Comments on Profile Post by burnitup

  1. Lite
    It's goin' quite well. Same ol', same ol'. Yourself?
    Apr 30, 2013
  2. burnitup
    Doing pretty good. A little enraged but pretty good. :)
    Apr 30, 2013
  3. Lite
    What's enraging you, if you don't mind me asking?
    Apr 30, 2013
  4. burnitup
    Apr 30, 2013
  5. Lite
    Oh my god that guy. OH MY GOD THAT GUY. Nothing more needs be said.
    Apr 30, 2013
  6. burnitup
    Before I was shown this video of this guy (playing one of my favorite video games of all time, I might add) I only heard of him once and forgot about him (in the Two Best Friends Pkay Metal Gear Rising playthough). But then I was shown this. Needless to say, I'm more furious then The Fury after watching this.
    Apr 30, 2013
  7. burnitup
    Hey yo, buddy! How fair things in your day to day life?
    May 16, 2013
  8. Lite
    Things fair pretty okay. Just trying to get through school in this last months. It's tough, but I'm makin' it. Yourself?
    May 16, 2013
  9. burnitup
    Doing pretty good. Just going through the motions. Got through the first half of MGS: Peace Walker yesterday. I don't think I'm very good at the game now that I think about it.
    May 16, 2013
  10. Lite
    I know your pain there. I have never, ever been good at stealth games. I wanna play the MGS games, but I know I'm gonna be hearing that " ! " noise waaaaaay more than I should. But that won't be so much of a problem when I eventually play Rising, cuz I can just cut stuff. c:
    May 16, 2013
  11. burnitup
    The stealth thing isn't that hard as I've found (which is odd when you consider I haven't played an MGS game in years). The problem I'm having is the base management stuff. In Peace Walker you have to manage your own PMC and base. I've seen let's plays that have a completely updated base by the time they're at my point in the game and I still have the original look.

    Speaking of Rising, I just played through the Blade Wolf DLC for the second time today.
    May 16, 2013
  12. Lite
    Oh, okay. Maybe those LPers have some kind of super strategy to get the updated stuff quicker.

    Ooooh, how was it?
    May 16, 2013
  13. burnitup
    Either that or they are better then me. ;_;

    It's pretty good. There is a big focus on stealth in the DLC and it pretty much encourages you to be stealth and preform stealth kills (or Hunt Kills as they are called because, ya know, robot wolf and all). A lot more Mistral in it (being sexy) and we meet a new character. Over all I rather like it.
    May 16, 2013
  14. Lite
    Look at it this way; They may be better than you, but I'm pretty sure you're better than me. :'D

    Oooh, okay, so there's stealth in the Blade Wolf DLC. That's good, it mixes things up a bit.
    Yay Mistral. :3
    Okay, so it's decided then: As soon as I have the munnies I'm buying the MGS Legacy Collection (when that releases), and Metal Gear Rising along with all of it's DLC. It's only Sam and Blade Wolf right now for Rising's DLC, right?
    May 17, 2013
  15. burnitup
    Who knows.

    Well there were stealth elements in the main game, however I feel it was easier to be stealthy in the DLC then the main game at points. Heh.
    We need someone to reserve her in the CC at some point and we almost have all the Winds of Destruction.
    Sounds like you have that planned out. Yes it is only Sam and Blade Wolf at the moment. Sam's you can be in about an hour but I personally feel it is awesome and well worth the money (unlike some ungreatful people).
    May 17, 2013