Inappropriate use of words in profile. Sounds right to me. It may be descrimination, but Live has rules of words in profile. You can't say F*** in your profile without expecting to be banned for it. Its wrong for being banned on Live for socializing or having a different lifestyle, but its wrong to let people use inappropriate words in Gamertags or profiles.
I only have the first and second volumes. "Hey, it Ronald and Zoofy!"
This is obviously a joke so I won't reply. Oops.
Updated polygons and graphics, including the same voice of KH2.
If you played COM, you would know where he went and did. KH Cutscenes even show how he felt.
Great job, now I'm gonna be a rep whore and its all your fault. Is there an Org.13 status?
I baked you a cake, but I ated it. Thanks for the welcoming everyone. I won't be a rep whore. I promise.
Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahaha Hahahaha Ha I really liked the gameplay. Especially the Limit Breaks. Its my opinion anyway. Atleast I'm not an FF7 fanboy thinking its perfect in everyway.
Any FFX character is welcome to me. Wouldn't mind someone else, though.
I saw this on the website yesterday.
Does "I just want a heart" sound familiar?
I do say good sure, but I'm afraid this thread has been hijacked!
Gummi Ships. Still annoying, even with cool effects.
Well, the cake was a lie anyway.
Demyx was cool, and he looked scared while dieing. Axel pretty much killed himself for Sora. Vexen was surprised and scared because of Axel.
most hated Orgy Members.... most hated Orgy Orgy Vexen.
Luxord the gambler and the Chesire Cat? This should be good.
I use KH2 AR Ultimate codes, and I am unable to enter more than one code without replacing another code I entered. Any help?
My personal favorite because of characters, storyline, and gameplay. Anyone agree?
"Us nobodies can never be somebodies." Do not expect happy endings for the Org. 13 or anyone who has helped them, such as Replica.