Comments on Profile Post by Fork

  1. Luka
    Seems like it, doesn't it? I've been on this site for so long, I just have to return every coupl of months :D how've you been, man?
    Dec 7, 2013
  2. Fork
    I've been pretty good actually hahah. Thanks for asking. Nothing really relatively exciting in my life lol. Just uni, friends and such.
    And what about you then? How's the german life going?
    Dec 8, 2013
  3. Luka
    I just started University in September. Going for a degree in Computer Science & Media. It's going pretty well right now but I'm looking forward to Christmas break already. I had an internship for 2 months in summer and I was eligible to elect for the first time this year. Also, we just got our PS4 last friday. :D
    Dec 9, 2013
  4. Fork
    Aw that's really great. I'm happy for you haha. Now you will fully experience the hardships of University life.
    And I'm so jelly about the PS4 :C I probably won't get one until late next year. Siigh.
    Dec 9, 2013
  5. Luka
    Yeah it's already a lot of work but I'm definitely enjoying it. The PS4 is a beast even though I don't really enjoy the games so far :D
    Dec 10, 2013
  6. Fork
    Yeah there aren't a lot of games on it yet. Partly the reason why I'm waiting before I get it lol.
    Dec 10, 2013
  7. Luka
    Yeah true, can't wait for KH3 and Infamous though :D
    Dec 10, 2013