Comments on Profile Post by Lite

  1. burnitup
    Nah man, I'm good. It's all good.
    Jun 1, 2013
  2. Lite
    Alright, just wanted to make sure. Now to watch a bunch of Mahvel and Skullgirls.
    Jun 1, 2013
  3. burnitup
    Jun 1, 2013
  4. Lite
    xD God, I never get tired of that quote. I should start saying it more. Especially when it'd be exceedingly nonsensical.
    Jun 1, 2013
  5. burnitup
    Like a funeral?
    Jun 1, 2013
  6. Lite
    Especially a funeral.
    Jun 1, 2013
  7. burnitup
    Put the "fun" back in funeral.
    Jun 1, 2013
  8. burnitup
    Say HoL, how are the CC themes coming along?
    Jun 3, 2013
  9. Lite
    Slower than I'd like them to, but with school being pretty much at it's final days right now, I've really needed to spend as much time as I can on my work. I'm hoping I can wrap them up soon, though.
    Jun 3, 2013
  10. burnitup
    Ah, that's understandable.

    Also, is it weird I want a video game where the objective is to hunt dragons with modern weaponry?
    (Sorry for this being late, my computer really started to jobbing it up and I couldn't do anything on KHV.)
    Jun 3, 2013
  11. Lite
    I think that was happening to everyone, because it was happening to me, too.

    Anyway, that actually sounds like an awesome idea. I'd totally play a game like that.
    Jun 3, 2013
  12. burnitup
    Oh so it wasn't just me. That's good.

    What I was thinking it be a third person shooter crossed with XCOM: Enemy Unknown & Shadow of the Colossus. Simplely put you get to choose a team, build up your base, and then get missions to go kill dragons that are boss battles. Not sure how it would work but it sounds like an awesome idea.
    Jun 3, 2013
  13. Lite
    Dooooooood, that sounds epic. If that were actually made into a game, it'd be a day-1 buy for me. But, like any good idea for a game, it can only be made amazing so long as it's handled correctly. A good team of experienced developers could definitely make such an idea into a spectacular game.
    Jun 3, 2013
  14. burnitup
    I couldn't agree more. If only I had that...

    I have the basic idea down in my head on how it would work, like I've already came up with a dozen ideas for dragons, base management, etc. Though I need to work out the plot...
    Jun 3, 2013
  15. burnitup
    Jun 4, 2013
  16. burnitup
    Hey. Hey HoL. Guess what.
    Jun 8, 2013
  17. Lite
    Uh...Hitler's real name was Adolf Poopenheimer?
    Jun 8, 2013
  18. burnitup
    Jun 8, 2013
  19. Lite
    Cookies! *noms*

    Oh, well Happy Birthday!. c:
    Jun 8, 2013
  20. burnitup
    I hope you like peanut butter cookies!

    Jun 8, 2013
  21. burnitup
    Hey HoL, what would think of a crossover fighting game that involved Nintendo, Xbox, and Playstation characters?
    Jun 17, 2013
  22. Lite
    Have it made by Capcom's MvC team or Nintendo's Smash Bros team and I'm sold.
    Jun 17, 2013
  23. burnitup
    So, if you were in charge of picking characters for said game, who would you choose? I tell you my choices after you.
    Jun 17, 2013
  24. Lite
    Well, I probably couldn't come up with an entire roster in five minutes, but my main choices for Nintendo would be Mario (duh), Link (also duh), perhaps Donkey Kong, maybe Chrom from the new Fire Emblem. From Xbox...Well you know they'd put the Master Chief in there. They'd probably toss in Marcus from Gears of War, and probably Banjo and Kazooie from Banjo Kazooie...That's all I got from MS, lol. And finally, we have PS. I'd say Kratos, Nathan Drake, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sackboy...Dangit I had one more but it left me. xD

    But yeah, that's who I could think of off the top of my head.
    Jun 17, 2013
  25. burnitup
    There are a lot of obvious ones. To make it easier try limiting the number each side can have. For example in my head roster each side get standard six characters and each console has exclusives that give each side one more. Here:
    Nintendo: Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus, Donkey Kong, Pikachu, Ness (Wii U), Captain Falcon (Xbox ONE), Travis Touchdown (PS4)
    Xbox: Master Chief, Ryse, Alex Mercer, Commander Shepard (Adapt for PS4, Engineer for Wii U, Soldier for Xbox ONE), Marcus Fenix, The Hero from Fable, Steve? (Wii U), Booker DeWitt (Xbox ONE), Darth Revan (PS4)
    Playstation: Kratos, Nathan Drake, Cole MacGrath (Good for PS4, Evil for Xbox & Wii U), Isaac Clarke, Wander, Toro Inoue, Sackboy (Wii U), Ratchet and Clank (Xbox ONE), Raiden (PS4)
    Jun 17, 2013
  26. Lite
    I think that your roster there is pretty nice. However, I do think that Raiden and Ratchet and Clank should be switched around, since R&C has never been on anything but Playstation...Unless that was the point and I just completely missed it, lol.
    Jun 17, 2013
  27. burnitup
    When you consider that most of these characters have never left there home consoles until this (fake) game it kinda makes that point moot. XD

    I just sort of choose I'd thought would be an exclusive for each console. So when I picked Revan and Travis I noticed they both had laser swords so I thought, hey why not Raiden?
    Jun 17, 2013