Search Results

  1. Jade Rhade
    Most of us are of the age where we're still in school... so, what's your schedule look like? I'm a rising senior in high school, and mine consists of:

    AP English
    AP History
    Sociology and Psychology
    AP Physics

    AP English (cont'd)
    Elementary Education Internship
    World Literature II
    Wellness IV
    Probability and Statistics
    AP Physics (cont'd)

    .... Put me on suicide watch. DX
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Aug 18, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jade Rhade iMEEM song in a signature? This song, to be specific.
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Aug 18, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Jade Rhade
    Sayonara. I should return in about a month or so just to see who the dwindling few are who remember me... just for giggles, really. You're all welcome to email or IM me; the information's in my profile. Or livejournal me-

    Sayonara, minna-san.
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Jul 13, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jade Rhade

    ...Is it bad that I only come back when Wolf tells me that silly things are going on in my absence? Hello, everyone. Find that your grammar has deteriorated?
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Jul 13, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Jade Rhade
    ...No, I kid. Apologies, but I don't have time lately for the forum. x_x That is, if anyone still remembers me. I wouldn't be surprised if you all forgot about me. T_T I just kind of popped in for April Fool's because I was curious as to what the staff cooked up this year, but there doesn't seem to be anything interesting.

    ....Wolf tells me the grammar on this site has deteriorated in my absence. This is kind of upsetting. ANYWAY, everyone's welcome to IM me via AIM (sorry, no MSN here) or PM me via FFnet. And... yeah. If nothing else, just tell Wolf a message for me, and she should get it to me. how is everyone, anyway?
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Apr 1, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jade Rhade
    A few weeks ago I would have said Death Note, no contest, but having just finished .hack//SIGN, I'd have to say that one is just as good, if not better.

    If you guys want to post links (preferably streaming, not download, since that's technically illegal) to your favorites, do it here.
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Jade Rhade
    So my father quotes every time the subject is brought up. Opinions?
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Dec 16, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  8. Jade Rhade
    I haven't RP'd for a few months, but I have to say that it's rather pathetic to see the terrible spelling and grammar present in many of the opening titles and background stories of the role-playing threads. I'm not singling anyone out; I used to RP myself on this site; but seriously, how hard can it be to run at least the opening post of your thread/ thread title though Microsoft Word? Or maybe even an old-fashioned thing called a dictionary?

    If I'm overstepping my bounds, I apologize. Just thought someone should point this out.
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Dec 14, 2007, 77 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. Jade Rhade
    ...I'm egotistical.
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Dec 5, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Jade Rhade
    Just saw this a few minutes ago as I signed on...
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Dec 5, 2007, 31 replies, in forum: Current Events
  11. Jade Rhade
    ...or am I one of the greatest things since buttered toast?
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Dec 4, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Jade Rhade
    What would you do? (Yes, this still applies to people who are mods/admins.)

    I for one would perma-ban those who use "txt tlk" and speak in 1337.
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Nov 28, 2007, 45 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jade Rhade
    Duh. It's in Mexico somewhere."

    Sometimes I fear for the future of society when high school students say things like that.

    EDIT: And before you yell at me for not capitalizing in the title, I forgot that you can't have something in all Caps. It edited itself; just pretend it's all in capital letters for your sake and mine.)
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Nov 28, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Jade Rhade
    My user title finally realized that I'm not premium and I've been on the site again, so it wiped itself. Damn. >_< I knew I should have left my profile as it was....
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Nov 26, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Jade Rhade
    For those of you who've been wondering where I've been spending my time away from the forums, it's been here: attempting to find some redeeming value to the TR:A game. This is the Jade mini-review/rant. Bear with me, please. There are no spoilers for the game storyline itself, though if you've played the original, you wouldn't have to worry anyway.

    For fans of the original Tomb Raider, the new Anniversary falls hopelessly short. Touted as a "remake of the original", it in fact retains little of the best TR game of all the ones I've played so far. Yes, the graphics will blow you away compared to the 1996 graphics of the original, yes there are new moves, different enemies... but, there are those of us who simply want our original Tomb Raider (which sadly can not be played on Windows XP without downloading several patches, spinning around to your left three times and... and only on days that don't end in 'y'.) playable on our computers.

    So anyway, for those looking into this game as a "remake" of the original, save your money. Unless you want to spend several hours just figuring out the controls, then another several attempting to get through a level before realizing: "hey, I'm allowed to climb around corners now?!", buy something else.

    Oh yes. And cheat codes can only be unlocked by beating a level twice. Once to unlock the replay, and another time on "time trial" mode... doesn't that defeat the purpose of a cheat code?

    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Nov 26, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Jade Rhade
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Nov 15, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jade Rhade
    As I have tech rehearsal tonight starting at five (in about 40 minutes for those not fortunate enough to be in my time zone), I found myself wondering... I'm running spotlight, and probably lights too since the guy assigned is occasionally rather incompetant. XD
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Nov 14, 2007, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jade Rhade
    Recently, I keep trying to sign on and I keep getting "Server Cannot Be Found" errors, and they're severely pissing me off. I'm on my other computer at the moment, so I don't know if this problem is resolved or if I just got lucky. *shrug* Anyway, I apologize to all the people I promised that I would be on the next day... I tried, really!
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Nov 14, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Jade Rhade

    I return!

    Surprisingly, after my long absence due to school and Tang Soo Do (and playing Neverwinter Nights, but that's another story), the first opportunity I actually get to sign on here is at school. Fun, yes?

    So, how is everyone? Everyone forget who I am? Anything super-special-awesome happen during my long disappearence? Am I breaking any kind of rules by EXISTING!?

    ...I just realized that according to my profile, I've been a member for more than a year. Interesting... and to everyone who PM'd me, I'll respond... eventually. Hopefully today, unless I get kicked off this site for not doing schoolwork. And.... yeah.

    I honestly have done NO writing whatsoever, so KHV:CH is pretty much at a standstill. I don't know what else needs to be posted here, since I don't really know anyone who signs on at this time.

    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Nov 2, 2007, 103 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Jade Rhade
    Due to my absence of over two weeks, I need a teensy bit of an update as to what the heck's been going on in my absence. Anyone care to indulge?

    ...apologies to everyone who's PM'd me while I've been offline; they'll all be replied to by 4:30 EST. x_x And the problem is, I don't even have a good reason for not being online. Yes, I've had homework now that school's started (Physics is a b*tch) but in my spare time I've been replaying Neverwinter Nights.

    Gomenasai to everyone waiting for updates on Camp Hope.
    Thread by: Jade Rhade, Sep 13, 2007, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone