is unlucky [13]
likes toothless (to MS or xyam - MS is right, the buses should be blamed, and i didnt tell rhian, she assumed we did when i didnt say in full what happened)
is a premium (how quick did you get it?)
i will mcroll them
is hungover (binge drinking!!!)
(it was true) probably true my colleagues are playing with a spongy rugby ball
is lonely (why?)
just got mcroll'd by light (randomness)
i knew someone would post this on here
xyam> is a girl not a guy - should like orange, not green
for example...?
(it was false, it was actually papparazi by lady gaga) true, im doing the same cos there's nowt to do i just answered a customer asking for some work to be given
true true lovegame by lady gaga is playing on the radio
its obvious becos of your avatar &sig i actually only like chicken pie - may be thinking about changing her hairstyle
true um, are you thinking bout changing it? true i get some free time at work experience becos it is quiet today
soccer sucks :P in the, we're too passionate about the goddamn sport, we made such a big deal over that match in world cup, 'england v germany' and whenever i play it at school, im usually a defender, but i have been a midfield and goalie before
who says i watch it all the time? probably likes the colour green, the same colour of my eyes?
there is no such thing as normal when describing a person, because everyone is diffrent, people call me not normal because of my hair, they say it looks like richard hammond's but its just diffrent hair, not wierd hair, and why am i bickering on about hair? the point is that no-one is normal, because everyone is diffrent
spiders! this morning, i was drying my hair with my towel when i find a spider in it, i proper ran like was a toy spider left by my dad, thanx alot father for giving me a heart attack ¬_¬
i thiught that the odd thing was on all of them, it says sold for $price$, and below that it says "bid now"