*Huggy Hug Huggy Hu- Glomp* I wouldn't be surprised if everyone looking burst into laughter xD ...Onee-chan? Wake up, You're dreaming again O-o Do you need another cookie? D= Dad: NOW LISTEN HAR MISSEY. I PUT DOUBLE THE DAMNED ANTI-VIRUS THINGY TO PROTECT THE COMPUTER, I'M NOT ABOUT TO LET Y- You: Awww....Shuddap. It's the internet and you're not even there. BECAUSE Q MIGHT BE THE LETTER FORM OF SEX WITHOUT THE "SEX" WORD. *Shot down* Q: That had to be a turn on. A: O_o O: DON'T USE ME FOR EMOTIONS! D:< D: *ROAR!* Lol, We have to remember those hilarious convos. Kingdom Hearts and The Tales Series don't even get epicer than that xD Tales Of Dragon Buster is killing me, but I think I'll commit suicide over this Elven Bow o.o DAMN YOU DIN! *RAGE!*
*Turns blue and still hugs* Lol k. EPICAWESOMESAUCYCAKES? =D? *Triple Shot* Alright, Now I can't tell if the shots, or the world exploding killed me o_o;; *dies* *Glass Break* Holy Hell...I can't believe he's THAT protective of your computer. YAY YOU INDEED ONEE-CHAN! NOW YOU WIN...*Drum Roll* THE LETTER "Q" xD Lol, Normally my memory would serve terribly. But I remember the most important things! =D
*Hugs so tight I'm choking you* xD You should put that in your sig XP You're more epic than the internet! O_o THAT'S EPIC CAKES. O_o o_O o_o The world is ending. *Shot* Wait, so he took it off or does he have both? O.o I wouldn't be surprise if you guys had both actually from how he sounds xD COCO PUFFZ? CAPS LOCK FOR THE CRUISE CONTROL OF THE INTERNET AND YOU DID INFACT LOOK LIKE THE HERO OF MATH! :D 103 degree FEVER? *Gets giant First-Aid Kit and gets on plane* GET ME TO MARYLAND DAMMIT.