Seeing that Quill was wiling to take him up on a bet Faust gave him a carefree smile. this new guy didn't seem to bad a lot better than most folk. Given the bet he offered made made Faust pause a bit before Nodding to him self and replying form his seated position on the cell floor "Sure, It's usually against my nature bet against the good of others but A bet is no fun if everyone puts it on the same outcome." Giving his arms a stretch as he faced quill with his trademark carefree smile "You know what friend i'll even let you pick the stakes. Man this think about back in the days before i even had a keyblade just me, lady luck, and a set of cards hanging around the docks. you can meet so many different kinds of people if know where to look." Faust reminiscing about his juvenile days as an idea struck him turning to ceiling he asked out to their jailers "Hey mind sending down a set of my cards to help us pass the time?" 1/30
"Well I enjoy our little chats" Faust replied "a little tip i find going limp tends to help when I get struck by lightening" before turning towards the ceiling to where he had heard the unknown voice come form there must of been some sort of radio and transceiver installed. quite the weird amount of money to spend for a jail cell but to each their own her guess. All cell visits came to a end sooner or later if he waited long enough so all he had to do was wait it out relax and lady luck would see him through. either through a cell door left open or wall crumbling away at a key moment. "Relaxing helps with a lot of things now that i think of it" Faust continued to himself before a nut fell from the ceiling of his cell knocking him on the head. "I guess it would make sense that they would be in a different block, but i have a feeling that isn't a the case i you want we can make a bet on it to pass the time?"
Waking up in new places wasn't a new experience for Faust that was his usual method in traveling between the different worlds before he joined up with the SOS. Propping himself up from the floor of the strange box he seemed to fond himself in. it was Familiar like a cells back in his home world but instead of stone and brick the cells the choice of glass to divide the different cells seemed to be a novel but how did the prisoners not just break the glass and leave. Faust Got his answer as he saw Aux punch one of the red glass walls of his cell only to crumple slightly after as he must of been shocked for the new metal collar that everyone down here was wearing. reaching up and touching his own neck confirm that he was wearing one as well. Seeing as one of the two new faces in this 'Cell Block' was introducing himself Faust raised one his hands in a wave replying back "Well Hello Quill, Nice to meet you I'm Faust, A traveling Magician" Flicking a wrist in his practiced manner only to find no deck slide into his hand giving him pause for a second. Quickly patting himself finding his usual tools of the trade missing. Worrying, but trying to not let it show on his face Faust surged his magic for a brief second to improvise a different trick on the spot since his usual slight of hand. though nothing seemed to happen as he kept channeling his magic but his collar seem to buzz slightly. "huh, guess I'm more out of Juice than I thought, strange i feel like a have enough magic to go all day." muttering the last part to himself before Turing to Aux "Hey is anyone else's collar buzzing? oh Aux you doing alright man?" Faust's shade laughing at the current turn of events hidden out of view of the others under Faust.
Seeing the rolling cloud scape that Faust found himself reminded himself a little of home for his comfort but the wide array of "gods" that were before him was quite the sight. the sight of Herc just cleaning up the titans was making him really want to come back one day for a rematch. hearing that comment form the "thunder god" grinded his gears slightly his carefree smile cramping up slightly as he leaned over towards Aux and replied back "You know it's flattering, but lady Luck is the only one for me." flipping his coin in the air as he continued "she can get a bit temperamental at times, even if it seems i'm not two timing" at that moment a gust of wind blew past Faust knocking his coin off his intended path making Faust scramble for a few seconds in a attempt to catch his coin before it fell through the clouds. his shade stopping the coin and tossing it back to Faust with a quick flick. "but who knows, if i drift on by i wouldn't mind seeing who can really create the best storm"
Faust casts blizzaga on spire Faust uses combo on titan Marshmallow uses blizzard breath
Faust casts blizzaga x2 Marshmallow uses blizzard breath
Fuad summons marshmallow and casts blizzaga
hey due to my own stupidity i messed up my achievements score so it went from 65 -> 112 claiming the following rewards: Titan Chain HP Up Auto Aura (Lv 1)
Looking at the absolute chaos that was unfolding around him could help but bring a smile top Faust's face. the literal giant crashing the tournament dead was quite the turn of events that Faust didn't even really mind that he had won or even made it into the final. looking over towards where aux and who Faust were other members of the SOS appeared in the center of the waiting area of the arena Faust stretched out till his back poped placing a foot on the railing separating them form the rest of the arena greeting them with a smile and a wave "Yo, quite the sight huh? we'll have to catch up later as it seems the big guy has his eye set on fighting us" with that he channeled his magic through his body in preparation of the fight ahead of him. Beuce's plan wasn't a bad one to follow and while healing other wasn't his specialty there were other spells that he could cast to help the decoys.
Faust casts blizzaga and uses hummingbird Marshmallow uses blizzard breath
Faust casts Blizzaga x2 marshmallow uses Blizzard breath
Faust casts blizzaga x2 marshmallow uses Bodyguard on karina
Faust summons marshmallow Faust casts blizzaga marshmallow uses blizzard breath
As Faust came to in a new space that he found himself the first thing that he saw was the foreign ceiling. Lightly wiping his face with his right hand coming away blacken with soot giving a light sigh as he rolled his shoulders as he sat up on the bench that he had found himself lying on, his thoughts turned to how he ended up outside of the arena. "man talk about rolling snake eyes" Faust muttered to himself before giving a quick glance around the room that he found himself in. quite a few of the other people in the room looked familiar as the other members of the SOS group that he found himself in, the first one that stood out was that PJ kid that he had found himself with in a few of the worlds he had visited recently. then other he couldn't put a name to but the loud darkness coated girl form the fight inside the belly of the beast was holding another of the rooms occupants at keypoint. scooting over to one side of bench he was sitting on leaning over towards the blue haired kid to his right inquiring in a stage whisper "Hey kid, I'm Faust by thye way, what going on? i kinda just woke up she seems pretty mad, i know even i was chomping at the bit for that card but drawing a blade on someone for losing seems like quite the pointed thing to do." Faust joked slightly as to try and break the tension in the room as it was starting to feel stifling.
As Faust watched hercules walk away form the arena as he surrendered the fight to him he couldn’t help but feel slightly cheated. Sure he was glad to move onto the next round of this tourney of death or whatever but still here he was willing to lay all of his chips down on the table for a chance to win with a winning hand only to find that the other party just folded when the chips were all in. Just thinking about it made his face twitch unconsciously despite his carefree smile. This was just one of the few things he hated more than being stuck in one place for too long, being denied a dance with lady luck. Still Faust couldn’t find too much fault with herc he seemed like a nice guy, if the winds ever lead Faust back to this world one day he wouldn’t mind going another round with him maybe in competition of chance though. Still it left quite a bad taste in his mouth having his wager denied like that. His shadow twitching and jerking as his shad seemed to react almost to his negative emotions lurking within Faust. Faust collapsed to the ground on his back gazing up at the passing clouds for a moment after he watched the champ disappear into a cloud of smoke off to find that special girl that he was fighting for. The only thing Faust could think about as he gazed at the passing clouds for a second is back when he had met that old drunkard that started him out on his journey. One gamble that Faust had placed everything he had on back then, well a decent a bit more than he had in the smoke filled tavern. Lady luck had lead him there that to place that bet, willing to cover the debts of some drunken stranger had let him know there was more out there than some crumbling rocks. Frankly thinking back luck had decided everything for him. Heck, he was sure that old drunk khan would be laughing at him right now. “A hero off to rescue his gal from the jaws of death itself huh? The kinda thing straight out of a fairy tale bud, don’t ya think? ” Faust mused to his shadow as he stared at a slow cloud that rolled by. He stole a glance at his shadow for a moment as he truly expected a response from his silent companion before he continued “quite the tale i’ll have to remember it if you pull it off. I'll have to remember ya for sure ‘demi-god’.” Faust felt himself calm slightly as he mused the thought of his newest friend doing something only heard of myths of legend back home. The sight of that would definitely rest as a top contender of interesting things he saw on his journey throughout the worlds. “Still haven’t felt my heart race that in quite a while” Faust continued as he propped himself on his elbows still feeling his body starting to come down from it’s adrenaline filled state “Not since I had to place myself as collateral. I’ll have to get a rematch against that hero, right shade? You know what we’ll have to try out that new magic i saw from the doc” drawing out one of the velvet cards from his hand drawn deck. Drawn prominently in ink was a ship broken in half sinking through a mass of clouds as it was struck by a bolt of lighting “the sinking ship huh, can’t tell if it means something good or bad. Guess Fate will let me know later right shade?” as he finished musing to his silent companion a wave of green magic seemed to flood the arena as Faust felt his body calm down almost instantly. Shadows transporting in this stratos guy into the now larger segment of the arena that Faust had found himself in. looking at the guy up and down from his seated position on the ground Faust was sure that he had seen the guy before. He just couldn’t place where he had seen him for the life of him for a few moments before he realized it “Oh I know you your another one of the SOS members right i could've sworn we fought that pirate guy together I want to say, right?” Faust paused for a second summoning his keybalde into his hand for a second before stabbing it into the ground next to him before continuing “look i’m not sure how your day has been, but i’m not having the best right now. I don’t even really care about this get out of death free card or whatever everyone’s supposed to be fighting for so..” Faust sighed as he pulled out his old worn gold and silver coin “i just kinda want to settle this in the biggest gamble ever to make up for the stunt pulled on me in the last round winner takes all kinda deal you know. Hope that's not a problem with you.” Faust began charging his magic halfway through his question. Faust gave no real from or dedicated shape to his magic leaving it to pure chance wanting everything to left to lady luck in how his spell went off. Fuast could already feel a static like feeling in his skin as his magic began to sturr in his body. “A high stake gamble always gets the blood pumping let’s ante up” Faust called out letting his ‘spell’ go off as two streaks of lightning crashed into the ground one after the other both of them striking the same spot, directly on top of Faust’s head. Faust was pretty sure he blacked out for a second after he felt the excruciating pain. Frankly Faust wasn’t even really sure how he was still was awake as he came to a few seconds after the energy had passed through him. The only thought he had at that moment after getting that proverbial slap across the face from lady luck was yelling “double or nothing!!” before letting off the same spell once again getting only a slight change in outcome as this time as the difference in result was that Faust's failure to remain conscious. Collapsing onto his back on the now soot covered impact zone of Faust’s spells. The last remaining thought that passed through his skull was ‘guess it’s just that kinda day’.
fuast spends Barrier surge Vorpal Blitz Star seeker Stroke of midnight 150 crowns on magic 57 -> 62 total crowns 168 -> 18 total munny 4450 -> 250
Seeing the town champ trying to bend his sword was quite the sight for Faust as he readied himself for the next brief clash against the strong man. Such a feat would have been quite the sight to see if Hercules was successful in his attempt still hearing him mention something about being a "demi-god" was interesting. Sure, Faust grew up on fables of gods raising mortals up as their champion in his home world but to hear hear someone claim to be a child of one was quite the unique thing to hear. He didn't have long to ponder on the fact though as Hercules launched his blade at him as he charged at Faust. Faust shifted into a fencer like pose dodging the bladed strike as he replied back "Demi-god, huh? quite the claim friend" Faust said as he ducked under a punch of Hercules before trading a light blow to Hercules. The blow didn't seem to do much to the town champ even with his magic to help out both of them had been forced apart form the force on the slick surface of the icy field giving Faust a second to breath before the champ charged in once again this time catching Faust in the left shoulder with a solid punch. Faust felt like a run away cart had impacted him as his keyblade was sent scattering away behind him along with him. the only thing that halted Faust's moving form from leaving the arena was that he had impacted with the broad side of the blade that Hercules had thrown that had impaled itself into the ground. rubbing his shoulder as he healed himself slightly with a cure as he stood up Faust continued with a lighthearted smile despite his racing heart "Still can't see why someone as you would need a way to escape death that badly with a punch like that not many could stand a blow like that Herc" Faust shifted into a thinking pose as he tried to keep the conversation going "So it must not be for you so i would reckon it's a girl huh? it's always great to see such a dashing reason to duke it out over such a fairy tale like setting. Too bad lady luck isn't always a sentimental gal"
Faust found himself covered in black miasma like mist for a split second before finding himself on a section of the center stage of the Colosseum. Glancing around the small stage he found himself before starring down the town champ that he found himself against. He looked pretty well built quite frankly if those imps didn't give him so much free reign in this tourney well Faust was quite sure this Herc guy could snap him like a dry branch in a west ward wind in a pure contest of strength. Just the thought of how much of this match might come down to how much lady luck favored him here was quite exhilarating to him, it was a feeling that he couldn't quite place as he only felt it on a few occasions before in his life when he had placed everything on the line on a single wager that could change his life, as if a single hand of cards that would change his fate. Faust's shade began twitching erratically as if response to his racing heart as Faust himself seemed to remain having collected carefree smiling summoning his blade into his left hand with a great flourish as he called back to the town champ "You know, wouldn't worry to much friend. that get out of death free card that death god is offering seems like quite the thing to fight for so let's give it our best huh?" as he finished Faust was already ready to cast a blizzaga across the floor of the arena coating fighting space of him and Herc in a layer of ice. "As two performers i don't think the crowd would want any less!" Faust exclaimed charging forward across the now icy surface with much ease as he focused his magic along his arms as his and Herc's blades crossed for a second as the electricity flowed across Hercules before He flung Faust back a few feet back across the icy surface.
It wasn't that hard of walk as Faust climbed the steps of the city to reach the meeting place of this tournament when he had arrived he was slightly surprised to see Someone calling out to him by name . The guy looked kinda familiar to him and it took a little of of thinking to recall from where from before it hit him. " Oh yeah," Fuast replied back to him "you were that evil guard guy who Ananta was bantering with that turned turncoat to help us save the underwater city. hey good seeing ya again. Well, will do friend. we'll have to catch up later if we meet in the tournament. a talking duck seem like quite the story to tell." Looking over at the two gremlin like creatures at the registration booth they seemed like there was quite the amount of entrants to this tourney of the dead things that Hades guy was putting on. Giving a light wave to others Faust walked up the booth where the creatures who he supposed 'pain and panic' were and pulled out a sack of munny that he had prepared on his way towards the Colosseum containing the exact entry amount of a thousand munny onto the counter of the booth giving the little demons a smile as he said "i'll be entering the tournament the names Fuast friends."
turning in musical missions with counterpoint equipped [name] - (Crowns, munny) gained heigh-ho - (3, 100) love - (1, 100) little April showers - (1, 200) baby of mine - (2, 200) a dream is a wish - (2, 100) be a man - (2, 100) belle - (5, 200) Gaston - (4, 200) be our guest - (4, 200) I've got a dream - (4, 200) i see the light - (3, 300) out there - (2, 300) God Help the Outcasts - (2, 300) Try Everything - (2, 300) be prepared - (4,300)\ can you feel the love tonight - (3, 200) circle of life - (2, 300) counterpoint bonus crowns = 17 total crown 105 + 63 = 168 total munny 350 + 3600 = 3950