Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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7:15 AM
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      -looks up Zack, Aerith, Vincent, and flower pictures as reference- XDDD
      -makes Vincent help clean up the flowers- >_>;
      Heh so you did XDDD Dargh it's hot =_=;;
    2. Jayn
      Oh. :/ How many contacts do you have? :3
      Oh, good.

      I made bacon but I was paying more attention to MSN then to the bacon cooking and now it burned. Dx
    3. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      o_o I will draw this in chibi mode
      I think Aerith is mad now. -makes Vincent shake off the flowers-
      . . .D8 true
    4. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Hahaha okay then though I've never drawn Final Fanta- . .video game characters o_o;;
      -makes Vincent hide behind the flower wagon and toss random flowers at Zack-
      ~Flower Power~ :lolface:
      Alright then XDD
    5. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I just laughed after picturing Vincent pulling up his cape over his face to hide himself XDDDDD
      We should draw this!!! 8DDD
      -makes Vincent hit Zack with a flower- 8DDDDD LOL!!
      I'll be sure to beat it soon XDD
    6. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Yay! n_n
      Maybe that's why he has his cape around his face to hide his embarrassed self haha!! XDD
      -replaces Vincent's Cerberus with a basket of flowers to sell-
      That would be nice, if we do hang out sometime during vacation I can let you play Crisis Core even if it just for a little while.
    7. Jayn
      B'daw. At least you'll be on MSN. 8D8

      *Takes cookies and noms them* ...Well, that solved my virtual hungry problem. xD
    8. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      U iz da happy nao? 8D
      Haha yeah it is XDD
      -makes Vincent cross his arms as he is being dragged along-
      Oh I see thanks! XDD
    9. Jayn
      o__o; *Searches for it* I'm glad you feel better.

      I'm fine. Hungry. As always. Haha.
    10. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Yes I believe you. God wants a happy Goddess ;_; -hands you cookie-
      . . .-makes Vincent stand a few feet away from Zack and Aerith as he just stares at them-
      I dunno, but Vincent wants to help but he's just too shy I mean badass to ask.
      I only have 46 posts >_>; What's 100 rep?
    11. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Haha sure sure ^_^
      -makes Vincent flip and twirl Cerberus around with his hand as his cape goes swish swish- D8< dargh dargh rawr!!
      . . .:lolface: I dunno ya have a lot of friends and your user name is blue >_>
    12. Jayn
      xD Good.

      Heylow. :3 How are you today?
    13. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      . . .I will let you play it then! When I finish -nods-
      Yeah well >_>;;
      -feeds Vincent some peach that I'm eating- Beat that!! Vincent loves peaches!! D<
      Haha and becoming so famous?
    14. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Huh but did you beat it?
      . . . .
      -reloads Vincent's gun and replaces it with a loaded riffle- 8DD
      Yes it really is @_@;;
    15. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      8D It's awesome but I got tired and I stopped >_>;
      -makes Vincent leap in the air and shot from above-
      Ah okay then. ^_^
    16. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      ^_^ That's good. Oh and I finally bought my PSP and got Crisis Core. .at the swamp meet 8DDD I'm trying to find that one lab with Sephy in that Mako building
      Hahaha!! Yes it was XDDD
      -somehow makes Vincent dodge roll and shoot at Zack while rolling on the floor-
    17. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      that is a really pretty name! Are you going to post it here? Or is it just for the group to see?
    18. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Your welcome ^_^
      Damn I just laughed now too XDDDDDD
      -stops the sword with Vincent's claw and makes him shoot Zack with Cerberus -
    19. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      That's good. Just let it go man, nothing you can do now and like I said it's not worth feeling anything over.
      Yeah I have the computer in my room so Vincent is right next to the speakers and a pile of CD's XDDDD
      -lifts Vincent up making him jump and dodge- Ha!
    20. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Heh well that's. .okay actually. Let your stress out.
      Yeah I know! XDDD but my mom had a WTF face when she walked in >_>;;;
      Onowai -makes Vincent point claw at Zack-
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  • About

    Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Safest Haven
    Past Usernames:
    VaKh87, Violet, Aura, Break, Ven, Ruki, Elika, Rem.



    Heaven is a place on earth with you.

    Drops of Jupiter
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