Comments on Profile Post by Dinny

  1. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    DINNY BABU!! You should flood my QT thread with questions. I miss you too. How is school? How is the Philippines recovering? You're never online anymore. // sobs //
    Dec 21, 2013
  2. Dinny
    Hahaha okay, once I think of some I shall flood your qt thread then hehe the philippines seems to be recovering okay, from what I hear on the news and school is fine... when I'm there. The reason I haven't been online is cause I'm actually in the hospital right now but since it's finally holiday break I can give my time to the internet rather than trying to catch up with school teehee. Ahhhh I've missed you so much!! I'll try to go on skype more now, I promise!
    Dec 21, 2013
  3. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    Oh no, you're in the hospital again? Did they finally figure out what is wrong with you?
    Dec 21, 2013
  4. Dinny
    Yeah they did!! I'm so happy hehe I had surgery the day becore yesterday and if I recover properly, all my imbalance problems should go away. Hooray!! C:
    Dec 21, 2013
  5. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    That's good! Let's hope you heal up nice and good and don't have to keep going back to the hospital now.
    Dec 21, 2013
  6. Dinny
    Thanks naomi! I hope so too hehe ♡ I hope everything is going absolutely great this holiday season for you!!
    Dec 21, 2013
  7. Hyuge ✧
    Hyuge ✧
    It's going pretty good. Michael found two jobs last week so we are pretty happy and chill here.
    Dec 21, 2013
  8. Dinny
    That's wonderful to hear! Congrats to the both of you c:
    Dec 22, 2013