Last Activity:
Jun 18, 2011
Nov 30, 2010
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2:59 AM
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Dec 18, 1991 (Age: 33)


Merlin's Housekeeper, 33

Black_Star was last seen:
Jun 18, 2011
    1. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Really good, Just got out the shower......mmmm refreshed.....
    2. Korra
      Haha alright, no problem.
      Let me know if there's anything else I can do, I'd be more than happy to help.
    3. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      We started my Rp! MWAHAHAHA!

      Ps. just felt like lol-ing madly How r U?
    4. Korra
      I'll take a look at that in a moment, haha.
      And it may be because posts in the RP section don't count, have you posted where it doesn't say "posts don't count"?
    5. Korra
      Okay, you should be good to go now. :]
    6. Korra
      Alright, haha. I'm pretty sure I approved all your posts that needed it though, let me know if I've missed one and I'll fix it. :]
    7. Stardust
      No problem lol, sorry about the inconvenience it's caused x:.
    8. Korra
      For whatever reason the forum is requiring your posts to be moderator approved; I approved the one in the OOC section so that should be good to go.
      I honestly have no idea why this started to happen, I've seen it affect one other member so it's can't just be your account. It may be something an admin can fix, we're working on it though, sorry. D:
    9. Stardust
      Okay, the staff is working to get this fixed as we speak <: . I don't think a URL would cause problems, but around when did this begin happening?

      EDIT: FFF-- Ninja'd 8'D.
      Mwahaha. ~Wolfie
    10. Korra
      Hey, when did your posts start to not appear?
    11. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Yay. Good luck.
    12. Stardust
      I'm not sure why it's doing that, or what triggered it. If you don't mind, can you give me an example of a thread you tried posting in, and the exact message it gave you? I'll try to get it fixed ASAP.
      And it's no problem at all <: .
    13. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      It really is lol

      I'm taking Lex. At least, I will be soon. He won't join yet, but Lex and Deathstroke the Terminator are mine. I just need Lex for a bit and then you can have him, but he needs to be absent until I need his appearance.
      The Riddler would work.
      I'm not sure...but hte rules should say somewhere. I have to go out of state for a school thing, but I should have internet access so I'll post tonight. If not, I'll post Sunday.
    14. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      No worries. When I first joined, I didn't reply to my first message until 4 or so months later lol

      Thanks! I love when people tell me that. I need to get teh FF RP moving at a faster pace though lol Do you mean it's your first time RPing?

      Oh no, it's never too late to join. Right now, we're kind of in a "prologue" like thing. The main story hasn't started yet. You can definitely have Superman, but if you read the rules you'll see you must have at least one other character if you take a Justice League member, which you said you're going to do anyway so it's fine
      And villains are definitely in short supply! Feel free to make or take any villain you want. There are a few I'm trying to save for later, but I'll let you know if the one you pick is one of those.
    15. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      I think it got approved, dont you?

      Ps. nite, Imma sleepy
    16. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Yay! Its gonna get approved i know it.
    17. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Yay! i'm also bout to make my friend Alina join. She needs a little more technology in her life. Anyway, YAY!
    18. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      An hooray fo improvising. It makes my day all the time.
    19. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      YAy, hey i just had an idear. Why dont you join my rp? It'll be fun.
    20. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      P.p.s. I cant wait for my rp character, Angel to meet your Miranda! Thats gonna be AWE-Some!
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    Dec 18, 1991 (Age: 33)