traverse Town, District Three, behind the fountain. 4) Traverse Town, in the Mythical House by the save point. 5) Deep Jungle, in the camp site, next to the lab table. 6) Deep Jungle, in the climbing trees, the area above the vines. 7) Wonderland, in Loctos Forrest, give the flower a potion to become big, and then move the rock into the River. This will bring up two mushrooms, follow them to th next room. The Trinity is on the floor. 8) Wonderland, in Loctos Forrest, on the floor. 9) Olympus Collsium, in the courtyard to the right of the lobby. 10) Olympus collsium, in the courtyard to the left of the lobby. 11) Agrabah, when opening the locked doors to get to Jafar, in the room called Bazzar. 12) Agrabah, in the Cave Of Wonders, the lower levels, it's hard to see. 13) Monstro, mouth, drain the water by beating "The Cage" the first time, and the Trinity, a cinema will show the water draining and the trinty's location. 14) Monsto, in chamber 6, on the floor. 15) Montro, Throat, on the floor. 16) Hollow Bastion, in the dungeons, need Beast to break though the wall. 17) Hollow Bastion, High Crest, after you get off that big platform. hope that helps ^^
Hey all, just a little tidbit to chew on whilst you wait for chapter 2 ^^ Kingdom Hearts: Keeper of Sin Chapter 2 Prologue The setting was dark and gloomy, with overgrown plants all around. A portal of darkness opened up and Bushou stepped out, he was more than a little angry. One of his only chances to destroy the being threatening his life and Pride had to interfere! “RAAGH!” Bushou slashed a tree with his Keyblade, burning right through the trunk and toppling it over, “Damn you Pride! I don’t care if that stupid child is meant to destroy us; I worked far too hard to get this kind of immortality to have it all taken away just because of Destiny!” “I wouldn’t call this immortality…” a deep, raspy voice commented, echoing through the trees. “Who’s there!?” Bushou looked around worriedly. A young man in a black cloak walked out from behind a tree. “I am one of you, or rather; I am one of your kind.” He raised his hand and pulled down the hood, letting his black and red spiked hair hang loose. “It-it’s you!” the man smiled sinisterly, “Fuzen!” “Yes, Sloth, it’s me. I was here looking for a friend of my companion when I heard a tree fall near-by. From the sound of it you are rather angry that you didn’t get to kill Sora.” “Tch, it’s not my fault, that idiot Pride got in the way. Sora would have been dead ages ago if it were up to me.” Bushou retorted. “I see, so you are willing to go against the orders of your leader then?” “Pride can hardly be considered as my leader, I only went with this because I wanted to live forever. But now it turns out that Destiny has decided that Sora must kill us to kill you and the Darkness that you hold.” “Haha…” “Something you find funny?” “Heh, Sora can’t kill me with out killing all seven of you first huh?” Fuzen looked at Bushou with a gaze that seemed to burn right through him, his fiery eyes shining with fierce delight. “Ye-yes, our Keyblades hold the power to destroy you, but not alone, he needs all seven.” Bushou stammered; he didn’t like where this conversation was heading. Fuzen raised his right hand, extending his fingers in a ‘take my hand’ manner, “if that is true, then perhaps we can make a deal.” He said. Bushou looked at Fuzen’s hand, confused, “What do you mean, what kind of a deal do you have in mind?” “I give you the chance to kill Sora without Pride interfering, and you promise me in return that you will remain loyal to me. This is good for both of us; you get to continue ‘living’ and I get rid of the only threat to my plans” “Hmmm, so you’re proposing that I betray the other Sins and join your side?” “Exactly, I will even grant you some of my powers, as well as a new weapon, just for you” “A new weapon, I’ll get to kill Sora, and live forever, huh? Sounds like fun,” Bushou smiled, “Alright, I’ll do it.” “Excellent…” Fuzen walked up to Bushou, so they were now face-to-face. He took Bushou’s left hand; the one encased in darkness, Bushou was hit with a wave of dark power. The energy was surging through Bushou’s body; he had never felt such power! When the pulsating power died down Fuzen backed away, raised his right hand and a new Keyblade appeared. This Keyblade was different from others; the handle was over on one side, with a single guard, the blade started from the guard and was sharp, ending with the prongs; which were on the same side as the blade and had the form of a bat-like wing. The keychain was a black crown laid over a pointy, blocky silver heart. “This Keyblade I will name Turncoat, it now belongs to you as a symbol that you now serve me.” Bushou took it from Fuzen, examining it more closely. “This is the weapon? Very interesting, what powers does it hold?” “That is for you to discover, and don’t worry about choosing which of your Keyblades to use, when you made the deal I gave you the Synch Blade ability; so now you can use both.” Bushou smirked, “Heh, thanks, I’ll have fun reeking havoc with this. So, how soon do you want Sora dead?” “Whenever you get around to it, no rush. At the moment he is of no concern, even more so now that I have one of you on my side” “Okay, I’ll go have some fun first, I think I’ll pay a visit to my old friend Kentan.” And with that Bushou disappeared into a portal of Darkness, Fuzen was left alone in the dense jungle, a woman wearing a black cloak stepped out from the shadows. “Are you really going to keep your end of the deal?” she whispered. “Humph, that creature is good as dead after he kills Sora” Fuzen responded nastily, the woman bowed her head and turned away, Fuzen close behind. ~ ok, i hope you all can be patient and wait for the next one, im kinda busy atm and cant really write it all that quickly ^^; and yes the phrase 'idiot Pride' doesnt quite fit, but i didnt want to use bas*ard with a freaking star in it >.< stupid filter lol
axel definately! he was too smexy to die T-T plus roxas was never technically killed, so there nothing (lol pun) to save
"Darkness" Evil, Sorrow Never-ending, Frightening, Suffering Grey, Bottomless, Infinite, Nothingness Loathing, Longing, Falling Non-existent, Mournful Happiness…
i havent read the interview, been too busy with other stuff, that and i dont really know where to find it as for them being a new species, maybe ur right about them being ancestral heartless or more over, a less evovled form of the heartless, the most common of the pure breed heartless are the shadows, maybe they had to adapt to something 10 years ago, the seem to be a to undefined in form
lol epic phail im still trying to figure out when it was officially established that terra ever chose anybody to wield a keyblade, last i checked the keyblade chose its own wielder, not the prievious wielder choosing the new one
ok, then explain to me what those black creatures that we see terra fighting are then if those arent heartless then what are they?
ur not really the first to suggest a cross over of that kind, i read a fanfic that caused sora and friends to magically get transported to the world of LOST, then vincent valentine had to rescue them xD
oh god, i feel ur pain, mickey had to save me 3 times and that damn xaldin kept spamming his berserk mode >.<
ye, i chose marly, cuz u gotta be evil to go up to a 14 year old boy with flaming pink hair and actually be taken seriously xD also because he was so hell bent on screwing up soras memories that he was willing to basically turn him into a vegetable >.> plus, i didnt choose xaldin, cuz come on, he got elbowed in the stomach and let go of the rose, -_- seriously? if he was a real badass he would have smacked bell upside the head 4 that didnt choose larx, because, i find her more b*tchy than evil didnt choose zex cuz he was just clever ^^ xemnas is a badass, but he just didnt seem evil enough xigbar is just plain cool! lex, just, no vex, oh hell no, sure he pissed riku off and made his own riku doll, but please, the only thing i really noticed evil about him was his freaking annoying laugh! (thank u axel!) lets see... who else... demy just seemed to me that he was trying too hard to be evil, in fact the most evil i ever saw him act was right before the final battle against him where he says 'silence traitor' he looked wicked evil at that piont, but the rest of the time he just tried too hard lux i would say is pretty much tied with zex, hes just not evil enough, just a smart ass ^^ axel is tied with xig cuz hes awesome and i worship him for killing vex ^^ as 4 roxas, definately not evil, just confused and misunderstood ^^
i like the re:com, cuz its flammy :D also, never saw the com or the manga versions
um, wouldnt that kinda be a redo of scar? eccept more heartless like? cuz scar didnt look all that much like a heartless, he sure was creepy though >.>;
i deleted the less likely ones, remember its in the past, so jones wouldnt be in it i also got rid of the silly ones, like cids dog, they have to be able to TALK!!!! lol the more old fashioned baddies are definately likely, the idea of cruella made me lol, i can just imaggine the main character in the form of a dog, holding the keyblade in his mouth xD
... yes im aware of that part of the def, i just felt that it wasnt worth mentioning >.> but meh, this theory is just a thought
ok, i have a new theory to add to the mountain of theories sorrounding this game those of us that hunted down the secret video for BBS in KH2 know that the phrase 'chasers' is mentioned but what really is a chaser? chaser: an engraver or embosser of metal or glass, somebody or something that forcefully pursues another person or thing now, this could either mean the beings that created the keyblades, due to the metal reference, or beings that chase something but here's a thought: what if a chaser is just an old name for the heartless? beings without something that 'chase' said thing due to them not having hearts, they 'chase' those that do to take them away so maybe the heartless were called 'chasers' before they were studied further i just had this thought, so i felt like seeing what others thought ps: sry if somebody already posted on this theory