Hi yea aura!! I'm ok so no worries!! my puppy is being really bad though and it's hard to look after her and relax when she won't sit for more...
Thanks maki!!! I need to find that wig!!!! >______<
-back at head quarters- Man!! Our mission was a success!!! we really need a mission that involves money though.... Lets do a more interesting...
Sorry for not coming to school today!! I felt sick so I stayed home...>_____< how was school?? Yay!! you can go!!!! Um we will meet in little...
We have to get out of here!!! back to our hide out to plan for the next job! -yells over the fire then disappears- I'll meet you there!! Ohh and...
GAH!! YOU ARE NOT A KID!!!cute does not = kid!!!! XDX I know my dad is like that!! but he is very stubborn... heh where do you think my sister...
THAT WAS INGENIOUS!!!! -sees you fly out of the afro- Ohh!!!! what took you so long!!! -throws a tea cup- YOUR LATE FOR TEA!!!!!! hehe...
Hi yea maki!!!! XD Hey I was wondering what site you got your wig from I forgot!!! >____< I am buying my sisters cosplay!!!! I need to find a good...
I knew you would!!! I learned from the best !!! ohh remind everyone for me not to forget to bring 5 dollars so they can all eat!! I want everyone...
Hey mister afro are you hungry!!!! -stuffs fudge cake into the afro- WHO'S A GOOD AFRO!!! YOU ARE!!! -here a squeaky voice.....sticks hand in afro...
It was giggle beast!!!! XDD =))) I think that he meant your funny not like a kid. Well they laughed and agreed that you are cute!!! which you...
Yay!!!! -runs off to stark industries to play with all of tony's machines- WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! soooooo you would hide in tony's industry....I don't...
-evil smirk- It would seem that my partner is having all the fun!!! -hears helicopters in the distance- I think life just got better!!!! ^______^...
LOTS!!!! -pulls out a random cake and some ice cream- Want some?? XD =)) Did you fall in the dimension again!!!!!! -random echo- Jeez.........
He said it in class!!!!! a lot of people think you are just really cute and well.....cute!!!!! -hugs- Haha well juan said you act like a kid and...
Yea....>______> It was random!!!! I need another place to hide!!! think of one for me!!! ummmmmmm.... maybe.....nope I'm out of ideas!!!! ;_____;...
you stuttered!!!!!!! XDD I'm going to spazz in the corner now!!....wait aura won't let me.....um and I can't go under the bed or in the...
You are very cute!!!! you know juan said you are cute to!!! giggle beast!!! Beware aura beware!!! it's a good thing he likes someone!!! Anyways!!...
-wipes out a lambo wig and pulls out a bunch of bombs- BRING IT ON!!!!! I have an endless void!!!! beat that!! -BAZUKA!!!!!- I think I brokes...
Wow this is very new!!! ^______^ I like this side!!! the new and crazy maik!!! I have seen you spazz before!! it's funny!! YAY cici is coming...