Comments on Profile Post by Amaury

  1. Amaury
    Didn't want to post another separate profile post for now, but just wanted to ask if you received my last few Skype IMs?

    I think Skype has been a little weird to me lately, but I'm not sure.
    Sep 13, 2015
  2. Amaury
    Eh, just forget about it now. It wasn't important, anyway.
    Sep 18, 2015
  3. libregkd
    Sep 18, 2015
  4. Amaury
    Aw, I hope you're okay. Are you sick with a cold or something?

    Regardless, I hope you feel better soon.
    Sep 18, 2015
  5. Amaury
    How are you feeling?

    Also, think I could gets a name change? :3
    Sep 22, 2015
  6. Amaury
    I like your new avatar. Didn't @Plums have a different version of it a long time ago? I can't remember where it's from, though.
    Sep 23, 2015