Faust couldn't quite follow what was going on at the moment. He got that it was something special and that he probably would see it again in the near future, but he didn't see how that Elsa giving that bright surge of magic would help out their current situation in trying to put a stop to the perma-winter the kingdom of Arendelle was going through. Leaning over to Ignis when she neared the bottom of the stairs he could not help but loudly whisper to her "So, not to sound stupid but whats a 'princess of heart' and how dose that change the whole get Elsa to put a to stop the unending winter slowly killing the kingdom?"
Looking back at Ignis his carefree smile remaining on his face as he began to think about what Ignis had said. On one hand she was sorta right in that the ice structure was kinda really noticeable once you started to climb the mountain. On the other hand even they who had been looking for the queen had not seen the building till they were well up the mountain side so it could have been a just a great hiding spot if they had not noticed the strange blizzard that had covered it that night. "well I can see your point, but whats to stop her from you know just running again and build another of these ice forts somewhere else? if you know she gets cold feet at the prospect of meeting with us?" Faust asked laughing slightly at his own puns.
Faust was drawn out of his awe of the structure of Elsa's hideaway by Ignis started shouting for the new queen to show herself. he didn't think it would be too effective in drawing the queen to them as she had fled the port city into this remote region of arendell to probably to be alone. Thinking about it Ignis yell was probably going to do more harm to their search than good, giving the queen a point to move away from if she truly wanted to be alone. looking over at Ignis he could not help but suggest "You know if she doesn't want to be found, she probably won't reveal herself. We kinda have two choices here either we split up to look for her or we could you know look for her in a group."
Faust felt a brief sense of weightlessness after Ignis threw him across the gap into the grand icy doors of the ice cathedral that the queen of Arendell must have made. In an attempt to lessen the blow to his body he curling himself into a ball and rolling on landing. in practice this looked less like the graceful he imagined, instead it was more like a awkward tumble across the icy door step. By the time he righted himself after his landing Ignis had already passed him and entered the ice palace. Following after her he could only gasp in amazement in sight he saw. light dazzling and shimmering off of the crystalline structures of the ice giving it an chilling beauty.
As Faust was listening to Ignis he suddenly felt a hard shove on his back sending forward towards the bridge that crossed the ravine in the peeks. When his foot touched down on the first step of the stairs he felt it give no real purchase causing him to slip and fall back landing flat on his back in the snow that covered the base of the stairs. The landing was slightly cushioned by the snow, but only hard rock and stone was under the thin blanket of snow still giving Faust a small ache and soreness on his back where he landed. looking back up at Ignis from the spot he was laying on the ground his smile never leaving his face he laughed "Oh, lightning strikes are easy to take once you learn the trick and trust me I've been hit a lot, like I've lost count."
When Faust came to after blasting himself and the golem he found himself surrounded by darkness and the cold. taking a few moments he began wiggling himself trying to worm his way out of his cold dark and damp prison. when he finally finished burrowing through the soft prison he found himself slightly away from where he remembered being when he tackled the golem. after taking a quick view of his surroundings he noticed a set of tracks in the powdery snow as he continued to look in that direction he saw that a giant cathedral like structure made of ice across a large ravine with a sole staircase bridging the gap. Seeing as the group was standing at the base of it he decide to group up with them there. Giving a small wave to the group with his carefree smile "Hey guys pretty exciting fight right? It was snow much fun."
As Ignis finally untangled herself from being on top of him Faust he could see how their fight with the snow giant was progressing. Sitting up he saw that the golem had definitely seen better days as it was extremely misshapen from the state it had been when they had first encountered it. Chunks of its body missing as Ignis kept wailing on it still. Standing up still took a bit more effort than than he thought it would take as he was in the middle of a small trench he and Ignis had carved through the fresh snow in their landing and he was still shaking off the rough landing. Focusing back on the fight he realized the only way to really help out and not get in the way of Ignis's beat down was to use something that he had very little actual practice in using. he would have to try and not just channel his magic in to a wild and uncontrolled barrage but a single focused strike as not to hit his new teammates. Faust hadn't really had any real success at trying to tame his spells to such a extent for something this scale so he did the only real thing he could think of charging straight towards the golem for a point blank attack. as he neared the golem weaving through the icey spear pillars lining the area he tackled one of the snow construct. while it had been distracted by Ignis's flurry of blows it gave no real acknowledgement of his presence being attached to it's arm. He began to channel his mana into thundaga spell while concentrating on his memory of being stuck by lighting in the past. tracing a imaginary path he wanted to single bolt to follow. After a second he released the spell the blinding bolt of lighting following close to the same path in his mind hitting the construct in the icey part of it's arm shattering it separating the arm from the body. Both Faust and the arm fell to the ground with a thud pinning him under a now pile of snow and ice the few parts of Faust that stuck out now arcing in tiny sparks of electricity. Marshmallow: 86
As Faust saw the golem appear from behind the dangerous terrain Elsa must have set up he held back for a bit. He did this to try and see their approaches to face this colossal beast. after seeing Ignis charge into the fray, facing the beast face to face Faust decided on taking a slightly different approach. He knew after seeing Ignis's attack not doing much that any attacks by him of a physical nature wouldn't do much. Readying himself for a second taking a deep breath of the thin cold mountain air he summoned his keyblade. Charging to the right of the golem he began to channel his magic through his keyblade electricity dancing along it's surface for a split second before he released it as a thundaga to try and divert the snow golem's attention. As he released the spell a localized barrage of lightning rained down around the golem quite a few of the bolts striking the dangerous ice sculptures instead of it's intended target, but the few that did struck true only really singeing the beast. the rest of the lightning strikes hitting the spiky ice statues near the giant snowman. Marshmallow: 856/1200
Popping himself out of the snow after Ignis fully released him from how she had him pined into the snow. He could only look on in confusion as Olaf began to talk about wanting to experience summer for a few moments as he contemplated the seemingly suicidal nature of his dream. After a few seconds of thinking on these very negative thoughts he decided that some things were better not thought about as maybe what ever magic that Elsa used to create him would last him through the burning temperatures of summer. Only a few moments after he made this decision to not think of his new snow based friend eminent demise he just barely heard Ignis whisper that she was going to spoil his dream. Faust could only gasp as he heard her say these words with the biggest smile he had ever seen on her face. "come on, ... you can't .. just you know .. it would crush his dreams. And it seems like he's having a great time." he whispered back to her as to try and keep Olaf from hearing.
For the second time that day Faust's world turned pitch black after a suddenly impact. It took him a lot more effort to force himself of the snow this time as the cold of the snow was starting to seep into him beginning to numb him to his core. mustering up the effort for another dislodging from the snow bank he gave one last heave to free himself. As Faust's head broke through the snow for the second in the same day Faust took in a deep exhale of fresh air before resetting his face into it's trademark smile. Giving a small wave as introduced himself to his new snow golem friend "And I'm Faust!"
As Faust was hanging form the tree he saw Ignis walk up and slice the vines with a keyblade of her own that appeared in a flash. After a brief half second of free fall Faust felt his head impact into the fresh snow turning his vision a solid black. As he made to stand up out of the snow he felt a sudden force impact against the back of his head forcing his head deeper into the snow bank to the point where he felt the grass that was covered by this suddenly winter wonder land. he could seem to move the rest of his body just fine but his head seemed to be firmly stuck by what was keeping him there. In a very muffled voice "Thanms Mou" Faust went to thank Ignis for help in getting him down from the tree before he went to steady himself. Still trapped under whatever was keeping him pinned in the snow He firmly planted his hands in the snow feeling the cold damp grass that had been covered he gave a great pull to try and free his head from it's cold and damp prison. After a few seconds of struggling he felt his head break free from the snow being sent on his butt. Turning to Ignis he gave her trademark carefree smile before saying "Thanks for not leaving me hanging there Ignis."
Faust could only stare in wonder at how the dew covering the various trees of the clearing had frozen coating the trees in a natural set of ice ornaments. He was brought out of his musings and wonderment when tripped and slipped on a lose rock hidden under the snow as he began to fall face first into the snow he felt his body halted for a second. As he observed his surroundings he seemed to be tangled in a set of the long tendrils hanging from the trees. When he heard a voice that didn't belong to their search group. When he turned back around he saw a talking snowman that moved on it's own accord, it greeted the group before Anna sent it's head flying into the arms of Beuce. Faust was fascinated at seeing this new and incredible pile of snow trapped in wonderment at seeing the head and body continue to move and operate even when separated from its self. "Hello new snow constructed friend!" Faust exclaimed from where he was hanging "It's Ice to meet you!"
As Faust left the shop to rejoin the group on their expedition on the mountain to find the newly crowned queen he began to whistle a light hearted tune int the quite cold night air. He didn't think that the new queen would be found easily this night even if the blizzard had began to slow down, but it would be a sight to see none the less. Just the thought of them traveling to stop the a mystic winter clutching the land reminded him of the stories he would hear from his childhood when drunken sailors would recite their wondrous tales of them sailing across the chained isles once they were a few tankards in. When he came across the gathered group he felt his hand began to clench in excitement despite the carefree smile never leaving his face.
Faust didn't think he would need much ion way of supplies for this journey the only thing he did grab from the from the small trading post they found themselves by was a thick winter jacket to replace the thin overcoat of his servant's jacket he still had on from the party. He didn't feel to comfortable spending much of anything on someone else's tab even if the someone happened to have access to a literal kingdom's treasury. He also didn't want to waste too much time before the group would need to leave to help stop the effects of this extremely strange storm. After quickly running by the purchase by the trading post's owner Faust threw on the thick jacket as he waited by the door for everyone else to be ready.
Faust would like to equip the following: 1 High jump 1 Magic lock on 1 Cheer 1 Combo plus 1 Air combo plus 2 Dodge roll 2 Combo 2 Guard 2 Ariel sweep 2 blitz 3 Damage syphon 3 Lucky luck 3 Mp haste 4 Second wind 4 Second chance 4 Counter attack 4 Reload brust For a total of 37/37 AP mystic chain and the job black mage
As Faust was wanting for a reply from the keyblade wielder he felt a hand resting on his shoulder. Looking over he saw Ignis resting her hand on his shoulder asking him about what he could contribute to the princess's search party. Turning his attention to her never losing the smile on his face Faust contemplated what say to her question. After a few seconds he realized what he should answer with. "Well, maybe this help my case" Raising his left hand up to about eye, briefly he channeled a bit of his magic into his palm. Sparks of electricity began to dance along his open palm lighting up his face in a warm yellow glow. Before the sparks started dying down the arcs of electricity began acting erratically jumping from hand lashing out back at Faust singeing his hair slightly as he winced when the arcs connected with his face. "Pretty shocking right? haha.." after a few seconds the arcs of electricity faded away leaving his palm empty once again. "Haven't tried that little trick in while so i guess I'm a little rusty. Though I have one of these like our friend over there" as he said that he quickly summoned his keyblade into his empty hand.
As Faust look at the princess pleading for help he could have never though to turn away the request she gave. He wasn't going to take the request for the money or reward she offered but purely as he thought that this would lead to something that he had not seen before. Just from what he had seen transpire previously tonight was more exciting and interesting than anything he had seen in months. her pure emotions flowing from her words reaffirming his desire to help her on this quest. Just as he was going to formally offer his help to the princess on her quest to find her sister, suddenly the keyblade wielding guest from the party showed up to join or regroup with the other extremely interesting members of the coronation. Faust wasn't really sure at this point who knew who, only that with every passing second things got more interesting. Turning to the new arrival in the gathering around the princess giving him a light-hearted wave and introducing himself to the man "Hello there! The name's Faust. Its a pleasure to meet you. Your also here to help out the princess in finding her sister right?" offering out a hand to other man.
Shifting his gaze to the first one to reply to him Faust saw it was a young man that had to be at least a few years younger than him. Giving him a laid back smile Faust replied with " Don't worry, I've seen my far share of danger." giving a light laugh he continued " Besides, this seems way to interesting to pass up on so i think i'll be following where the action is." sparing the princess a quick glance "Even if it wasn't that interesting what kind of temporay castle staff would i be if i left the princess out here in this Dangerous kind of place. the name is Faust it will be a pleasure to travel with you all on this Chilling adventure. So i hope you guys won't give me the cold shoulder."
Bringing up the rear of this magic princess chase through the streets of Arendelle and into the wilds surrounding the port city. Faust slowed to a halt as he came across the group that had began to chase the new queen before him. His breathe now producing white clouds with each exhale into the cold night air. the group seemed to be looking towards the mountain that was covered in an unnatural blizzard. As He started to approach the group Ignis seemed to split off from the group heading back towards the castle. Faust gave her a small wave as they passed "Quite the exciting night isn't it?" he asked to the gathered group.
Faust could only smile and laugh as he started to enjoy this interesting turn of events him being approached by the red headed girl from earlier, Ignis. He thought that surely this must be one of the more interesting things he would experience at the coronation. It wasn't a few seconds after he re introduced himself to her that something even more interesting was brewing across the ballroom. Apparently something was happening between the new queen and the princess argued about something Faust couldn't quite make out the contents of the quarrel from where he was. Then queen used some sort of magic causing shards of ice to spring forth barring anyone from following after her as she ran out of the ballroom. That must have been some sort of sign as two of the other party guest sprung into action one whipping out a keyblade and the other using some magic of his own to chase after the queen. By the time Faust turned back to Ignis she was just finishing up telling him that she had to go. Not wanting to miss even a second of this unique chase Faust sprinted out after them using the path the two other guests before him carved out in their wake.