Spunk Ransom
Last Activity:
May 8, 2024
Oct 29, 2006
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Apr 30, 1993 (Age: 31)

Spunk Ransom

you're already perfect, Female, 31


it makes me so sad that this place is dead Apr 16, 2024

Spunk Ransom was last seen:
May 8, 2024
    1. Alex856
      Yeah u_u
      I think I'll lose D:
      I have an Idea of what to do with it give some time to deliver it
    2. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      I think everyone wants to be the cool parent when they grow up.
      That's kind of a good point. Irrational thinking tends to lead to either good stuff or bad stuff. There usually never is middle ground
    3. nasirrich
      I'm doing very good thx and love the avatar. Its fun to look at lol.^_^Wait woo not like that though... I mean not in a bad way though to let you know.
    4. Aura
    5. Aura
      It's called Dogs - Bullets & Carnage. It's pretty good. It has a prologue to it, but it's only 6 chapters long. The prologue is just called Dogs, but then the actual manga is called Dogs - Bullets & Carnage.

      Oh. Yeah, I have those. He said I can't use any form of head/earphones. B| Being a rebel is good.

      No. I'm pretty sure you're wrong.
    6. Aura
      It is. My friend got me into a different manga. Didn't think she would.

      Which one? The skull candy ones? I have those. He went to bed though so I might listen to music.

      No, this is the present.
    7. Aura
      I'm reading manga instead.

      I want to listen to music right now, but I normally use my headphones at this time, but since I can't use my headphones, I can't listen to music. **** my dad.

      True. I prefer the present.
    8. Alex856
      Oh no
      I'll deliver it by tomorrow ^^
    9. Aura
      I want to destroy something too.

      I don't know. He said because everything is connected in some way. It's one of his stupid excuses he makes whenever I'm sick so I can pay attention to the things and people around me here, which I refuse doing since I don't like doing that. Music helps me relax.

      I want to be in the future now so I can understand everything.
    10. Aura
      No. Just people here at home and a few others.

      I got new inhalers. But now according to my dad, listening to music ****s up my breathing as well. I'm banned from listening to my iPod now.

      Ah. No wonder I'm lost.
    11. Aura
      Almost everyone has pissed me off today.

      Because I annoy her. Either way, I went already.

      I'm confused.
    12. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Same here, I don't wanna be a boring adult.
      And that seems to be how guys and girls are. Though we both have our moments of irrational thoughts.
    13. Plums
      You cannot bribe me with anything. B|
      I am Uncorruptible!
    14. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Definitely. Having just a little bit of a kid is perfect for being a grownup.
      They definitely don't seem to learn from little ones. And maybe it's just me and the guys I've seen, but some never seem to learn from big mistakes. I'm probably just generalizing though
    15. Plums
      Nothing :lolface:
    16. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Yeah. Grownups can be like that. It's like they forgot what fun was.
      Boys never seem to learn from their previous mistakes. So they just keep doing them.
    17. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      I would totally go for the balloon animals. But I'm like a kid at heart or something.
      And I definitely agree with the whole "boys do stupid things". They do. All. The. Time.
    18. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Oh, a one day thing would be cool. Not dealing with consequences and such after silly stunts would be awesome.
      Hmmm, that awkward stage. I guess it can't be helped then
    19. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Maybe it would be fun. You'd have to be a creative and fun person. Or at least be able to bullshit your way through stuff to make a sale.
      And I think you probably should worry about him. He sounds kinda odd.
    20. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Haaa, the cell phone sales people have some crazy ideas to try and get people to buy phones. The cell phone guy told me that no one trained him for the job so he was just making stuff up as he went. Maybe thats why they do those ridiculous things?
      And that's kinda silly he mispelt the name and messed up on the character haha
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  • About

    Apr 30, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Past Usernames:
    sorafangirl, Spunk Ransom, Bliss



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