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  1. AlexleHoshi
    Go in, tell and show them and ask if you can swap it for one that isn't ruined. You can do all that with being polite.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. AlexleHoshi

    Took me a while to try to understand what you were saying. So I'll do my best to reply.

    i beleve it will hardly come out
    it don't have a thing to make the part two
    Okay so this was where I had to re-read what you put a few times and I think you're saying 'I believe it will never come out' as for the second line I have no clue.

    no way to be 358/2 days nor birth by sleep
    and how waste of money be RE: Coded
    Why not? 358/2 days and BBS are good games and even if I enjoyed coded the least, it was still a fun game, I'd replay it if they made a HD collection of the other games.

    and the way i know them, i'll break my leg if they make Dream Drop Distance
    I don't see them doing this to DDD yet since it only came out last year. But it could happen.

    BTW, what 'bout Kingdom Hearts Midlght (Final Mix and RE: Chain of Memories) and Kingdom Hearts Dawn (Reverse/Reborn and Birth by Sleep: Volume Two)
    Not counting BBS Volume Two, we have just gotten a HD remix of KH1 and RE:Com as well as all the cinematics for 358/2 days.

    So when they do bring out 2.5 HD I'm sure it'll most likely the gameplay for Days, KH2, Coded and maybe BBS. But we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. AlexleHoshi

    First off Hollow Bastian IS Radian Garden and second just because you have a IQ of 165 doesn't mean you can't explain something. It's like an adult saying to a kid 'Oh I won't explain because I'm smarter then you because I know more stuff' you just come off as an ass. Besides IQ levels don't go that high?

    Also this ^
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. AlexleHoshi

    I don't think they know each other in the KH world. I mainly said that because just because a character is one thing in the game he comes from doesn't mean he has to be the same in KH
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 25, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. AlexleHoshi

    Lucky he didn't have anything like that on him and sometimes it was really hard to tell if I was a guy or a girl because of how big I am, for all he knew I could have been another fat guy with moobs (My cosplay was kind of baggy so my rack was hard to see lol)
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. AlexleHoshi
    Yup, two of my female friends did their best too keep away from him because he hit on a lot of girls there so I was told
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. AlexleHoshi
    Not right now because I don't think I'm ready, but maybe in the future I'll adopt a little girl (so my mum can have a granddaughter since she has 3 grandsons from my older sister). But that'll be a while before that happens.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. AlexleHoshi
    I've just watched Watemote and saw nothing supernatural in it
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. AlexleHoshi
    I'm putting this here because it's more of something that makes me chuckle then bugs me.

    So on Saturday I was at a con with some friends and while walking around with one of them and guy comes up to us and asks us for a hug, (best was to describe him is a fat nerd) being nice and something that happens a lot at cons I go to we both give him one and then he turns to me and say 'Are you a girl?' Because I was cosplay Link and it was hard to tell if I had a rack or was a big guy (Since I have a masculine face thanks to my dad) so I tell him I am to which he replies 'Oh I'm looking for a girlfriend' my friend says she not looking for anyone and I tell him I'm a lesbian (which I am) and right away he says

    'I knew you would say that'

    I look at him as if to say The f**k? then tell him I have male friends that I hug....

    So apparently I can't hugs guys because I'm a lesbian? .... lol wut?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 24, 2013, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. AlexleHoshi
    But they were in playlists and like I said, because the soundtrack for Last Order wasn't there I missed it out
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. AlexleHoshi

    While that is true, he was asking about playlists on youtube and how they are different hence why I missed it out
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. AlexleHoshi

    I didn't miss it because the sound track wasn't there, if they did have it then I would have added it to my first post :)
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. AlexleHoshi

    Now if Hatok would have just said that then I wouldn't have said all that, since it's been a while since I played the game and I remember more of the end game then the start so eh
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. AlexleHoshi
    Then explain, and also explain how the girls from FF X-2 are fairys in KH2 and not the first game they come from, how Selphie is about 12/13 while Squall/Leon is in his 20s when they are closer to the same age in FF8. Just because he's an angel in TWEWY doesn't mean he is one in KH3D. Beside they world you meet them in is called a Dream World after all
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. AlexleHoshi
    He was part of a dream so not real
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. AlexleHoshi
    *walks in, looks around and walks back out* Nope because I have no interest in marvel and dbz fights take to long
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. AlexleHoshi
    FF7 the ps1 game
    FF7 DoC dirge of cerberus the one you play as Vincent in a Devil may cry kind of way on the ps2 set 5 years after the ps1 game (I think, not sure about the time gap since I only played the final boss at an ex's house)
    FF7 CC crisis core a prequel to the ps1 game where you play as Zack psp
    FF7 AC advent children the moive set two years after the ps1 game
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. AlexleHoshi
    Same for the same reason of course
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. AlexleHoshi
    Don't forget that game was a shared dream between Riku and Sora so I don't think it would count
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. AlexleHoshi
    It was the Heartless he told to find the princess, he only got his hands on Jasmine because Genie dropped her into a pot that was really a heartless when Jafar took control over him. It was Aladdin who wish for Jasmine to be saved
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX