Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7
H haha that's a good one
Nice job that's really good
I used to watch Ninja Warrior on it but that's about it.
Must be the secret ingredient to their chili sauce
I would take nobodies, they're just trying to become whole again
A big battle is coming, it's not when with pretty faces it's won with warriors[DOUBLEPOST=1346853413][/DOUBLEPOST] It was in the secret ending for 3d.
I want to know where I can find this manga online.
I would like to have it like Advent Children. It would be awesome
Right now I have 3 AR cards[DOUBLEPOST=1346604052][/DOUBLEPOST] You wouldn't happen to have more with you?
This is war by 30 seconds to mars
last book I read was The Son of Neptune last school book was Cantebury tales
That is so cool, I already know that it's gonna be a big seller
YES finally I hope Noel, Hope, and the rest of the gang return
I am so getting that CD ASAP
Attack by 30 seconds to mars
This game should absolutely be in the Top 10 for best game ever
The avatar is about a 7 and the signature is an 8
I tried that but nothing happens when the card is under the camera