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  1. Flinch Cat
    (Please forgive me because I had no clue where to post this. So I guess lock/move this thread if it's in the wrong place, thanks!)

    I think I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again: I've only played Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, and the entirety of Dream Drop Distance. I know that there's a lot more to Kingdom Hearts than that, but... I have no clue which game to play next.

    I really, REALLY hate playing things out of order, and I keep hearing not to touch Chain of Memories with a ten foot pole, so I have no clue which game to play next? Can anyone help me out?
    Thread by: Flinch Cat, Feb 25, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. Flinch Cat
    Yeah, not funny, I know. The rest of this greeting isn't going to be a whole lot better, I promise you, but at least you'll get to know some cool facts about me. That's... Interesting, right?

    Anyway. You can call me Shion for now, but if that doesn't suit your fancy, Yosu or Cris work just as well. I'm 19 years old, and will be turning 20 in October. I'm currently in college for Creative Writing, though I do plan to take up computer programming. I'm pretty knowledgable about HTML, and I've taught myself bits and pieces of Java script.

    As for my experience with Kingdom Hearts... I'll be honest, I'm a casual when it comes to Kingdom Hearts. The extent that I've played is the entirety of Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, and Dream Drop Distance. I do plan to play Birth by sleep and get the 1.5 Remake at one point. I do have an idea of what it's about, though, since I have a group of friends who are really, really into Kingdom Hearts.

    So... Yeah. I think that's about it.

    Though, one last thing: please use they/them pronouns when referring to me. I know is is a strange request, but I'd appreciate it if you did that. Thank you.
    Thread by: Flinch Cat, Feb 25, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures