a Haven for all who dont want to be in this epidemic! HIDE!
*instert random Quote*
*HISSES* ok, so i dont have a XBox360...but RROD's are the bane of Xbox360 users... i had a PS1, but the laser failed on that, so now i have a PS2, and it's been to hell and back, and it's ok!.
who knows... or cares xD
hrmmm... that might work... crumble the cookies into large chunks, then sprinkle them inside and on top of the pie! GENIUS!
*Gasp* Blasphemy! {level 2 Cookie appears} Badger! i Choose you! [Badger uses maul] *it's super effective!* [cookie faints] received 50 EXP! [Badger] leveled up to level 6! Learned Stalk!
there is now. xD
my badger eats your mouse!
allright, if you have anymore problems, just ask!
For all of the Brownie lover, and who think cookies are whored too much! RULES 1.Follow Forum Rules (of Course) 2.be supportive, t's ok to talk about cookies, but not too much! only like... in examples... Have fun, and remember, Brownies For the Win!
I shall create the brownie palace!
luck, and have a good eye, and quick reflexes!
true...but mine is weapon themed, but yeah.
he is pure evil after all....
the Cards all around you? get O's on all 4 slots on your menu, and you'll get him to one time point, then just use a finisher, however, if you fail, you get turned into a Die, and just hold still. do NOTHING! until you turn back, then go back to attacking until he uses it again, which he probably will, and try again.
heaven no! well, Card break him, and try to Duel him, and AVOID MAGNETS AT ALL COSTS! dodge them with a sharp roll turn. and dont forget to attack the books to recover cards. stay the heck away from him >.<
Cookies FTW!
we got all you could want and more, you want it? it's your my friend, as long as you have enough rupees! err... sorry, i've watched too many of those >.> ANYWAYS! RULES!1. Follow Forum Rules 2.Dont be a Prickthat's it. xD
Take out a military Shotgun, and take out the Overlord of Darkness.