It was...strange. Beat Killer 7 Playing Devil May cry 4 again (badass) I went on kh13, posted a status, and some random guy just told me to go **** myself out of the bleak nowhere. Not sure what to do lol
No, but I did end up showing him his place. Oh and to avoid kh13. Really? Same here but most of my content is on xbox. I'll play you someday?
I don't even know what it is, but I don't really go looking for KH related websites. I'm sort of here on a fluke... Count on it. Add me on PSN ( Kibs- ) or Xbox/WiiU ( SynchK )
Wait, you were here by accident!? Heh I'm kinda glad you came anyways, you're a really cool user, and I hope we can be friends someday.
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