Last Activity:
Aug 11, 2021
Aug 21, 2009
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Local Time:
2:44 AM
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Broke Grad Student


Wakanda Forever, Male, from Konoha


#WakandaForever Mar 13, 2018

Plums was last seen:
Aug 11, 2021
    1. Mehw
      is my signature too long?
    2. Mehw
      Wonderfulness, and you, good sir?
    3. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain

      Many a man has tried, but none so far have proved successful.
    4. Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      ohh ok thnx.Well atleast i made one enemy today whoever that jackass is.But atleast i made 2(including you)today.Also good night!!!
    5. Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      lol it's ok!!!uhh what do you mean by that?
    6. Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      i'm ok thnx for asking....although i think i could have gone without knowing you were in the shower XD!!!
    7. Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      so how are you?
    8. Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      ohh ok thnx you took long i thought that ment no lol.
    9. Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      Burn Baby!!!!!!!
      Hi can i add you as a friend?
    10. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      Oh nvm T_T
      But I will ask him,

      That's ridiculous, but my school is the same.

      C A K E *stuffs face*
      I actually baked a cake last night, just so my house would smell delicious.

      ^^ We're both night-walking zombies working to do well in school.
    11. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      Demon, but so cute :>

      Weirddd. I have to present a powerpoint in first period as well...English?
      Honestly, sometimes I wonder if you're the guy that lives across the street from me o_0
      That's good to know. Are you at least enjoying Journalism?

      It's going well : ) I passed my AP Stat test and History exam with flying colors.
      However, I'm losing so much sleep. Long nights are beginning to take their toll on me and my coaches are noticing...
    12. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      phew ;_;

      Except, I gave up on Dratini because I didn't really feel like buying more balls ^^;

      Lol. I think we got it. Let's pack it up.
      & How's school?
    13. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Those are just fine. (:

      Oh that sounds lovely. I haven't been to school in a week. xD

      I have a lot of stories that stay in the closet in the back of my head. But recently I have actually been writing them down. Well like two, but still...
    14. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      *Tries doing one of those sexy hair flips..........falls, in slow mo*

      Anyone see that? No? Good.

      8D Master ball never fails!
      Well almost never. Never came through when I wanted to catch Dratini.

      Ah, eff B|
      New Plan. *tasers the mew*
    15. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      I'm a peaceful Britannian, I'll just take a tiny peace of the kingdom and be happy. :3

      I am just dandy, how about yourself?
    16. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      *sneakily makes my way to your castle*
      I am Allison vi Britannia.
      (that's directed yo you, BTW)
    17. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      Again, you think of everything.
      Yes. The cookie is a must have. I don't care if we have to whip out the light sabers.

      OH SNAP
      I'll try knock it unconscious while you look for some balls, of the poke variety.

      & hurrrryyy!
      *dodges mew attack*
    18. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      Why didn't I think of this? :=D:

      Okay so we're definitely having a mondo huge cake - thirty layers.
      & double chocolate chunk brownies.
      and ice cream sundaes the size of my couch.
      Plus a koala riding a bike....through a hoop....suspended over dolphins.

      inorite? it makes me uneasy.
      How about I just watch from afar? *curses butterfingers*

      Thank you <3
    19. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      Yes it is ;D
      & thanks.

      That they do.
      Exactly! Me without a bike is like,
      PB without J, Neku without headphones, lost my train of thought o_O

      Oh yeah, repairs 8D
    20. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      Vengeance, shmengeance.

      Yeah, well, my school sucks.

      Oh and did I mention my Vehicle of Might, *cough* I mean my bike has a flat tire?
      So, uh, the Jedi-ness will be on hold over in my alley.
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  • About

    Broke Grad Student
    Past Usernames:
    Plums Vi Britannia, Ploo-Hems, Suzuha Amane, Suzuhanukkah, Ploohemsaurus Rex, Yellow, Takyubey, Plumoose, Aang, gutsyGumshoe, Rise Kujikawa, Lin Beifong, Mako Mori, Plumenkranz
    Default Name:


    blaine: i love all my staff!! me (checks smudged writing on hand), plens, library, kaputa, kek, talon, storkpot, krooly, iwanedinexploud, and rexim​


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