May 27, 2008
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Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
On the other side of the internet.
Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie


"Don't think. Imagine!", Male,, 32, from On the other side of the internet.


Does this now mean I'm a Rainbow Ninja? I stand out even more! My stealth is non-existant! UNLESS I HIDE IN RAINBOWS THEMSELVES! Genius. Apr 5, 2017

    1. Twilight_Nobody13
      Hmm, cool. Just youtube-d it. (That's not a word...youtube-d...lol)
    2. Twilight_Nobody13
      OMG, it's the best song ever. Just youtube it. I'm rockin' out right now. Pretty sure everyone else is JEALOUS!!
    3. Twilight_Nobody13
      Haha, yeah Happy Valentines Day! It's a fun-ish day today at school. I'm happy cause I get to go home and eat chocolates. Have you ever heard of the song Frontline by Pillar? It's like my favorite song.
    4. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      xD I don't know if I've ever had that happen to me.

      Yeah, but the library always seems...crammed to me. All the shelves are just too close, I need space xD
    5. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Oh yeah, I guess it would be obvious that way, then xD

      Well, I live in a dorm and I don't like doing work in my room because I get too distracted so I usually do it in the basement. But there's too many people there. i just work better when there's less people around.
    6. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Yep. Can't beat the classics xD Have you seen me before with this name?

      Thanks for telling me. I'll be posting soon~ I'm trying to find a quiet place to sit down and do some homework/RPing.
    7. StardustXtreme
      Nope, we're like smack bang in the middle of no-where, but it's true, some IC is better than none.
    8. StardustXtreme
      Internet Access is succesful, however, I sadly regret it cannot be used to often as the connection here for the net is not strong and other people downstairs use it....curses.
    9. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      It'll be soon.
      I'm multitasking doing laundry and cleaning.
      Once I'm done, I'll be able to sit down and relax.
      Yeah, I made them~ Glad you like them. I'll make one for Jaden, too once I can.
    10. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Oh I see. I could tell you've been doing it for some time lol
      I've heard of Phantasy Star.

      I started after joining this site. I think it's been almost two years since I started RPing? Somewhere between a year and two. I've made a total of 11 Rps but I've been in quite a bit more.
    11. StardustXtreme
      Hopefully IC will be up when I return so hopefully tomorrow night I'll be on but if not, you'll know why
    12. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I'm glad you're enjoying it :]
      I want to thank you. It was moving kind of slow and you're joining seems to have helped it pick back up! So thanks.

      How long have you been RPing?
    13. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      xD I think I see what you mean and yeah that works.
    14. Glen
      Well, i'm considering "Jacob" for his original name. When Gexln finally gets ALL of his memory back,you'll find out just how much impact the man has on Gexln. It explains his weapon, the name FOR his weapon, and why he left the Organisation ;)
    15. Glen
      Alright, i'm still unsure of what i'm gonna call the guy Gexln is after XD i know the story BEHIND the guy,just no name
    16. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I look forward to RPing with you :]

      Thanks for joining!
    17. Glen
      Quick i need the names of those two nobodies XD
    18. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I will, don't worry.
      And that works~
    19. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Well you don't have to use that specific version. If you go to the finalfantasy wiki, you can see tons of pictures of Ifrits. But if you want to use that version, that's fine, too:]

      At least you have an idea. You have time to work it out.

      Also, I figured it out. Mya (heartless_angel) is in the tower with Snow, Lightning, Akira, and Grey.
      Mia (Aerith G.) is with Leo and Ryou.
      There's also Noah, but he's at the top of the tower.

      I'm going to post within an hour and introduce Jaden and you can post after that. Or you can post now, but don't run into Leo's group yet. Just say what we came up with, that Jaden went out and then came back and learned what happened so he went after the group.
    20. Glen
      Yup. I've gotta go sooooo maybe the nobodies should interfere now haha anyway cya
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  • About

    Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
    On the other side of the internet.
    Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie
    He, Him,
    Past Usernames:
    Bushy Brow
    No Game No Bush
    Default Name:
    ...I have to do an about me thing now?
    ...I'll get to that later. Maybe... lol



    • ¦3 ~OTAKUS RULE!~ ¦3

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