It's been more then some time. Im surprised you're still around. How've you been? It's good to see you're still keeping in touch with this place.
I have no complaints. If there comes a time that it'll hinder us, then we'll see it in practice.
I'd say just watch it when you have nothing better to do with your life. That's how I handle it.
Just yell guilty every chance you get. You'll do fine xD
You were all admins all along. In your hearts.
In it's natural habitat, the Tidus attempts to appeal to its mate, displaying both his echo location skills, and a clever attempt to gawk at the sun simultaneously.
It is not you that needs the sleep, but the sleep that needs you...*Darts eyes back toward the Sleep watching everyone behind the pillar*
Gracias senora. Your invitation to eternity is most appreciated. My kh-children will be most pleased by my decision making abilities someday as a result of this B | I've been better. Hit a point that I'm not satisfied with my current state of being. After many adventures under the light of the moon, I have returned HERE, TO KH-VIDS, TO REIGN MY PLIGHT OF TERROR-To have happy fun times with all of my friends from so long ago that I love so much B | I've been better. I thought that I'd come back because I remembered how interesting everyone was tbh. A little surprised to see you and a few others around, but I'm glad that a lot of people are still here, lol. It's well though. How about yourself?
I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B |
I, a random new comer, find myself strangely improved in both mood and hair style by his presence alone. It would be illegal to place him in oceans due to the great floodings that would occur thanks to the vast amount of swell this guy has. He also has people making a thread for him and commenting at 6 am. People do stuff for him. Happiness and celebrivations, yes?
I tend to wonder how many people here will remember me. I wish to see how everything's grown after all this time. Plenty of enemies. A few friends. Mostly people that grew apart. The lies of deceit the seem to eventually tied so many people together, as well as the few friendships that came out of it. Figured it was time to revisit my roots. For all those that have no idea who I am though, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm looking forward to what's hopefully a still interesting world that I left behind a good few years ago.
Y0u are a living, breathing pers0n. D0n't thr0w y0ur em0ti0ns int0 the mix, and if y0u want 0pini0ns, then ask the 0nes that are cl0se en0ugh t0 y0u t0 get their 0pini0ns, since they're cl0se f0r a reas0n. Life is g0ing t0 be what y0u make it th0ugh. If life has n0 r0bin h00d, then bec0me r0bin h00d. There isn't just 0ne way t0 live life th0ugh. Pers0nally, I think that life is c0mpetitive. H0w are y0u g0ing t0 kn0w what's s0 great ab0ut winning if y0u d0n't kn0w l0ss? Pe0ple need a balance 0f b0th gain and l0ss, happiness and sadness, l0ve and hate, 0r else they tend t0 get naive ab0ut things and l0se understanding f0r the 0ther side 0f things, at least in what I think are m0st situati0ns. But this is my p0int. 0ne way 0r an0ther, this is g0ing t0 be y0ur life. N0 0ne else is g0ing t0 live it f0r y0u unless y0u want with them, s0 as an 0bject 0f y0ur 0wn pers0nal bel0nging, it is up t0 y0u t0 decide what's d0ne with it. Y0ur th0ughts, y0ur feelings, y0ur heart, all 0f that is y0urs. My p0int is that y0u can ask pe0ple, sure. This g0es int0 s0mething that's a bit deeper th0ugh im0, t0 the p0int that instead 0f just asking 0thers, y0u sh0uld take a m0ment t0 y0urself and l00k at the w0rld and decide things f0r y0urself. As l0ng as it c0mes purely d0wn t0 y0u, the rest sh0uld fall int0 place.
Since I've last been on this forum, I'm pretty confident that this isn't breaking any rules. As for the section, if there is a better one, then sorry for the misplacement. Regardless, I kinda decided to make the thread to spread word about a Pokemon game that I'm staff on. It's a roleplaying game in the Pokemon universe of course, and I was kinda hoping to reach out to other players to see if anyone would be interested. It's pretty fun stuff, offers some amazing RP once you really get in on things, and the plot lines vary from time to time, but usually come out with amazing results. It's not your classic beat-em-up game though, it's got some heavy emphasis on RP. A lot of it is player run including gym leaders, professors, and other ranks (SS Anne owner, etc). If anyone wants any info on it, this link should tell all. And of course, it's free. I godda say though, it's a pretty badass game. A lot to it.
"I.... am so.... bored..." Lloyd said, kicking at the snow. Obviously for appearances, he had to keep his own sharpness on a bit of a downlow, amongst the gaurds as well as the newly aquired crowd to their little group. Lloyd had been sent to accompany the princess and until now had been quiet, attempting to get an idea of his new so called "comrades", really only seeking the chance to learn how to get close to them. He knew that he wasn't a suspicious character to begin with due to his past, but it was extremely important of him still attempt to get close to the other already high ranked gaurds, to ensure his favor amongst them. His attention was soon caught by the prince's attempts to charm the princess, which had been obviously failing horribly. His eyes followed the prince as he left, a small chuckle escaping from his lips. "Wow. The guys got class, wealth, kingminship material, and a whole army at his disposal. The perfect ladies man, and he's tryen to get with the princess to..." He could not help but allow his grin to show, as he muttered to himself, "Tryen to get to princess of the anti-socials, that guys gonna crash and burn..."
No no. that's actually what I was hoping to do ^_^ Ok. I'll have a post in today. Sorry for the delay. just wanted to wait to see if others were...
((alrite, it's been awhile since I rp'd, I just posted a big @ss bio, and I'm pretty sure I just sorta placed my character into a big role that I'm guessing I should be getting your permission from to even have that kinda part. but if it's accepted then I think i've got a few idea's that I wouldn't mind talken about ^^; )) ((havnt read up on whats goin on in the story either so if you're not on atm then I'll ahve probably read up by the time you are)) Name: Sir Lloyd Crosar Age: 19 Weapon: In normal situations, he uses a special pair of claw like gauntlets. They are gloves with a fine, strong leather on the inside to ensure safety for the hands. Covering that is a fine rubber which allows liquids to run off of it without touching the leather. On the outside they are covered with metal plates. There are metalic claws where the fingers are. On the top of each one there is a compartment where specialized capsules can be placed, which usually hold poisens. There is a point within this compartment which pokes a hole in these capsules, allowing the poisen to carefully drip onto the claws, making them quite deadly. He also has a single piece of one of the gauntlets replicated, so as during an under cover mission, he would be able to easily place it on without much notice in order to assasinate a person. This is rarely used though. Gender: Male Relations: His sister is the only family that remains. An actual victem of the plague of Porsquelem, who still barely remains. All other relatives deceased *victems of the plaque* Ranking/Occupation/Race: Narlatine spy/Porsquelem Guardsman/Human Bio/Personality: Him and his sister originally were both members of the Narlatine army. They served as spy's, something of a "family tardition", posted in the Porsquelem Kingdom. They were born in Porsquelem, due to their parents original duty's to spy on the kingdom, taking residence there as normal citizens. After the last great war, they had been ordered to stay there so as to observe in order to inform of any signs of weakness. But when the plague came, it claimed both of his parents lives, leaving only him and his sister left over the years. They both seemed quite lucky when it came to their health for the majority of the time. Lloyd provided for him and his sister, doing small jobs for store managers and such, delivering goods across town, truelly minor tasks given to him until he could get a job. At home he would practice skills as a fighter with his sister at night, doing as his parents had always instructed of them as to ensure that their skills would remain sharp, for when their kingdom may one day call upon them. Towards the end of the worst of the plague, his sister was struck with the illness, being forced to stay in bed. Being the last bit of family left to Lloyd, he obtained a local job at the pub, listening for any rumors of some form of cure to the plague. It was then one day that he heard some men speak of a supposed cure which the Narlatien's had developed for such an illness. A "miracle cure". The result of the rumor lead him to go to Narlatine, whilst leaving his sister in the care of a neighbor whom had the kindness to help take care of his sister. Upon visiting, he was quickly captured due to "misconduct", disobeying an unfamiliar law. Whilst in jail, when the Warden learned of Lloyd's full name, he was released, and sent to see the King of Narlatine himself. After explaining his situation to the king, though the king knew not of where rumors of any form of "miracle cure" may have come from, he saw the opportunity to manipulate the boy due to his localization in the town of which he grew up in. He gave him a mission to join the guard, and to attempt to get as close to the Princess as possible and to observe her constantly. He explained his plans to Lloyd, at least the parts that would be needed to ensure that he would do his mission correctly, and informed him that if ever a time came where he may in fact be able to capture the Princess, then he were to take immediate action, only if he knew that he would succeed. In return, he would be given this "miracle cure" for his sister, or so the King said. Two years later from these events, after entering the army, now serves as one of the most promising members of the Guard, and though rarely seeing the Princess, tends to recieve more important jobs then most, such as now, as he has been assigned as one of the guards to be at the Princess's birthday party. Though most wouldn't think it with his history, he tends to be quite the flirt, and acts the role of the fool at times, in order to keep up appearances amongst others, as he was always taught to by his parents. Though it has become some what a part of his personality, he is always serious whenever it comes to business, and can be intellegent when he needs to be. He does have a competative side and cannot back down from any challenge. Appearance: guy/Audiyahs3rdpanda/Anime Guys/178568-1.jpg?o=54
Glad to hear that things are moving along nicely. I take it then that a certain a-hole is out of the picture then? ^_^
It should appear that due to my absence and inability to speak to you on msn for some time, I must make up by doing so by posting with the powers...
1.Deathsight44 2.Random Angel 3. Dmaster 4. Bareri-san 5.Bareri-san I put her down twice cuz i havnt spoken to her forever and she put me down as #1. And only reason the others are ahead is cuz they my best friends (and my sister (damn you best friend and sister for i have to place you at top (tgh, of course, my favorite person is me <.< >.>(crap, only put 5 down cuz i never go on this sight and am big time anti-social, and writing anoutehr 5 bareri's requires effort, which im too lazy to have >( ))))
"Whatever. I'll be right back. gonna go take a whiz." he said, as he started walking off towards the forest. "ANd if anyone hurts her, your all dead!" he yelled as he walked off.