Hey, sorry I didn't reply sooner. I'm... awkward when it comes to talking to new people, even online. What's up?
Lol it rid perfectly fine so am I. Hector always gives me a hard time for it. Anyways not much how about you.
I'm alright, had a pretty good day really. Now I'm just forcing myself too stay awake a little longer, since it's 3am.
I've not gone to sleep before 4am in about 4 months, exception being yesterday when my depression hit me hard enough that I had no choice. I'm from England and most of my friends are in American time. I tend to sleep when they do.
Ah I see. Meanwhile I am like the farthest back in time from anyone so a lot of time other people are in bed before me since it is later for them
Thought so. I had a girlfriend from America a few years back, who travelled around a bit. I learned a fair bit about time zones from that.
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