Comments on Profile Post by Amaury

  1. Amaury
    Anyway, I've also freaked Jayn out with this when I used to talk to her about it (and I respectfully stopped), so I would like to take this time to sincerely apologize to you for it. As far as I can remember, I think your Question Time is pretty much the first place I brought it up.
    Nov 17, 2013
  2. Bushy
    No worries at all mate. I was just being honest with what I knew or know. As I said, it's not like I hold a dislike of you or anything. lol
    I figured though you'd prefer an honest answer.
    But yeah, I prefer to remain invisible. I dunno why I do, it's just something I feel more comfortable with.
    Nov 17, 2013
  3. Amaury
    Yeah, honesty is the best policy.

    I just figured apologizing would be the right thing to do.
    Nov 17, 2013
  4. Bushy
    No worries mate.
    Nov 17, 2013
  5. Amaury
    Got it! Haha!1
    Nov 17, 2013