all them nobodies would be awesome, i wonder what a Kairi nobodie would look like
i beat the game two days on hard mode, got the secret ending i was happy until i saw the regular ending then i got sad and mad at the same time cause all that crap and sora riku and kairi were split up
either that or xemnas was going out for a stroll in the truck and then roxas popped up and then he crashed
i think that they do love each other just in a secretive way, they couldnt do anything in the game cuase it was E rated so it doesnt mean that they dont love each other.
yeah i noticed that his teeth were larger than usuall i kindof thought it was wierd
well this has already been discused before on another site and i posted the same thing in there as well
yah idk y the truck is there, id think its really iimportant but my guess would be that it prolly came from another world and crashed there
yeah he does
its called the masamune, and terra would win big time cause keyblade beats freaky one winged jenova soldier all the time
riku was never turned into a heartless he was just possesed by one and then your all forgetting that Xemnas wouldnt be ansem he would Xehanort remember xehanort took ansem the wises name
well what i think is that the metal dragon xemnas is riding on is just a caltclus for all the organizations powers after they had faded away, there powers went into it and xemnas couls control them. his armor is just mere protection, either that or he's wearing it because it gives him the power to control the metal opinion
alls i want to know is some proxies cause, i need to get on and Myspace
whats Pr0ne
rave stood there looking down at the school
why would i need it at my house, im at school, if a proxie thats blocked at school and not at my house isnt gonna do me anygood. i need to know one for my school. i dont need one for my house......DEEDEEDEE
OOC: cool Rave stood up on a cliff near avondale his home town "nothings happening today" he thought
Name: Rave Aveon Age: 17 Gender: male Weapon: Katana Power: able to control lightning Bio: just a stranger, travels along the woods. though he helps people out when he can Appearence: working on it Pesonality: antisocial anything else
well first of all, my school practically blocked all proxies on google, so we cant look there, and it is intelligent cuase i need someone intellegent to tell me some proxies
hey if anyone knows any proxies that they know cant be blocked or something plz i need a list of them plz
thnx yeah i know