Comments on Profile Post by Boy Wonder

  1. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    I have read every one of them except for the latest magnus e - book.
    May 24, 2014
  2. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    My grandma had started buying them and loaned them to me. I powered through them all last summer.
    May 24, 2014
  3. Boy Wonder
    Boy Wonder
    Awesome! I can't wait for City of Heavenly Fire
    May 24, 2014
  4. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    Me neither. So excite. Two more days until it's release.
    May 25, 2014
  5. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    Have you started reading it yet?
    May 29, 2014
  6. Boy Wonder
    Boy Wonder
    Yeah! I'm on chapter 9, I think
    May 29, 2014
  7. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    Augh. I'm only on chapter 3(?)
    May 29, 2014
  8. Boy Wonder
    Boy Wonder
    I'm on a business trip and the damn book is keeping me up atnight late! I'm enjoying it though
    May 29, 2014
  9. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    I just started it this morning. Just finished chapter three a minute ago. It's sooo good. Augh Not ready for it to be over, but I'm glad there will be a new series.
    May 29, 2014