Comments on Profile Post by PrincessKairixXx

  1. sonicfan23
    XD That is just ironic, so ironic, in fact, that it's funny. I'm sorry you're sick though, get better soon!
    Sep 2, 2013
  2. PrincessKairixXx
    I thought it was hilarious xD Happy birthday to me. Well it's still going on...the skin around my nose is so raw it's peeling xD I do not look pretty. And I'm looking kind of pale x)
    Sep 5, 2013
  3. sonicfan23
    X( That's a sad thing. Being sick is a bad thing.
    Sep 5, 2013
  4. PrincessKairixXx
    Well my mom always tells me I need to get more sun anyways x) What's really funny is you can tell I'm sick by looking at my hair xD I don't know if you've noticed, but hair is a big deal to me (that's probably my most feminine quality xD). Normal days, it looks like well-groomed hair... Now it looks messy and frizzy and out of place and just overall sad xD
    Sep 7, 2013
  5. sonicfan23
    Wow...Well, I hope you feel better! Your hair will probably look pretty good to your parents after this XD
    Sep 8, 2013
  6. PrincessKairixXx
    Thanks, I'll try...It's been over a week and I'm still sick. xD I didn't get to finish DarkRoxas's present so I just gave him what I had plus a nice chocolate bar x) Perhaps I'll have more time to finish yours!
    Sep 9, 2013
  7. sonicfan23
    Wow...I'm never sick that long 0_0 XD Well, at least he got a Chocolate Bar!
    Well, don't feel in too much of a hurry, KH HD is coming in a few days, so I'll have that to occupy myself with XD
    Sep 9, 2013
  8. PrincessKairixXx
    I don't stay sick this long very often...he's sick too, and he got his like a week before me...that guy is like a callous, he doesn't get sick xD It's pretty bad. I have to stop between classes to go cough up my guts so I don't annoy everyone.
    Oh, yes, and if you haven't seen the movie, you will LOVE it!!
    Sep 10, 2013
  9. sonicfan23
    Well, that sounds serious! You should go see a doctor!
    I'm sure I will :D
    Sep 10, 2013
  10. PrincessKairixXx
    ...I don't know, I think I'll suffer a little longer xD (Yes, I have that dreaded fear of doctors....*shivers*
    I'm trying to get my work done early so I can have a little time to do it...but I have so much work I have to skip lunch to keep up xD I hate public school
    Sep 11, 2013
  11. sonicfan23
    Well, feel better soon!
    Don't skip lunch! I hate public school too X(
    Sep 11, 2013
  12. PrincessKairixXx
    I'll try...people are starting to avoid me for coughing all the time xD
    Meh, school lunch isn't exactly good for you anyways x) I just eat random stuff when I get home.I really don't have time at school. Other kids do- when I was hurrying to class,I noticed some really bored girls putting mascara on a guy xD I wish I had that kind of time!
    Sep 11, 2013