Comments on Profile Post by Shinichi Izumi

  1. Iskandar
    I'm not getting on skype because I don't want to, that's all. I don't have much urge to get on it unless I feel like talking with someone
    Aug 18, 2013
  2. Shinichi Izumi
    Shinichi Izumi
    Fair enough, how is life and stuff? How are you doing?
    Aug 18, 2013
  3. Iskandar
    right now I'm still learning at Target, trying to get into the swing of things; as for how I'm doing...well, I've got an ingrown toe-nail growing right into the same spot that I got removed about 3 1/2 months ago, and it's even worse this time; and I'm having to walk around on it for 8 hours during work. So it's not that pleasent.
    Aug 19, 2013
  4. Shinichi Izumi
    Shinichi Izumi
    so do I, ive had mine on and off for 3 years, i know what you are going trough, it sucks, have you considered slight surgery to remove it? im trying to get one.
    Aug 19, 2013
  5. Shinichi Izumi
    Shinichi Izumi
    i just use flipflops where ever i go.
    Aug 19, 2013
  6. Iskandar
    well, I had it removed surgically last time...if that counts as surgery, but this time, I might have to actually go to a more specific place than a family doctor to get it removed. Sucks that it didn't heal right in the first place
    Aug 19, 2013
  7. Iskandar
    And I can't wear flip-flops at work, nor do I enjoy wearing them at all
    Aug 19, 2013
  8. Shinichi Izumi
    Shinichi Izumi
    yep, i had to do surgery on it 3 times already, such a stubborn toenail, did you do that thing where they kinda burn it off? i forgot the name.
    Aug 19, 2013
  9. Iskandar
    Umm, no, I can say that I have no had my toe barbecued yet...although I had my butt microwaved last month, and that felt strange.
    They just took scissors, yanked them off, put some liquid stuff on it to help it heal, and that was it.
    Aug 19, 2013
  10. Shinichi Izumi
    Shinichi Izumi
    ok, its good to know you haven gotten to point of no return yet, hope you get better and stuff.
    Aug 19, 2013
  11. Iskandar
    oh great, thanks for the nightmares
    Aug 19, 2013