Last Activity:
Nov 16, 2020
Aug 14, 2008
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Local Time:
3:58 PM
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Awarded Pins 3

Apr 20, 1994 (Age: 30)


the truest queen of them all, Male, 30


boop Jan 5, 2013

Janime6 was last seen:
Nov 16, 2020
    1. Nova
      I love cartoons o:
    2. Nova
      ...I did... Until I found Soul Eater <3
    3. Nova
      I missed talking to you too! I've been drawing alot and writing alot of songs and poems lately. And watching anime...
    4. Nova
      Lol, what's up? Long time no talk c:
    5. Nova
      Home skillet!
    6. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      ok cool thank you janime!^ ^
    7. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      ok so the intire code below is the joint mod?

      21CFBDEC 005300B2
    8. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey janime do you think you could spare me a joint mod? thank you!^ ^
    9. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Okay cool, thank you again, janime!
    10. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      BTW janime, why do some of the codes have x's in there values? here is what I'm talking about.

      Wisdom arm mod left
      21cefef4 xxxxxxxx
      21cefef8 xxxxxxxx
      21cefefc xxxxxxxx
      11ceff00 0000xxxx

      Sora arm mod right
      21cefe54 58455f57
      21cefe58 xx303130
      21cefe5c xxxxxxxx
      11cefe60 0000xxxx

      Sora arm mod left
      21cefe74 xxxxxxxx
      21cefe78 xxxxxxxx
      21cefe7c xxxxxxxx
      11cefe80 xxxxxxxx

      Anti arm mod right
      21ceff94 xxxxxxxx
      21ceff98 xxxxxxxx
      21ceff9c xxxxxxxx
      11ceffa0 0000xxxx

      Anti arm mod left
      21ceffb4 xxxxxxxx
      21ceffb8 xxxxxxxx
      21ceffbc xxxxxxxx
      11ceffc0 0000xxxx

      Am I supposed to be able to replace the x's with other weapon digits? is that it??
    11. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      those are perfect, thank you so much janime!
    12. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      NTSC U/C please and janim thank you so much!^ ^
    13. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Because I was wondering that is if it's not too much of a hassle if you could give me a link to download the list of arm mods, because I don't have the time and patents to search for them in ps2dis, because I work alot during the day and when I come home I don't have the patents to find each arm mod digit in ps2dis, because I'm allways so exhausted during the day, so if it's not too much trouble, could you upload the list of arm mods via megaupload or via mediafire which ever has the file compacity to hold the files and give me the link? reason I work during the day is because I'm 21 years old and I need a way to make money obviously, so I don't really have the time to find them myself I hope you understand, so that's why I need somebody to give me a link do just download the arm mods since I don't have the time to do it myself, so if you could help me I'd appreciate it alot.

      thank you!^ ^
    14. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey janime are you familiar with arm mods?
    15. Jayn
      Jakeyyy, would it bother you if your present came just a day or two after Christmas? We're going shopping this week, on Thursday, I believe. My mom's bf gets paid then. I'm not sure how long it would take after that, but I'll still be sending it out Friday in that case.
    16. The Mender
      The Mender
      good to a bit bord but good so what have you been up to
    17. The Mender
      The Mender
      hi lol it has been a while and don't worry about the last chat it is not important lol so how have you been
    18. Colby1234
    19. Colby1234
    20. Jayn
      Ah, that's confusing to explain. You know how we were "arguing" in our MSN personal messages? xD I think I told you he randomly put something sweet up there, and after that we talked about it and yeah. He did get upset about me changing my status on FB though...Which is why he took forever to re-do it, but hey. XD And yay! Anything new?
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  • About

    Apr 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Past Usernames:
    I'm a pretty simple, boring guy.




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