Nikku Sora
Last Activity:
May 19, 2011
Mar 30, 2011
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10:12 PM
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Wtf 0.o....
Killing Heartless -:] Yeah!!!

Nikku Sora

Moogle Assistant, from Wtf 0.o....

Nikku Sora was last seen:
May 19, 2011
    1. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      i gotta look at em later. I'm stalking a rp waiting for wolfie to post atm xD
    2. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      The Sorrow Of A Jinchuuriki- good amv but msuic gave meh a headack xD
      Edward(Its Complicated) - Winry & Rose, Love Ed- love the parings and amv just not music XD
      Inuyasha - I'm Sorry Kagome Please ComeBack... ( Mr.Lonely) - OMG i remeber this song XDDDD It brings back old old memories xD
      KDH - Sora & Kairi - very good (every part)
      Naruto Amv Tribute - Home Coming - like the amv just not Music Xd
      Amv - Raimundo- LONG I used to love this show.... and he was my favorite chARACTER
      (Amv) - Robin & Starfire {Tribute}- loved it
      (AMV) - Marcus & Agumon [The Ultimate Fighting Team!] - one of teh worst seasons but was a great amv
      Bleach {Tribute - Ichigo & His Mom} - The Will Power Of A SoulReaper & Love Of A Mother - great amv and anime choice
    3. Heart ❤
    4. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      I just made a KH AMV any idea how to enter it in the Top 5?
    5. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      My Name's Samantha but call me Sam :)
    6. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Same here ^^
    7. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Hp and i got my desktop too and thats HP to
    8. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      my dear new laptop that i got for xmas xD
    9. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      the sucks. I'm going to get my computer tomarrow since my mom hurt her back and we coulsnt go so im going tomarrow
    10. Pichuzilla
      Thank you very much!
    11. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Yea my music recordings and my namine tryout from a while ago. I'm more pissed about itunes then anything eles... I have to buy all those songs over again <_< all my 3 doors down and lots of others
    12. Doukuro
      Glad you understand that <3
    13. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      well my desktop with all my music and recordings and itunes finally broke so now i have to reupload all my music and i'll never get those recordings again so i lost my voice acting so im pissed
    14. Doukuro
      I hope you're not holding anything in. I've been really bad lately to the point where the moment I no long have anything distracting me I break down. I hope you're better off.
    15. Pichuzilla
      Hello!Nice to meet you!
    16. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      hi :) Whats up
    17. Doukuro
      Going ok. You?
    18. Doukuro
      Nice to meet you too. You may call me either Mono or Angel.
    19. Doukuro
      Heeey~ Seems like you befriended me so I wished to speak to you.
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  • About

    Wtf 0.o....
    Killing Heartless -:] Yeah!!!
    Just A Guy who Likes Kingdom Hearts ^^ Animation &amp; Music

    Making Amv's, writing Songs, Playing The Guitar, Voice-Over, Listening To Music.

