I got out last night for the first time in like a week as well so I feel exactly where you're coming from (HOME, GET IT WE'RE COMING FROM HOME CAUSE WE HADN'T LEFT OMG IM HILARIOUS)
But omg we need to have a skype video date one day so I can see your lovely face gurl
omg okay sounds good~ i feel like i've been neglecting skype for some people so we can def do that lol maybe we can round up old buddies one day and talk too. we shall plan this~
Yes, we're gonna plan a grand skype chat thing and then get the KHV Nobel Peace Prize! But seriously though we need to make that happen like asap
also I randomly found a number in my phone like two weeks ago that is supposedly yours but I was like "nah she probably changed her number" and I almost texted it but then I didn't #SoScary #ImAfraidOfTheUnknown #Hashtags
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