We will train our chords of steel and defend our fellow fans around the world by pointing and shouting our objections to their policies so we can get the games we deserve.
xD It's fine Cat, I am busy the next few days, I was just referring to something Feenie and I did a while ago that I found quite amusing but also made you want to die a little at the same time :3
Oh, I know about your achievement hunt, and to be honest I still need a number of co-op trophies. So I suppose if we ever have a free day, we might torture ourselves.
Oh but Feenie :D I was laughing at the end of the last one as I had great fun even if we had to do the same thing over and over, I personally wasn't fussed that we both messed up at times xD
If only there was a way for someone to spectate it... xD
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