To those of you who drink diet soda on the regular: 1. Why? 2. Which one tastes the least like regret? I cannot stand this aftertaste. (I've been having problems with my blood sugar for a long time where it's at the point I'm taking medicine for type 2 diabetes. A man can only drink water for so long)
From what I know about it (through research and having a friend whose played for years) it's actually a very contact sport, almost I'm the vain of rugby. It's gotten pretty big in colleges to the point that they have a national chamionship in the states. Sure, it may seem silly to some, but that doesn't change the fact that these people train just as hard as most other athletes. And there's even a movement within the sport to separate it from its fictional origins.
Back in my day, our PM box was limited and we dealt with it just fine! And I miss my original avatar; it was a picture of Sora and Kairi in Pridelands form. I changed it because everyone kept thinking I was a girl and I never found the photo again.
Hey guys! How about we be intelligent and Spoiler
Yep. In all actuality, it pushed people to go to the cinema. Life was, well, depressing, and movies were a great form of escapism.
I will lovingly watch certain movies I know are bad, but something about them will make them so entertaining and rewatchable for me. A lot of the time, I recognize the deeper story they're trying to tell, and maybe have some kind of depth, but it just fails, and it does it so earnestly. My favorite of these has to be One Missed Call 3. The OMC series has its charm (but is weak compared to the likes of The Ring and The Grudge films) but the third one just loses its mind. I love the whole Battle Royale take on it, and really works with the cheese that is this series. I love this movie more and more every time I see it.
Happy birthday, buddy. Thanks for everything. Glad to know you for another year.
Invite sent!!
Hey there!! There's always room for more players. Just let me know when you've left your party so I can add you to ours.
It's good to see you're back in doing music again. I like that your voice was much deeper than I've usually heard, it really work with this song. The video idea also really helped with each passing lyrics. My only tip would be in mixing. It didn't feel like you were singing with the music that was playing. Kind of like how people sing along to karaoke. But, that's just getting technical, and it's not that big of a thing. Good work.
Really???! I'm sure that I put like. I'll fix that. I'm on my phone, so my fat fingers may have pressed it by mistake.
And I can still write like I'm running out of time!
Naw, man, it's fine. I was only making a joke out of technicality. I've always been known as tummer on here, which is why I dropped the numbers....
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Actually it was tummer73 but whose counting? XD
I just wanna go on the record and say Ghostbusters was not a funny movie. And I completely forgot about Deadpool until after I submitted my answers. And this is me putting in my name for the next one.
Soylent Green is SHEEPLE!!
As the new leader of Leopardos, I will return this Union to the greatness it once was. People might underestimate me, but I will show them. We're going to get so many lux, SO MUCH LUX, that you won't believe how much lux we have. I have a plan, and that I promise you. #MakeLeopardosGreatAgain
WAS. I think Black was signed on around the time he was working on Iron Man 3, but he was later replaced. The current director is Adam Wingard, whose done You're Next, The Guest, and the upcoming Blair Witch movie.