Soras heartless
Last Activity:
Jan 9, 2014
Mar 31, 2007
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2:23 AM
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December 29
Manga Artist

Soras heartless

Moogle Assistant, from Earth

Soras heartless was last seen:
Jan 9, 2014
    1. Dman23
      No you dont*i jump to the edge and run back after you*
    2. Dman23
      *shoots at water*haha this is fun XD
    3. KeybladeMasterJoe
    4. KeybladeMasterJoe
      so, i'll have to talk to them on gods of kh and actually ask them if its ok
    5. nasirrich
      Rosey-*Blushing so much and quickl relaxes.* Oh thank you very much SH I'm so happy to hear you say that to me. No to even think of me that way means so much to me. And I'm sorry Pu I wasn't sure if you wanted a table of your own.
    6. KeybladeMasterJoe
      hey sh, i have a question, would you be ok with me leading the final battle?
    7. nasirrich
      Rosey- Yes of course sure thing.^ ^*Exhales at the fact she spoke low so you couldn't hear here.* That was a close one.*She thinks to herself.*
      Sattf-*Shows you both to your seats and pushes out Rosey's and your chair. Even has a mini table for Pu.*
      Rosey- Awwww*Laughs a bit.*
    8. Technic☆Kitty
      Oh yeah, hmm well I knew for a while that I was going to kill Nights off so I figured why not do it for good.
    9. nasirrich
      Rosey- See just like I showed you its a very mellow and calming place.^ ^ I really do hope you enjoy it here. I see that you and Kim are so stressed out that I wanted to take you both to this place but Kim is always reading her books so I guess it worked out because I only had enough for two. And... I-I get to spend sometime with you...
    10. Technic☆Kitty
      Yeah, I just like to keep them all linked and when Nights died in Gods I felt in my heart that he needed to be taken out of all groups T_T oh well, then Aku takes over as Nights and is then almost instantly turned evil. You know, none of my characters have been evil (at least completely)
    11. Technic☆Kitty
      Not really, I only have a few groups and they are all almost dead (actually had to quit a few because no one posted, well i didn't have to but I didn't feel like letting the group clutter my page, this way I am left with only the groups that still post. I did keep all groups related to Gods though)
    12. nasirrich
      Rosey- That's very nice what that person said to us. Oh here we go.*Goes over to check in.* Yes party of 3 please.*Smiles and waves to you to follow her.*
    13. Technic☆Kitty
      Not much just catchin up on all my groups ^_^
    14. nasirrich
      Rosey- Ok^.^*Goes to the entrance where people open the door for her.*
      Staff- You look very lovely today mam. And so does your date very cute. You two are the best dressed one's we've seen so far. People maybe dressed nice but you two really out did it.^-^
      Rosey- Awww thank you very much.*Goes inside*
      Kim-*Reading her book in peace and has her glasses on while she does it.*
    15. Technic☆Kitty
      Hey there, wats up SH???
    16. nasirrich
      Rosey-*Deeply blushing and smiles.* Oh w-well thank you very SH. That means a lot really would you like to go inside now?
    17. nasirrich
      Rosey-*Makes it to the end of the portal and gazes at the resturant.* Oh wow its so beautiful.^_^
    18. nasirrich
      Rosey- I knew you would like it. Come on where almost there.^ ^
    19. nasirrich
      Rosey- Its very nice soft mellow down to earth kind of place.
      *Puts these images in your heads so you get an idea of what it looks like.*
      The outside

      The inside
    20. nasirrich
      Rosey-*Smiles and waves bye to Kim very happy.*^_^
      Kim- Bye Rosey bye SH.^_^
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  • About

    December 29
    Manga Artist
    I am poetic nonsense. The invisible like that nobody can ever find. I am the one that's can be the ghost in the room. My ideals do not match the ones my family has. I choose to be free spirited. Live to the extent that I have laid down myself. I hate when people try to guide me to their ideal. I will argue. Note that past is in the past. And the future still can be changed.

    times to think alone, and learning to use the Seikūken


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