:33: <- Lol. I am so going to say that if I try Very Hard or Unknown xD "THAT'S IT UNICORN. I'M BEATING YOUR MYSTICAL ASS! >: INDIGNATION!" *Pwn't* Supertroopers, never heard of it ;_; is it on youtube? 8D Roxas: F*cking windows 98! Axel: He sure hates his computer doesn't he? 9696969696969696969696969696 *More explosion* X_x and the 96's xD 69/96: You called?
3: Indeed, but it all pays off when you can do stuff like Fortune's Arc or Indignation :P ROFL! Where is that from? xD Roxas: Your mom obvisiously. Me: ._. 69...69...96? *Shot* >> << <> x_x
As epic as that sounds. Okay! D: I think 40. xD "Fu*king windows 98!" OSHI- Now that's a epic percentage. *Shot*
Now! Epic Creatures of the world. ASSEMBLE!...If I spelled that right! I so lol'd at that xD I need to hurry up to level 48 for Jade to spam Indignation D:< Oooo.....Yay 8D O_o I MUST SEE ET NAO!
Epic twin powers, UNITE! Nope xD I had Add combo and I still lost. Even jumpier! >D Two Fanfics? Me interested.... I wanna see those pictures 8D
*Hugs back* I missed you too <3 As hilarious as it sounds, it really happened o-o I had Jade and Tear Spamming Ground Dasher and Nightmare doing like...15 damage xD All Mystic Artes did jack. Unicorn: Basicly I raped you on hard right? Me: Correct. Luckier Lucky! D< I want some rain! >: Pretty jumpy, almost insane 8D What are you up too? o.o
Oh brother.He can't kick my butt.And I wasn't talking about him.Jeez.Besides,Sonic is the best.And besides.What are you gonna do?I'm not scared of anyone.I fight for not only myself.But others as well.*holds thumbs up to you*Don't forget who I am buddy. Just a guy that loves adventure.I'm Sonic The Hedgehog!
Oh God nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!Not Knuckles.No no no no no.I'm ok,I"m ok.But why the hell did you choose Knuckles?Why not Sonic?Knuckles is cool.But Sonic is better dammit.
Oh yeah,I remember you told me.Well,how about a nice and cute little hedgehog?*gives you a blue hedgehog*What will ya name him?
Well,this is bull****,but not the specific bull****.Hahaha.And why are you sad?Cheer up and I'll give you a bunny.
*shakes head at you while your sleeping*Funny.She feel asleep.*tiptoes over to you,picks up your body and carries you to some mud,then throws you in the mud*Hahahahahaahahahahaha!!!!!!
Oh,well.Take this cookie.*a garbage truck is behind you and is ready to put you in the dumpster*Make sure you don't walk backwards.
Breaking Benjamin. :3 I can play So Cold...kinda. >> Drop C is fun. I randomly experimented with some Godsmack songs. 8D
We can talk in Vm now.It wastes too much space ya know?So,up for any games and none of the bull**** I pull on you?I'm in a good mood right now.