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  1. Feliex
    As the guest began to reenter the ballroom from the coronation ceremony of the new queen Faust started to resume his rounds as one of the wait staff for the ball after the coronation. He had just started the first of his many rounds through the ball room when he had been interrupted by the red headed girl from before. His grin grew wider than ever before as she stopped him and asked him his name. "My, my, my. I know that I said that we would meet again but not even I thought that our paths would cross again so soon. My name is Faust. and I must say that it is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Ignis." returning her handshake.
    Post by: Feliex, Jun 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Feliex
    i would like to spend:

    340 crowns to raise magic to 51 [28 x 10= 280 + 60= 340]
    70 crowns to raise speed to 20 [7 x 10 =70]
    70 crowns to raise strength to 20 [7 x 10 =70]

    total crowns costing 480
    crowns remaining 20

    500 munny on mystic chain
    700 munny on lucky ring
    150 munny on poison edge
    1000 munny on thunder bell
    1250 on fox tazer
    1750 on lady luck

    total munny spent 5350
    munny remaining 250
    Post by: Feliex, Jun 26, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. Feliex
    “I guess you’re right, that was terrible, wasn’t it?” Faust laughed as he scratched the back of his head the grin never leaving his face. As he began to walk away back towards the tray he set down he turned back towards the red headed girl and said “Call it intuition, but something tells me that this won’t be the last time we meet. So, I’ll leave it at here till we meet again, my beautiful rose” turning away and not looking at the girl as he returned his focus to severing the other guests of the party. He muttered to himself in a wistful voice “Well, guess I can’t always have lady luck on my side.” Still even as he resumed serving the nobility he couldn’t shake a feeling that this night wouldn’t be a total waste. That by the end of the night he would find something worth his while to see.
    Post by: Feliex, Jun 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Feliex
    Faust couldn’t believe his luck as he shifted though the crowed ballroom of the palace. Not only did he arrive on the same day as a big celebration for the coronation of the new queen, but he even was able to attend a fancy party meant for the foreign nobility. He was whistling out softly with the music resounding throughout the hall to himself as he lifted the small tray holding a few champagne flutes a bit higher to squeeze past a few guests. He began to think to himself Can’t say it isn’t an interesting experience to see how these kinds of events are put together.

    He had been asked to fill in for one of the servants that had been injured himself when he was out getting some last-minute ingredients for the event. Faust had been passing by when he had been exploring this new world. One thing lead to another and now he found himself working this event as a servant.

    As he scanned the ballroom and walked around, offering some drinks to various party goers, he noticed something. Out of the whole ballroom filled to the brim with nobility and party goers, one girl seemed to stand out to him with vibrant red hair. Deciding to push his luck Faust nonchalantly placed his empty serving tray to the side as he began walking toward her. When he got next to her he opened with a grin as he said “My, it must be my lucky day to meet such a beautiful rose such as yourself. The name’s Faust, it’s a pleasure to have our fates cross paths like this,” giving a slight bow.
    Post by: Feliex, Jun 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Feliex
    Username: Feliex
    Name: Faust
    Age: 20
    Appearance: image
    Personality: laid back, prefering the winds of fate to guide him
    Homeworld: the chained Isles
    Keyblade: Voltaic Fragment
    What's most important to you? freedom
    What do you want outta life? to see everything there is to see
    What are you afraid of? losing my freedom
    Path Chosen: mystic
    Path Sacrificed: Guardian

    KHSOS: Awakening
    Post by: Feliex, Jun 21, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  6. Feliex
    Profile Post Comment

    hello new friend!

    hello new friend!
    Profile Post Comment by Feliex, Jun 20, 2018