Sep 25, 2006
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6:14 PM
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. Rawr
      I have Photoshop elements 6 (which sucks) but I should be getting Gimp soon.
    2. Rawr
      Hello MIsty, I love the way your avatars look and I'd love to know how you do it . :3 If you'd rather not tell me that's fine.
    3. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      Coolness. :3 GET STARTED! >:O
    4. Korra
      Okay good, I thought my phone REALLY screwed up this time. xD;;

      Bamboozle was amazing, by the way. I couldn't talk on Monday. 8D
    5. fadedphantom
      Yeah, I actually did try to RP again a little bit last summer, but I forgot the name of the website! Hahahah how sad is that? I figured that was a sign.

      I've never really blogged before... I feel like people wouldn't really wanna read my ramblings XD
    6. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      blue, couldn't you tell?
    7. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      it isn't that bad now!
    8. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      misty i hate you
    9. Asterisk
      lmao..which is ironic, considering in the anime she was unfavorable since her sisters looked 'better'.
    10. Asterisk
      I mean game wise though, not show wise, which is what I think you imply to liking.
    11. Asterisk
      You've got a point there my friend ^^..but hey..don't you find Misty a little weak in the first gen or do you find her cool despite how easy she is to some?
    12. Asterisk
      I know, its just funny how useless it was outside of saving them.She should've got Squirtle..

      Aww, thanks, I try..I don't think its that impressive though V.V
    13. Asterisk
      Hey..Misty..you had a Goldeen in the first season..meheheheheheh..
    14. Reisen
      I changed A few things, Now it's all purple, blueish look.
    15. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      Obviously. Hm. I dunno. Let's start making banner-like things and see if we like it, okay? If you want, I mean.
    16. ultma roxas
      ultma roxas
      Hi. How are you.
    17. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      I don't think they would either... hm. I dunno. D'you think it'd be a cool site name?
    18. Korra
      ...Is there some kind of new add on to profiles?
      Because I'm seeing colors where there weren't any colors before. D:
    19. Sanya
      Why, thank you. =D
    20. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      Hm. D'you think they'd let us use that as a site name? xD Probably not.