I want a friend that everyone else can see. =D -hug-
Buaha. Victory is mine! >8D
You want luck? =D -hands magical banana- You are now the Banana King. You have all the luck in the world. :3
That's seriously the last thing we need. I think we'd all get along wonderfully if we just treat eachother the same way. =)
It dun matter how old you are. As long as yer you on the inside. =D BE TRUE TO YOURSELF D<
=D Now then...What I have secretly just given was really an Axel VOODOO DOLL. >8D COMMENCE THE WEARING OF THE PINK TUTU!
lol. Gomen ne. D: Here's something to keep you unbored. -hands Axelinapinktutu plush- =D
YES BOW BEFORE ME D8< hehe. I saw that video forever ago. Amazing stuffs. 8D
Yes. I quite agree. I see Sora more-over as the person that would go 'wtf I'm not fighting a girl to the death'. Rena is more like... '-stab- YAY SNEAK ATTACK! 8D'
My God. You don't mean.... D8
Outside of the school gates commence dancing the Robot.
D8 You sir have no right be here then. XD
xDD I know you would,but I meant in between those two. To compensate,here's a mega-kudo cookie. :3 -hands magical megakudocookie of awesomeness- ALL HAIL TAH BANANA KING!
I haven't seen him,but I do admit he is very attractive. =)
Who do you think would win in a battle to the death: Sora(Kingdom Hearts II), or Rena(Higurashi no Naku Koro ni) I've been asking this question around for a while now. XD I'm kind of torn between them. I mean,I love Sora. Very much. He has a giant key that is magical and has defeated countless monsters. Yet RENA over here,whom I ADORE so very much,has an amazing hatchet (lol) that hasn't really killed monsters,but it has killed a couple of *spoiler* bizn*tches. =) [Plus she has her 'Omochikaeri' and 'Uso da!' modes.] So,seriously. Who do you think would win? D: (p.s. if you don't know who Rena is,check YouTube. :3 ) AND ZOMFG TEH ZIPPY IS BACK 8D )
The Keyblade shrinks and fits in one of his many pockets on his baggy pants. =D
OMGIKNOW Poor Sora. He was like 'AGHWHYDIDIDOTHATLOL?!!!11ONE!" Seriously feel bad for the kid. If only Sora were real.Then I would believe in Ol' Saint Nick again. :( BUT Watching all his hopes and dreams is even more entertaining. xD
Green - WOT?! Explain yourself. How did you get in to this type of information? TT
I know. People these days just don't listen. >.>
In a sense. If you read it, you would see that it isn't exactly Ven's Heart,either. Just his spirit. :3