trudat ~ ~ U
i joined that group
........................... i was 45 :yelling:
your pic changed already
........................... when i was at night_zanes house he was talking to his friend on XBOX live and he made a name change Queers of war
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that means kairi is a .......
sick pic ....
:rockband::ff10sora: hi
i made a group of sonic sidekicks you can be shadow or omega
theres one you forgot to make sonic sidekicks / friends
did you make any threads/posts
open the gate starkiller
@^79695%%((*%^*^*^($*(^(*VKLOIGB)&VR(*^R)*$( hi
yeah welcome
you get my invite?
if my rasengan was working i`d be going cloud on you